Dee Stewart

Lebanon, OR

Here are a few saying my mom used to say to me because between my brother and I was the naughty one.

Only the good die young so I had a LONG live! guess she was right

You are too mean and ornery to die...yup right again.

But the big thing that I am NOT going to throw or take lightly is I have been a second chance on life and to use this one oh my that is all I do....I want to walk out onto the patio because it is so nice outside and my honey and I both need the sun.

Thank you one and all for all the wonderful wishes.


Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

It is so good to hear that you are home Dee and doing so well. Everyone seems to be keeping you in line. LOL

Just take one day at a time, and it will get a little easier every day.

Have a speedy recovery and dream of spring flowers.


Spicer, MN

Dear Dee. You have been given a gentle warning. Probably not gentle but 'wise'. Take heed and know how loved you are from so many.

Lebanon, OR

I am Sharon taking it extremely easy after today, did not take my pain meds because of visitors staying too long and tonight paid for it for about 3 hours, so in the future Cass is going to watch the clock and after 15 mins suggest that I need my rest and give me pain meds if needed.



It was more than a gentle warning as HE knows to gentle I ignore, it must be baseball bat to get me to listen but I am taking it very easy.


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Told you so, told you so......

Lebanon, OR

nay nay Sharon at least I FINALLY ADMITTED IT Which is something a certain stupid person I knew would not.


Please take care of yourself ! my prayers and thoughts are with you. to me, the hardest part of being ill is not overdoing it. It is so hard to not do things you are used to doing ! so hard to be dependent when you are used to being the one depended on. It does take some getting used to.

South Hamilton, MA

visitors are just going to have to watch you take pills. I need the pain medication for my feet on time so can duck away for a moment & take them. It's not polite to hold people away from needed medication.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I spoke with Dee about 8:30am. She sounded great. She sounded like the "old" Dee. I was dancing with joy. Thank you Heavenly Father...Sharon

Winnsboro, TX

Dee I know that your close friends, neighbors, and family want to show you they care and come by and visit with you. But someone needs to set a time to come and go. They should be VERY UNDERSTANDING that you "NEED YOUR REST". Try to suggest to the family that you have a 30 minute time slot in the morning and one in the evening for people to drop by to wish you well and see you briefly. Anything over that is someone that is not familar with how important your rest, medications and down time really are. Set rules or guidelines and stick to them until your up to having company like before your surgery. We are just trying to look out for you and gentle nudge you into a gracious way to tell everyone to be considerate of your situation and not to wear you out. I can't believe you had to be in pain for over 3 hours. Bless your heart, from now on take your medication on time even if someone is there, If it makes you sleepy then they probably will take the hint and leave. That's not rude, that's just taking good care of yourself and not putting yourself in the position you were in last night. I suggest someone in your family post a note on the door that all the visitors use to come into the house. Then hopefully they will not overstay the set time limit.

Love Ya, and praying for a speedy recovery.
God Bless you and Yours,

Lebanon, OR

From now on Cass will just say it is time for you pain meds and I will (take) the hint and get in pain even if I just took it.

I have found that I love friends and family but my body is NOT up to very long yet, I only have sitting or laying position which both my body does not like any more.

Got some more lovely cards from so many wonderful caring people...thank you all, it means more than you can image.

I am in trouble...first do not get to have my big Halloween party (second time in a row) and second my daughter saw the new artist's club catalog...well what is on the cover, buy my favorite artist Between the vines vol 10 by jamie mills price and what is it? A beautiful 3 D snowman with wings and Maggi thinks I can paint as good or better than anyone, so will get it ordered and work on it while I must do alot of sitting. (which ladies if you had not guessed I hate to do)!


Winnsboro, TX

Hey it's alright to even say "Denise is not up to visitors today but thanks for dropping by" Then tell them to call before they drop by next time. It's not insensitive it's just doing what you must do to take care of Denise. I know how much you and your family love Halloween and decorating and dressing for it. Just let the grandkid and daughter dress in their matching Shirts, and if they want to put a couple of things up in the yard let them go ahead. Just explain if they decorate some they will be required to take it all down and put it away too granny is just not up to it.

If you do the painting I want to see it so be sure and take some pictures as your painting it. Oh, and painting can be hard on you too. My hands and arms ache sometimes when I'm painting so don't over do that either. LOL As you can see D., if we all have it our way you will not be doing much of anything for a couple of weeks. THey should have you walking some distance fairly soon. So hang in there and it will get better and you will be able to do a few things. (grin)Oh and I'm greatful that God took that baseball bat and gave you a good whack with it to get your attention and scare you into going and seeing the doctors. Ain't God Great?

Love Ya dear friend and praying daily for You, Cass, and your extended family.

Lebanon, OR

My friends found one of those wedge pillows so that starting tomorrow we might be able to sleep in the same bed and both get some good sleep, that will help us both.

Maggi came and gave me a shower, did the shopping, picked up meds fixed dinner and then gave me a shower. This i Marissa's 13th BD and they have allot of fun things scheduled. I had planned on taking her shopping something she knows I hate to do but for I would have, so mom is picking up for her for next week.



South Hamilton, MA

I'm glad that things are moving along.

Winnsboro, TX

Those wedge pillows are great. Glad you were able to find one. Their good to raise your head and chest, and even your legs. After my recovery from the total knee replacement several years ago I used one to keep my leg straight but elevated and it worked like a charm. Hope that it brings you comfort and that you both can get some much needed sleep. LOL

Winnsboro, TX

Ok Denise, I hope you had a restfull and peaceful weekend. Hope your feeling better with each passing day. We need you back to 100% this spring. (grin) Love you and praying for you and your family daily.
God Bless you and yours,

Lebanon, OR

Thank you all. Stronger, now if I pull more bust muscles in sleep tonight should be better to see doc in the AM tomorrow


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