Dee Stewart

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Dee did not have the stint placed. When they did the angioplasty, they discovered a blockage. They will do the bypass in the next few days. I will keep you posted. Her daughter is keeping in touch with PollyK and myself. She will not be leaving the hospital until after the bypass. You all know Dee, she is not a happy camper and worried about Cass.

Sharon Winter.

South Hamilton, MA

Thank you for the posting, Sharon.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Thanks for the update Sharon! Please let Dee know we are thinking about her and praying for her!


Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks for letting us all know. Saying a prayer for Dee.

Castlewood, SD

Prayers for our dear one Dee & her Cass... praying GOD will send in his mighty angels to keep you both safe.
Sharon, thank you sooo much for keeping us posted during this hectic time.

Tomah, WI

Continued prayers for a sucessful surgery & a speedy recovery. Thank you Sharon for the update.

Hanson, KY(Zone 6a)

Bless Dee's heart. I know she thought she was having the stint. I am glad she is staying in the hospital where the nurses and doctors are close by to give her good medical attention. Prayers for Dee, Cass, and all of her family.


my heart goes out to her. hopefully everything will be ok. prayers and good thoughts on their way to her.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

She is not staying in the hospital because she wants to, the doctors will not let her go home. Can you hear her now. I hear the rumblings from Oregon and I am inside.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Thank you Sharon for keeping us undated. Tell Her am also keeping her in my prayers and Cass and the Dr's too. I only wish it could have been the stint but am glad they are keeping her under watch. Let's all hold hands in our hearts for her.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Dee had bypass surgery last night. One artery was 90% blocked. God made her get dizzy because this particular artery is called the widow maker because you usually die before you know anything is wrong. They also bypassed another artery because it was starting to have problems and why not as long as you are already in there.

Dee will be in the hospital at least 5 days. At the moment she is in intensive care but that is normal. I spoke with her daughter early this morning and both children are taking care of Cass.

The address of the hospital is:

Denise Stewart
Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center
3600 NW Samaritan Dr.,
Corvallis, Or 97330.

Please do not send flowers. Dee does not like cut flowers. Cards and your prayers will be the best. I will keep you posted.


Kansas City, MO

Dee has been given the gift of a longer life. Obviously, she was about to suddenly leave us and has been given more time. That is quite a gift. Whew!!

Looks like alot of prayers were answered.

God bless her and heal her,


Winnsboro, TX

Amen to holding hands in our hearts for Dee and a speedy recovery. We all need to be very positive for and keep the prayers going until Dee is 100% back to normail. D and all of us have so much to be thankful for concerning her health issues. Too many times women do not get a warning or a second chance when it comes to this kind of heart problems. I praise God that she was able to get to the doctor and find the blockage before it was too late. Praise God for taking care of our D and guiding the doctor's hands that will be working on her.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Sharon you are such a good friend. We are lucky to have you here. We are even luckier to have D with us yet. Bless her heart from Heaven above. Will send a card ASAP. Prayers now are for a speedy and full recovery and a healthy and helpful family. Bless her Iris pickin little heart.


Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

wishes for speedy recovery. knowing dee, i expect she'll be surprising everyone by how fast she's back on her feet.

we'll be in oregon week after next and if she's up to, make a short visit.

Winnsboro, TX

Sharon or anyone else, do we know how D is doing today? Any news are anything?
Sending prayers and angels to watch over D and her entire family. D I pray for your sake that the Hospital Food Be Tasty and your recovery Hasty.We all miss you deeply and are excited to know that you are on the road to recovery and will be back to us soon. God please provide D with an inner peace, watch over her, and bring her safely back to all of us as soon as possible. Provide for all the needs of D and her extended family. Thank you Lord for your love and we have your word that it is suffficent for all of us.
God's speed for a complete healing and recovery.
Love Marian

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I called and go not answer. I left a message. No call back. First two days mare pretty nasty as far as pain and knowing who and where you are.
I will let you know as soon as I hear anything.


Goldthwaite, TX(Zone 8a)

Most ICU waiting rooms have spasmodic answering, depending on whose family members are waiting there at the time. Hopefully by tomorrow Denise will be in a regular room, and we will hear from her daughter.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Just got off the phone with Dee. She sounds a little tired but other than that she seems fine. She said this has taught her a big lesson. We will wait and let her tell us.

The children are very busy taking care of Cass. They are amazed how much work it is so that is a good thing.

The estimate is she will be going home late tomorrow or Tuesday and the Doctor is prescribing home care. She cannot lift anything more than 2 pounds for 4 weeks.

So all your prayers helped and she said to give you all her love.


Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Thanking God in prayer today for all his blessings.

Chattanooga, TN(Zone 7b)

dee is going home today. she says hello and thank you everyone for the wishes.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you for the update.

Winnsboro, TX

Amen! Praise GOD for taking care of our beloved D. I'm so glad she's on the road to recovery and has her family there to help out. Now all I want to know is who's going to set on D and keep her from doing anything in a few weeks? D, you better listen to the doctors and not life anything ofther than your finger to type on the computer. WE all love you and can't wait for a full recovery. You truly are lucky that you even paid attention to the warning signs and were able to have surgery. Praise God for taking care of you and keeping you around for all of us. Love You and so glad your coming home today. Rest my friend and we will all be so happy when you have recovered enough to tell us about your stay in the hospital.

Love Marian

Lebanon, OR

i'm home exhausted on oxygen
I'm thankful HE made me dizzy for once. That saved my live for sure. I worry about Cass trying to take care of me, it might be too much. Daughter picking up meds, dinner for us. do not feel like eating much but know I must eat something..I have to limit my liquids and that is super hard on me.


Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

Glad to hear your home, healing is much better there. Take care and just rest.

Spicer, MN

Oh, Dee, Let Cass be the caretaker for now. I would believe that he feels happy to return the same care & Love that you have given him these last years. He must feel honored to do this for you, if only for a little while.

South Hamilton, MA

Glad that you are home Dee. try not to be too impatient about recovery. If it were one of your plants you would want it to be careful, heh heh.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Happy to hear that you are home. Please take care. Keeping you and yours in my prayers.

Lebanon, OR

trust me this old gal is slower than a slouth!


South Hamilton, MA

Glad to see you back. It's tough going to the hospital for one operation & finding that a more extensive one is needed. But you have been brave & your health should be improved with better circulation. We know that you have decided to slow down in life as we all have to--not taking on extra jobs & keeping to the esentials for home & business. congratulations.

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Great to see you're back home. You are one lucky gal. Take care, we love you!

Winnsboro, TX

Rest dear friend and don't even bother with posting here unless you actually fill like it. Love you and glad your home.

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Glad you are home Dee! Praying for a speedy recovery as you take it easy and relax!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well from what I can hear on the phone, someone needs to sit on Dee to keep her down. But she will learn on here own. We both have an almost identical personality. When I had surgery and was suppose to be down, I did not follow doctors orders but the next day I wish I had and was ill for days. Maybe Dee will be smarter than me.

What do you say Sister Dee.....

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

yeah.... don't make me come up there!!! Please, PLEASE! please, take it easy....Please? What would we all do without you!?!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

So glad you are home and resting. Please take care and let everyone else do what is needed as Cass will need you later when you are well and able to help him more then. I hope you heal quickly and without a lot of discomfort .
Love and hugs

Santa Ynez, CA

Glad to hear things are better now and get some rest you need to re-coop, let someone take over for awhile, these things make us stop and think and realize again we must appreciate everyone and everything we have. My father was in the same boat and thank God all went the way it did and he finally retired at 80 no less and we have him here today. I can't say the same for a friend we just lost at 26 and the night of his service his uncle passed away at their house, so everyone take a deep breath and praise the lord.........speedy recovery Dee sending love and hugs Marie

Lebanon, OR

thank you all. This brightens my day big time.

Cass is not a talker like me so this helps to fill in the space...

Daughter fixing dinner than helping me with first shower since the surgery.


Cards have been most welcome

Mackinaw, IL(Zone 5a)

Aw, Dee, I didn't see when the thread switched from the original one, and missed what was going on. Glad to hear you are home and recovering! Adding my prayers for your healing! I wish I were close enough to come take care of you in person. Sounds like you are the one always taking care of everyone else, and now you have to learn to slow down and let someone else take care of you for a while. One of the hardest things in the world for a go-getter to do, I think.

Take good care of yourself, Dee! So very, very thankful that the doctors found the blockage before something truly tragic happened!


Winnsboro, TX

I know that it must be very hard for you to let everyone else help you. But you must take however much time your body needs to recover and not push for an earlier recovery. Your body will let you know when your over doing it and right this minute doing anything would be overdoing it. I know that they will have you walking and lengthing the walking as time goes by. DON'T YOU DARE WALK MORE OR LIFT ANYTHING YOUR NOT SUPPOSE TO. Did you hear me lol? I was talking very loud and stern to you about that.

Thank you so much for the seeds D. I can't wait to see them blooming in spring. I've been looking them all up and had a blast imagining how beautiful they are going to be in the gardens and flowerbeds. (big grin)

Love Ya Girlfriend and Sending Angels and Positive Thoughts your direction for a hasty recovery.

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