What is your favorite Dypsis palm? From your own collection

Garden Grove, CA(Zone 10a)

or from the genera.
My favorite of my collection is Dypsis leptocheilos.
I like the large leaves, red fuzzy crownshaft, and the now appearing, white trunk.
sorry no picture yet.

noonamah, Australia

Not that Dypsis is my favourite palm genus, but my biggest is madagascariensis (var. lucubensis) which is pretty ordinary. Got a lot of lutescens (a few varieties) full size, which are okay. A small rivularis which is still a bit ordinary. A small leptocheilos which is still too small to be notable yet. But my favourite would have been pinnatifrons, may it rest in peace.

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Wow, that is an impossible question to answer... not too many Dypsis grow that well for me so I can't say I have much personal experience with any, other than watching them die. But after visiting Hawaii a few times, I sure can say there are many dozens of them that are really nice.

I like Dypsis decipiens because it is a nice looking palm, but it also one of the few that do remarkably well in southern California (once they finally get going).

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

But I like the colorful ones like Dypsis paludosa florencei... though they don't look this colorful in California

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Dypsis lastellianas are nice

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

though a well-grown D leptocheilos is a great palm, too, and they actually grow fairlyl well in California

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

some consider Dypsis lutescens as overgrown, but this is one that looks great in California, so can't be too picky (this photo is of a California palm...)

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Dypsis mananjarensis is a nice one... but pretty rare.

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Dypsis onilahensis is a beauty, too... this even in California

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

though there are two forms of this... like this weeping one better.

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

and Dypsis prestoniana is a behemoth and good one for California, too

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Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

some smaller species have nice color... this was mine for the 3 years I could keep it alive... no named species, though

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Garden Grove, CA(Zone 10a)

I have two trunking Dypsis plumosa. They look like a messier form of the regular Dypsis onilahensis.
I love the weeping onilahensis, unfortunately my tiny one croaked in the ground. I seen nice looking D. pembana and D. lanceolata - these may be next on my dypsis wish list.

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