The end of the road...

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

And everyone has to eat! LOL

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I don't suppose you'll get a discount on groceries?? lol

Crossville, TN

Chele...If he ever gets a chance to transfer to FRY'S...Take it!! It's our part of Krogers...and where I shop. You'd love it out here...not many big bridges! LOL Jo

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Great news! I have been gone all day so glad to see something positive for a change.
Does that mean I won't be able to have your girls here to work next summer. LOL!

Froze hard last night so all is done here.

Have a great month!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, I am so happy for you all. I am sure that this is the beginning of many miracles that have been prayed for. I have kept you in my t & p's every day. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other one, and you will finally emerge on the other side of this nightmare.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Jo! Bridges?? Really!! I'd go somewhere warm in a heartbeat.

I have no idea about the discount. LOL I have heard that employees at the stores now get 10% of Kroger brand items...

Bernie! You are such a tease! I told you to find us a house a year ago and we'd be there!

You guys would have to know what kind of morning we had to appreciate that I lived long enough to get the good news!

Details to follow.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

This was my facebook post this morning:

Some days you just have to laugh. I was laying in bed with Nolan and Craig comes in and tells me he has to run the older girls to school. Geeze, I'm thinking they missed the bus. Um, was the skunk in the driveway spraying that prevented them from going up the drive. LOL

So Craig grabs his shoes and a jacket and is about to drive them to the bus when the bus comes. So the girls start yelling and waving their arms and the bus stops at the end of the drive, then pulls away!

So he drives them to school and I notice blood all over the porch and sprayed on the wall. Surely the cat didn't do THAT to a mouse?? Nothing there but blood. SO I call the dogs. Sure enough, Libby busted a toe nail.

Craig looks all over the top of the fridge, out in the garage, can't find the dog's nail clippers anywhere and he has to be at work in 15 minutes. In the meantime we discover the cat ate something disagreeable and rid herself of it under the kitchen table...

At this point, I tell him to hurry up and get dressed, we wake up Nolan, grab jackets and get him to work 5 minutes late. Now I have to make a grocery list, shower Nolan and me and get to the grocery and stop and pick up new dog nail clippers...

That was all by 9am! I got the news about the job around noon when Nolan I were getting ready to go. So we stopped to see Craig, went to Tractor Supply for dog nail clippers, stopped at the bank and went to Kroger.

I pull in with the groceries and the kids come running out to tell me there is blood all over the house. Libby (our Lab) got the broken toe nail caught something, ripped it clean out to her toe and blood was running out all over the place. She'd been up and down the hall, the kitchen and all over the living room. :( One kid was putting pressure on her toe, another was running around trying to clean up all the blood and the little kids were freaking out while we brought in groceries.

I called around locally and no one had styptic powder but they did have styptic pencils so I had go pick up those, put them in my coffee bean grinder (which has been retired for years), make powder and pack the hole. WHAT A DAY!!

Jazzi had soccer practice earlier and I just picked up one kid from a Halloween party, two kids from a DARE dance and still have to go get hubby because the dollar store was open until 10pm tonight.

Gasp, gasp, gasp. Craig has to be back at the dollar store at 8:30am and we have to be out of here at 9:30am for a day of soccer tournaments. Both Jazzi's team and Carly's team made it to the semi-finals! If they win tomorrow, they play again Sunday. If by some chance they win again, it's off to state tournaments...again.

So.....if we have to go through all of that to get a job offer, it was a day well spent. :P

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Holy Cow!! You need some excitement in your life!!

Flemingsburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele I am so happy for you and your family.


Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL @ Bonnie! You should all sleep well tonight, anyway. How's the poor doggie doing?

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Chele...thought I posted before...but guess it didn't go through.
I am soooo happy for you and your family!

South Point, OH(Zone 6a)

I am so glad for you and your family. Thank God! We are praying that the worst is behind you now, and it will just get better and better.

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

(((Chele, Craig, Girls and Nolan))) So happy for some good news!

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

The POWER of prayer has been demonstrated!!!~!~ Yah!!!!!!!!!!!

Will still keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. What a day!~

Lurker Lou!!

Just catching up and am smiling big time. ☺

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

How's the new job at Kroger's?

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well...I've found out a few things. LOL

He's not actually going to be working for Kroger. It's a recruiting company but they said Kroger usually offers you a job within 4-6 months.

Then we found out that he just missed their pay period and they pay bi-weekly so he won't get a check until December 2nd. We are trying to find a cheap car and I guess we are going to be out of pocket four almost four weeks of gas, insurance and a car if we can find one. :( Luckily I told him to keep his weekends at the dollar store because that is all we will have to live on this month....I'm trying to focus on the big picture.

He doesn't start until Monday.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Yikes! Good thing he didn't already give notice at the dollar store!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeah, I had told him it might be two weeks before he got a check....never counted on almost 4 weeks!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

My facebook status today is:

"Day one of captivity!"

I am so uneasy about being home with no car. If the kids get sick or hurt, I can't go get them. :( Craig won't be home until about 5:30 so I had to arrange for a friend to bring Carly home from basketball and it's out of her way. I so hate asking favors when it's not an emergency. Carly is the only one playing a sport right now and I am doing everything I can to keep her going. Kids with idle time are kids who get into trouble and there are way too many of those around here as it is (not in my house but locally)!! She was talking about quitting a couple of weeks ago and I don't know if she really does not enjoy it or if she was trying to relieve any financial burden but we encouraged her to keep playing...Until this year, we never missed a game. Now I try to at least make some of the home games but she knows we can't afford to go to away games and pay to get in.

Our choice of autos has dwindled down to one buy here, pay here lot and they have two that would work. Both have really high mileage BUT low prices/monthly payments. Tonight Morganne has sports awards at the high school and Maddie has her 1st grade program at the elementary school so we can't go look at them. Tomorrow, they have Craig scheduled until 6:00 or something crazy so can't do it then either. :(

Maybe on a good note...he heard that there is no supervisor for the second shift. I told him to get back in there after lunch, ask about the position and tell them how much experience he has and ask if they have seen his resume. The company that hired him said his current job was low paying entry level and they didn't think he'd be challenged enough. So!!! In the words of my dear friend Dan Bachman, "You have to toot your own horn because no one else is going to toot it for you!". Of course, he was talking about daylilies but the same principle applies!

We had a rough weekend here. Both of our male rabbits fell ill. The younger one died Saturday afternoon and the daddy bunny is barely hanging on. We are force feeding him several times a day and I expect to find him dead. I can't take him to the vet or get him to the vet and the medicine is $90 which I can't afford or go get either. I'm sure the vet could offer a smaller dose cheaper but may have to see him first and I can't get there either. I keep praying for the "something better" to manifest quicker. This is awful! At least the new job is something headed in the right direction.

I saw something today that I was not meant to see. At least one of my kids is very disappointed with how life is going and how every expectation of moving here has fallen through. We didn't have anything great planned but even the little things have fallen by the wayside and she is hurting and angry and we let them all down. She's right. I'm heart broken.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Big hugs to all of you. I hate that things often have to get alot worse before they get better, but you're right, at least they're getting better now. And it takes a while to pick yourself back up, but you will all get there. I am still praying for you all. Let me know if I can help in any way, okay?


Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Hang in there! It will definitely get better.
Sure wish I was closer. I have a pickup sitting here doing nothing for the winter.
I know you probably are, but keep thinking positive. Don't let things get the best of you.

Are you able to stay in your house for now?

I see Ohio got a whole new set of politicians. Maybe some good will come of that. Things sure didn't get much better the last couple years.
Minnesota got rid of a congressman that had been in office since the beginning of time, I think. Lots of unemployment in his district & I think people finally got tired of him always promising & never delivering.

Best to you & the family.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Chele, I am praying for you all on a daily basis. It is all that I can do, but I think it is an important thing. I echo Renee's view, things sometimes do get worse before getting better. I wish I could do something for that young aching heart, kids are just so full of expectations, and then disappointment follows if the fantasy isn't fulfilled.

I am here with a shoulder, and a strong prayer life.


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks all. We are hanging in there. Everyone got home in one piece. The one that is down, came home sick from school and went to bed and even missed the high school sports award program. The rest of us went to the little 1st grade show at the school and came home and ate. I wish I could say that what she wanted and expected was unrealistic or ridiculous. She just wanted/expected what is normal for most. We had no idea what was coming. Paying for 2 houses for 2.5 years nearly did us in then Craig losing his job pretty well finished us off. It's hard for the kids to be pretty much stuck at home and they don't even have doting grandparents or extended family to get them out of here from time to time. That, I can't change but hopefully things will continue to get better.

I thank you all for the continued prayers and support.

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Chele they have all those wonderful siblings and the best mom anyone could ask for.

I think we all got spoiled for awhile and then the economy crashed. I'm so sorry for their disappointments but I'm praying for you all and as discouraging as it seems this will be part of the fabric of their lives.

I hope when they look back they'll see how they all pulled together and what really mattered was that you all had each other. And somehow some miracle will come and you will know this was a blessing.

Waddy, KY

Chele, I know this can't be a bowl of cherries for you but how you all handle this adversity is going to give your girls a solid base of knowledge and experience on how to handle something in their life when they get older. They'll know they CAN tighten their belts, get by on less and do the best they can to get out of their situation if it befalls them because they've watched you all and helped you in their own way.

We can't always make their lives a blacktop road with no pitfalls along the way but we can educate them on how to steer around the pot holes or change the flat tire so they can keep going. They may not realize this until they're in the 20's or 30's but they're going to be stronger adults for living through this with you. They've got their siblings and a good set of parents. That makes them in the plus column regardless of what happens.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks. :) I haven't given up yet and I don't plan to any time soon. I'll just be glad when regular checks roll in and hubby is working a regular schedule which he should know by the end of next week. Since June, I have been running everyone everywhere with Craig working 2 part time jobs with varying hours. My poor son probably thinks making ten trips a day is normal. Some days he enjoyed it and other days he was just plain sick of the car seat! Yesterday he was thrilled to go somewhere by the end of the day!

We still have an attorney settling things on the house and trying to get to the bottom of the loan modification whether it be from the bank or MHA. I need to meet him to sign an affidavit but can't do that until I get a car. We are hoping to take care of that tonight. I have to call two people after I figure out when hubby will be home. The big thing right now is making sure the bank doesn't foreclose/try to sell the house until they give me a definite answer one way or the other! Those papers should be filed soon. I think they are waiting on me to sign the affidavit.

If we receive and accept the loan modification, It does appear that the payment will be manageable until I'm 82!! Egads. It is low enough that we could rent the house out if need be and still move wherever we need to.

I will be thankful when all of the limbo ends and we know where we stand! I know it's getting better but I'm faking patience at this point. LOL

On a good note, Mr. Buns seems to be getting better but I think he still has a long road ahead.

I'm silently watching and praying for you and your family.
Hugs&blessings ... ~Susan

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Stop being silent and get in here and give me a good talking to or cyber smack me or something. I still need a mom or a dad or more good friends or something. :) I'm in all of this pretty much alone with very little feedback. :(

Hugs back at ya! Thank you for the prayers.

Schroon Lake, NY(Zone 4a)

Well....if it's FEEDBACK you want..... ;-)

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Hey, I'm still buying lottery tickets with you guys in mind!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

We may or may not be the proud owners of a 1999 Dodge Caravan...We can pay it off in ten months or less or use the tax refund and pay it off in February. I handed hubby money, told him to make a good choice and took Carly to basketball practice. I gotta throw dinner in the oven and wait for him to call me back.

Anyone got a good joke??? I need a good laugh!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Not tonight. Besides, I don't tell good jokes, always mess up the punch line. Now, don't tell me you don't have friends. You have many here, and I wish that we could all pay you a visit to cheer you up, but then we would probably demand food and drinks, and mess your neat clean house up, and when it was all over, you would wish we had never thought of coming!

You have prayers being said for you all everyday, faithfully. I know that you can't begin to see the end yet, but one day, you will only see this in the past tense. I agree about even though very difficult, it is a good life lesson for all of the children. Most are shielded from this kind of thing, and as a result, if a divorce happens, they didn't know it was coming, or if money is short, sometimes they don't know it. I am a big supporter of telling them like it is. You can leave out all the really scary parts, but the truth.

Saying my prayers for you tonight, as I always do.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I told my eldest today how lucky we are that we have DG friends that watch over us and worry about us because that is the only family we have. We know that we are very blessed and lucky to have our friends. I hope that someday not too far away that I am in a position to pay back or pay forward all the good that has come to us. I was seriously starting to believe that it would never get better. Now hubby has a job and a car and I am regaining a little peace of mind. It only took 31 months. LOL

I sure hope this is a sign that things are going to get better for everyone that is suffering right now.

Thank you all for all the support, moral and otherwise.

I'm still waiting for that joke....

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Still not gonna tell you one!

Chele, yes, there are plenty of people who are in the same situation that you all are. An article in the paper today saying that there are many states that are looking at the paperwork for some of those mortgages. Well, I would hope so, but how about the ones who have already lost their homes and been put out?

I really do wish that we lived closer to each other, so that at least you could have someone who could give you pep talks, and bolster your ego. I really do admire you, for holding it all together. I know that there has been times that you just wanted to scream and walk out the door, but someone has to do it, and usually it is a woman with the skills to keep it together. One Strong woman scores again!!

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Only joke I have right now would suspend me from DG.

Glad you found a car. My trusty ones are the 99 Buick, (the one we were driving when we stopped by your place.) A 97 Chevy pickup & a 98 Dodge pickup. All have lots of miles, but if you take care of them they will run forever.

Hold your head high, tomorrow will be better than today.


Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Here's your joke - what did one fish say to the other fish after they ran into a wall? dam!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Okay, that works! Thanks for the morning chuckle!

Glad to see you didn't risk your membership Bernie!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Smiless Chele!! I am soooo sooo happy for you all...job and car...woohooo!!! I's about time!!!
I agree with the others...your kids will be stronger for what they've been through. Life's lessons are what makes them stronger adults.
Wishing I could come see you..I live soo far away...geesh!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

The little kids wanted to go out and see the car so we went out and put Nolan's seat in. They are amazed that it is so small inside! I told them that is why we traded in the Ford Windstar! LOL The older girls are 5'5", 5'7" and 5'6" and Carly just had to get size 11 shoes! No way they'll fit in those back seats.... Nolan on the other hand is thrilled that he has his very own window and door for the day! He's used to being stuck in the middle and only being able to see around the big girls.

The van is not in great shape, nor in bad shape and has high mileage but if it can hold us over until we are back in control, it will be wonderful!! We compromised and got something with front wheel drive instead of 4WD to lower the expense so I hope it's a mild winter! We only paid $2500 for it and put 25% down (actually I owe him $125 from the first check) so we are in good shape! We are hoping one of the girls can drive it once we get on our feet.

I'm trying to get through to the insurance company so I can add it, then go get temporary tags, then go to the grocery. Hopefully I can meet withe attorney tomorrow and get that affidavit signed.

I almost feel a little sigh of relief and I am very thankful for my DG family!

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