
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

apparently moving the NBC was the way to make it bloom - no, I didn't see it in it's glory, I only saw the spent bloom for last nite - I put it outside in May, I've ignored it for the most part - throwing some water on it now and then - and voila, it bloomed!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I just spotted this Post--sorry to be so late!
I am so glad it bloomed for you!!!!

YES! If you go and check out all the Posts on the Orchid Cactus Forum--you will
see that people will sit up half the night, cameras in hand, just to get a picture of
the "miracle" of the bloom.

That is, probably, why it is called "NIGHT BLOOMING CEREUS"....

Happy for you! Gita

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

LOL ya think? ^_^

I'm still debating where to put the monstrosity once it gets too cold to live outside - I just sprayed it down with Neem to kill any spidermites & other critters, I'm trying to leave it outside for as long as possible also debating if I should chop it down somewhat - it is rather 'large' and unruly ^_^

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Well. Bec---

I have been struggling with all those same thoughts for a few years...
There has been so much discussion on what to do with all these long, skinny shoots--but all the advice
was from people that live in Florida...They have No worries--so advising me to let them be
is almost irrelevant...Like---
"Oh, they are just reaching for somewhere to anchor to...."
"They grow those long shoots if they are not happy!--they need more light!"
"Don't water these between October and February!"----Really????

I ask--should I cut them back? "NO!"--seems to echo from the South!
Well--I live in MD--and I have to bring it in for the winter--and, NO! it is NOT going to get much light
to speak of all through the winter....just barely passable light....

I have had the plant I gave you since 2005,. when I received 3 leaves from someone in CA.
Two of them were the Red Epis and the third was the NBC.

One of the Epis bloomed it's heart out last Summer...The other has never bloomed--
and neither did the NBC. Go figure????

here is how they all looked when they came into my life--summer of 2005.


Seems I have had these forever!!!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

It sure has grown - I know the plant and pot weighs more than I care to carry! I'm debating both leaving it alone - as in no chopping it up and keep it in the kitchen - or chopping it back and letting it live in the light rack I have downstairs - for the time being it's still warm enough and it can stay outside :-)

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Your little deck is so protected....just wondering if it would survive outside????
I would not chance may want to look into it.....

Doc did amazingly with a small, rooted plant I gave him at Holly's Plant Swap 2 years ago.
He mixes his own soil and uses all kinds of "teas" to fertilize everything...
he sent pictures--it was unbelievable!

Maybe, as a back up, you could cut off some of the "leaves" and root them. Just stick them in fresh soil and wait.
I have several rooted NBC's. They are over 2 years old--still in 4" pots and tall and lanky.
Will send you one if you like....

Gotta run! Working today at 9AM.... Gita

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

Went and took a closer look at it today - there is no way it'll fit in my light rack unless I chop it back all the way - so kitchen it is - I need to find some better supports for it - it is seriously leaning - I don't think it'll survive a winter outside, if last winter was any indication! ^_^

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Check out these.....Only 16 posts--not long....

Maybe there is hope yet for your/my big NBC.

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