HELP .....Need recommendation for BLUEBERRIES

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

My older daughter resides in North Carolina.

She wants me to provide her with information regarding blueberries.

Fond childhood memories of blueberry picking have prompted her to plant blueberry bushes.

She wants to know the best time to purchase and plant blueberry bushes in her area....... recommended varities ...... and recommended vendors.

Your input and/or experence will be greatly appreciated.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I grow blueberies in MD and my sister has great ones in FL. But we have two different kinds I'm sure. Generally speaking I call blueberries very easy. The biggest, and really only, problem I have is keeping birds from eating them all. It may be partly that I am in Suburbia where they are starving for real berries. My sister in FL has huge rabbiteye bushes over her head. Thye love her sandy soil and tons of rrain. She gets gallons of BB from two bushes.

Best is to google up NC Extension Service/ University AG and I'm sure they'd have a whole bunch of info and local recommendations.

As for vendors- I have read that blueberries do not like to be barerootd. I got two that way and it did take them a long time to start growing. My in-pot one looks better even now but it is a lowbush VS the high or midhigh whatever those two are. So it may be best to first of all talk to a local nursery that seems to take good care of their stock, se if they carry them or can order.
Good luck!!!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

My HD--and, I am sure all others around here. has carried Blueberries all Summer...

The previous batch we had were quite advanced.
Since I spend 4-5 hours watering everything in Outside Garden--I sure had my fil lof
picking off the ripe Blueberries and eating them...VERY good!!!

At this time--we have a whole new crop of Blueberry plants...They are younger--but good looking...

IF you have a HD near you--go check it out. They are NOT expensive.....


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Gita ...I am so happy you responded because I found a place that specializes in blueberry bushes that I want to visit. I told my younger daughter if she would drive, I would buy.

I have been spoiled by a local garden center that has not included blueberry bushes in their inventory. Their plants are always significantly larger and cheaper than HD or Lowes.

Since, I am hoping the place I want to visit is open on Saturdays, I need to call them. I meant to call them today but forgot .... since I know I will check into DG tomorrow ...I will mark this thread unread it will remind me.

It was my older daughter who lives in North Carolina who asked about blueberry bushes.


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