Buying a home - what size yard?

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

VERY interesting, Kay, since my (limited and one-sided) info said don't bother eating fish, eat plants!!!

Do you happen to have a link? Or do I have to actually DO THE RESEARCH myself?????

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)
..Carrie, this is a BlogSpot site where Omega 3 eggs have been discussed. You’ll find other links in the reader comments. The research part of writing an article would be fun to me. Putting the info in an accessible-to-all, interesting format is what I would find challenging. I found I’m prone to overloading the average reader with data.
.DD's #1 and #2 became vegetarians when they were teenagers so I had to learn this sort of stuff to keep them well nourished. It was a phase with DD#1. But, DD#2 is still an octo-/lacto- vegetarian. (Will eat eggs and milk products) She was a complete vegan for years though so sea vegetables are still how she prefers to get her O3. No coversion required with those. They have significant amounts of DHA and EPA.
I'll see if fresh cane juice is available yet. Have you ever tasted that straight? Chewing cane usually shows up in local grocery stores around the holidays. I've bought the stalks in the grocery store, cut it into sections and rooted it in pots during the winter to have my sugar cane starts in Spring.
Whoah, didn't reealize it was so late. Night all. Kay* .

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