Vine That Does Well In *Shade* in Zone 9b?

Merritt Island, FL(Zone 9b)

Just found this forum and I'm glad to see some vine experts are around on DG!

My question: can anyone recommend any vines that will do well, or even "just OK" in pretty heavy shade in FL zone 9b? I don't care if it has flowers; just leaves and coverage (privacy) is what I would want.

The area I want to use vines in is shaded by huge oaks and other native plants but I need vines for part of it. There is SOME sun getting through, at various times of day, but not a lot.

Thanks for ANY help with this. I posted in the FL gardening forum and haven't heard back, so thought I would try here!


Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I grew star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) in a shady location at my old house (got an hour or two of morning sun, but was in the shade of a big ash tree the rest of the day). The vine was very happy and healthy there and even bloomed pretty well.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Another if you want coverage you could plant Thunbergia grandiflora ! I have mine planted in several locations, the one that is on a north facing wall hasn't bloomed, but's it's huge, the one's that get shade/dappled sun in the morning then full sun in the afternoon bloom like crazy..but these can/will get big ! Pipevine's bloom in shade/part shade, grow quickly and are hardy in your zone, your south of me and mine come back even after last winter. You could always use annual vines also. A lot of Morning Glories will cover an area quickly, an even bloom in part sun situations. If your really not that concerned about bloom, I think there's alot that will "grow" and cover/disguise a particular area.

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