Nacho usual timing?

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

This is one of my amaryllis from last year's coop hosted by Mamajack on DG. According to my notes, it bloomed on January 10, 2010, and has been in the house since then in a brightly lighted room, but about a month ago I moved it to a table nearer the window and gave it some African violet liquid fertilizer. It has surprised me by blooming again.

Thumbnail by Pamgarden
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Well, You are one lucky gal, now Pam!! It looks wonderful. Isn't it great when you get such an unexpected gift?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

A happy Amryllis! I'm still trying to kepp some well fed out in the garden in hopes of blooms there.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Beautiful. What a nice and unexpected surprise.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

There are two others out in the garden in pots, very leafy in spite of the heat and drought. The temps have finally stayed below the mid-90's for the last week and we've been blessed with rain the past several days. My garden is a mess, stressed and weedy, out of control, but I'm hopeful for some fall rejuvination, and the butterflies and bees have been incredible, so there's always something good.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Quote from Pamgarden :
My garden is a mess, stressed and weedy, out of control, but I'm hopeful for some fall rejuvination, and the butterflies and bees have been incredible, so there's always something good.

Everyone seems to be saying the same thing. Our gardens are really looking rough this year. Well we can spend the winter planing for next year. LOL


After all weather swings making this year one of the most challenging for me I have a few tomatoes showing up. However they have to be used quickly or they rot very quickly. I just gave up with the cukes. They went down in the hot dry spell. For all of the garden difficuties we were rewarded with some very nice potted flowers. Go figure. I would have thought the potted things would have been the most difficult.

The farmers market has kept us in fresh foods all summer along with our co-op partnership. Without them hot dogs and beans would have been the answer. The co-op got creative. Last week we got fresh raw milk yogert. What a nice surprise this has been. Like nearly everything else yogert closer to the cow is a whole lot better than yogert that has been through a factory. We have dead ripe Asian pears to serve it over with a touch of fresh honey.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

My veg garden totally 'vegged out' on me too. Well, I had some good tomatos this year. The only thing that looks good is the 20 by 20 foot patch of butternut squash vines. I sure hope that I find several nice squash when I rip that all up.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Fresh yogurt with Asian pears and honey sound wonderful.

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