Schreiner's Order the good and the bad!

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Well, I am disappointed!!! Not in the Iris, but in the service. I placed an order before I went on vacation and very clearly stated for them to be delivered in Sept. It asks you if you want Aug. or Sept. delivery.

When I got home from vacation the box had been in the post office for 2 weeks already. Dried up and leaves turning. I know they will be OK and will survive, but when you pay top dollar for Iris it's nice to get them in the ground right away and give them a good start before winter.

I've been outside roto-tilling all morning!!! That's why I wanted them in Sept. so I could get home from vacation and have time to prepare a new Iris bed. Now it's rush, rush, rush. DH is gone for 3 weeks so the roto-tilling is up to me. I'd forgotten how hard it is to break ground! LOL

As always they give great bonuses. I received 'Burst of Joy', 'Company Red', 'Dance the Night Away', 'Dodger Blue', 'Feature Attraction', and 'Jamaican Dream' as bonus plants.

I ordered: Black Dragon, Crowned Heads, Decadence, Drama Queen, Dynamite, Edith Wolford, Fragrant Lilac, Mariposa Autumn, Mariposa Skies, Merchant Marine, Orinoco Flow, Parisian Dawn, Ring Around Rosie, Sea Power, Shenanigan, Starship Enterprise, Supreme Sultan, Vienna Waltz, Wonderful World. and 4 SDBs: Big Blue Eyes, Minidragon, Music, and Ruby Eruption.

Y'All are a bad influence on me. LOL So many orders to so many companies, so many beautiful Iris.... I'm a lost cause.

OK .... break over .... back to the rototiller.


Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
Taylorsville, KY

You need to tell Schreiners -- this is NOT what their intention is, so they need to know. They may replace your entire order -- they did for me one time when the package got lost by the post office for 2 weeks. They really need to know -- they are not the biggest and the best for no reason.


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I agree with Sue! Once you explain the problem, they will make it right.


Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

It really never occured to me that they might replace my order! I guess I'll contact them. Thanks!

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Whoopee!!! They are going to resend them in Sept. What a relief! It's just too hot out there for me to be roto-tilling.

The woman on the phone was very nice and said that the order form online did not capture my Sept. request. Whatever that means.

Thanks for suggesting that I call them.


Bakersfield, CA

Suggestion: If Schreiner's does not want you to mail the current order back, and if you try planting the ones you have in pots to carry them over a few weeks, you could end up with TWO rhizomes of some of them for next year -- doubling your chances of first year bloom.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Not surprised at all that they are resending your order in September. Their customer service seems top notch. I remember the part were when you order on line they asked when you wanted this order. Mine gave me a choice of August or September (as it was already August). So now if you can find some place to plant the order you can have, as Betty suggested, two for the price of one.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Schreiners has always been known for their top notch service, and this just proves it! Good job, Schreiners!

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

I think I'll take your advice Betja. I have several large 4" deep flats I'm going to put them in. By the time I get the bed ready and the other order comes maybe they will have started growing. I'm thrilled they are sending my order again, and feel a little guilty at the same time.

Schreiners is the best!!!


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Do not feel a bit guilty. They messed up, and they are taking responsibility as any good company would. And with their good customer service, and you talking about it on here, they will get more orders next year, for sure. Good advertising for them.

Bakersfield, CA

Sounds good av_ocd_girl. I pot up all my new irises each year and wait until Sept-Oct to plant them in the ground when it gets a little cooler and the sun a little lower in the sky. And the bonus is that they already have new roots and leaves when I finally get them in the ground.

South Hamilton, MA

I wouldn't wait in NC, not as desparate as here however.

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

I never thought about that 'free advertising' aspect Pollyk. I guess I'll stop feeling guilty.

What should I soak them in before planting? Weak Miracle Grow, or just plain water?
I usually soak in fertilizer, but these roots are all dried up. Will it still do some good?


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

The roots they arrive with would have died off anyway and new ones would sprout. That's what all those small holes are on the bottom of the rhizome, where old roots dies off. If they are really dried out, I've soaked for a day or so in a super shallow bit of water w/ nothing or a drop of Superthrive. That is for seriously dried out (tops all brown and rhizome slightly shrunken/dehydrated looking) iris. A few weeks old iris should be OK to plant without soaking first.

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