Best hydrangea for growing zone 6b

Chantilly, VA

I want to plant a hydrangea shrub in front of my back fence (shady). I would like one that grows to at least 5' tall. Has anyone tried endless summer? I am finding mixed reviews on it and wonder about this one specific to this growing zone. (Also, my soil is clay, but I usually use a clay cutter product to help make it drain better). Any suggestions will be appreciated!

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Junebugg, Are you looking for a lacecap or a mophead? Do you want a blue, white or pink?

Chantilly, VA

I want a mophead - would love blue, but it would take a lot of amendment to my clay soil. So...I'm not too picky. However, I looked around more after my posting and found that deer like hydrangeas, so I will either try one in my backyard, which is fenced, or plant something more deer resistant! Even the fence does not always keep them out. I back up to woods, and the deer feast on everything - even my rose bush (thorns and all)! I have had more luck this year by planting only the things labeled as "deer resistant." I think the marigolds I planted (lots and lots of marigolds) have discouraged them from trampling my front yard. So...if I plant a mophead hydrangea in the back, which would you recommend? The endless summer had such mixed reviews that I thought I would see what others in my growing zone had planted and enjoyed. Thanks.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I have a few Hydrangea but I have no idea which ones they are. I do love Oak Leaf Hydrangeas. I have a friend that has Endless Summer and we were talking about how beautiful hers is and how well it does for her. She wasn't sure when she bought it as she had heard mix reviews also. She is very pleased.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I have an Endless Summer Hydrangea and it is so pretty. Don't have any deer here--so I don't know...

It was pink when I bought it 4 years ago--but I have been fertilizing it with acid stuff (Coffee grinds, Espoma Hollytone, Aluminum Sulfate, etc..) and this Spring, it actually bloomed blue. Last year it was still a mix of pink and blue....and the year before that--it was all pink. I hope next Spring it will be a deeper blue. I need to put something on it...get lazy about this kind of stuff....
I am not sure about the 'endless" (bloom) part. It may throw some more blooms, randomly, later on, but pretty much--the Spring bloom is it.

As for the size--I do not know--as mine is planted on the corner of a bed right were it turns to go unto my Patio.
Like right now--when the new growth is popping up all over--I have to cut some of it back--or I could not walk past it.
I try to keep it about 3' h and 4'w.

This is from June of this year. You can see the walkway and my dilemma....Opposite it is the Hosta "August Lily"--which at this time is half way all over the sidewalk as well....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This was June of last year--still pink and blue and in-between.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

And this is June of this year....

Gonna go out and pour some Aluminum Sulfate on it today.....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

This was Spring of 2008. All pink, as you can see.....

I have to correct--I think I have had it a bit longer than 4 years...maybe 5....???

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Chantilly, VA

Your endless summer hydrangea is lovely - thanks for the pictures that show its progression. I'm pondering whether to try one in the back on the other side of my fence. I have such fond memories of hydrangeas - my great aunts had 2 in their back yard and 2 across a highway where they ran a little country store. But if the deer are going to eat it, it's just not worth the effort. Again, thanks for your posts.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


There are Hydrangeas that grow more upright----What's that first one that always blooms in the Spring????
Maybe you could ask on the Trees and Shrubs Forum?

My neighbor has one that (for years!) that is at least 6' high and beautiful. Have NO idea of the name...

Also--do some research in natural deer repellents....There should be all kinds of info on DG.

I work with a woman who had a beautiful house built in VA on 33 acres of land she and her husband bought so they could hunt on their own property. He is a longshoreman--She is one tough mama!!!! Can do anything.....
They only go there on weekends, but have all kinds of things in their garden.

Anyway--they have deer issues there as well......One thing her husband does is "relieves" himself along the fence around their garden. Deer do not like the scent of these kind of "markings".....They sell Coyote urine--don't they????
Why not us humans??? Rotten eggs seem to work also. A few days in the sun--and PHEWIE!!!!

As far as fencing goes--deer can jump anything under 6'. I have read that a double fence--4' apart, will also deter them--as IF they jump one--they do not have enough space between the fence rows to jump the second one.
Hmmmmm......Wonder what they do then???? Can't get back out either.....

How about making your own Cayene Pepper spray?
Most deterrents you buy have Naphta (moth balls) , Cayene Pepper, and tobacco of some kind in it....
If it is a liquid deterrant--I betcha it has some kind of urine in it....
Just read the back info--and see what the ingredients are and what you can come up with w/o spending BIG $$$$....

Geez! And all I have to fight is Rabbits and Squirrels......Hate those too......

Good luck! Gita

Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

There are no deer around where I live.

I have a question. I hope you do not think it is a very dumb one .... well here it is

What about spraying with a solution containing disolved moth crystals as a deterrent? Is that viable? .... would it lead to problems?

Remember .... I am fairly new to gardening.


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Since my biggest problem is rabbits chewing off much of the new growth of anything in my beds in Spring---
I was happy to have my memory "jarred" by someone's suggestion to:

Beat a couple of raw eggs in water--mix them good!
Add this to a gallon of water and spray down all the new plantings you think rabbits will chew on...
Says it works! Cheap too! Two eggs--maybe 25 cents....Water--FREE.
1 gal. sprayer---under $10 and "forever" re-usable....

Just Google for a selection of options....


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Do you have a remedy for slugs?


Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Mary-- There are so many!

--NOT watering in the evening is a biggie! They like moist and dark....
--The old--"Shallow bowls of beer" at ground level--they are drawn to these--and then drown.
--Inverted 2liter Soda bottles.....Cut off the top part-just where it turns--and then insert the cut off part
inside the body of the bottle part and tape it in place--so that the screw cap end is now pointing towards the bottom of the bottle. Can you visualize this????

Now--put Slug bait inside the bottle....and bury it half way into the soil.
They will go in to get it-the bait--but won't be able to find their way out....
Clean and repeat as needed... I just use plain old Slug Bait Pellets.....

--More labor intensive----at night--grab a flashlight, a salt shaker. and go "hunting"
When you spot a Slug--sprinkle some salt on it--and it will start dissolving in front of your eyes....
This will get boring after a while.....

A most effective way is to sprinkle Diotomatious Earth (smithereened Silica glass) around the plants
that they are most likely to be attracted to.....OUCH!!! OUCH!!!
D.E. --even if it looks innocuous, is slivers of minute glass and will cur the soft tissues of the Slug's soft bodies
as they crawl around. PLEASE wear a dist mask when dealing with D.E. You DON'T want it in your lungs!!!
HD does not sell it--at least not the one i work in.....Lowes does...NOT cheap!

The main thing is NOT to water at night--as Slugs thrive in dark and moist areas. Water in the AM.
Take away their fave environment--and they won't be crawling around at night.....just hiding under all the rocks and bricks and edgings---Hosta leaves and such....

IF you ever lift a pot or a rock or a piece of rotting wood--you will see then underneath.
Have that salt shaker handy!!!!

May be many more ways--but this is what came to my mind as I read your plea.....


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