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Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

We have a 3/4 acre lot, with the option to buy another 1/2 acre, but I just don't see us needing it right now. The tree growing between the beds and the house is a Bloodgood Japanese Maple.

I don't have any Asiatic or Oriental lilies YET, but I had Asiatic lilies at the other house and loved them. I just haven't gotten around to getting any yet. I really have to put in a few more beds next year.

This is a picture of my greenhouse in the backyard. It's small and used mostly for seedlings in the spring. I have a small oil-circulating electric heater that I used sometimes in Spring if the weather gets very cold and I have a bunch of stuff in there. Beside it are two fairly large seedling beds for my daylilies, irises and hosta.

Thumbnail by IndaShade
Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

This is a hosta bed that I just put in this year behind our walkway wall. THe tree in the plastic tube is a Japanese Maple that I grew from seeds from a Kinran Japanese Maple. They say they don't do well on their own roots but it was growing so well, that I thought I'd give it a try.

This message was edited Aug 27, 2010 7:47 AM

Thumbnail by IndaShade
Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Very nice.

I do not know if you woukd are interested in purchasing any bulbs at this time ..... there is a Dave's Garden co-op for ordering fall bulbs .... I believe today is the last day to place an order .... the present discounts range from 60% to 73%

delivery is scheduled for end of 1st week in Oct. The featured items are lilies to plant in the fall for next year ... i fell in ove with a yellow hyacinth.

I love the bloodgood Japanese Red Leaf Maple trees.

Pictured is a small one grown from a seedling on my property .... its mama has a habit of donating her seeds to my front flower bed.

Would you like some of her seeds?

My younger daughter thinks I should have a greenhouse.

Thumbnail by merrymath
Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9a)

Beautiful garden Sherry!

I received my box today! Thanks so much! I received:

Silly Love Songs
Keystone Dark Star
Not Guilty
Spring Peeper
Keystone Pagan Moon

Love them all, especially the dark color of Not Guilty. Great name too BTW!


Altus, OK(Zone 7a)

This message was edited Aug 28, 2010 11:17 AM

Lebanon, OR


Received the iris today and thank you. Will let you know on the seedling.


Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

Okay, I think we've come to the end of the line on this one.

I will be mailing Ayrica out tomorrow, and I had enough irises left to send out one more box. Irisluver0252 will be getting that one sent out on Tuesday.

This was fun, and I hope we can do it again in a year or two.

Happy irising!

Conway, SC

Hi Sherry

I received the iris yesterday. They are all settled in their new home. I have never grown this type of iris before. I look forward to seeing them grow and bloom. Thank you so much for the iris.


Morrisville, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Sherry,

Your irises arrived today. They are presenlty in my kitcken, resting in a bowl of water. I intend to plant them early evening today. I am preparing to make markers for them.

I know they will bring me many years of pleasure .... I will always treasure your generousity.

Thank you so very much.


Castlewood, SD

Received your iris' today thank you very much.. little too wet to get them planted today, but for sure will be in there this weekend.

thanks again.

Sebastopol, CA

Hello, Sherry,
I have spent the last ten days helping my goddaughter, a new mommy, and her newborn son, who both are dealing with birthing/nursing issues. Two days drive each way; I'm exhausted! The rhizomes were at my home when I returned just this past Sunday; my husband knew to open the box. I'm feeling somewhat recovered from the trip and hope to get these planted today.
I'm sorry for this late response; I had no access to a computer while I was gone.
Thank you so much for the rhizomes! I will look forward to seeing them in their glory next spring.

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