Meet Tilley

Bridgewater, ME

Tilley and dh going to a ride,she is right on his heels when he heads out the door,she loves to go.I don`t take her but dh does.She is very good around the chickens,if I could teach her to round them up when its time to go back in the run that would be great.

Thumbnail by green04735
Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

Lovely dog!

Bridgewater, ME

Tilley watching Lassie,she loves tv,never had a dog that would watch tv.If she is in the other room and asleep and hears the music for lassie she comes running.She will watch a whole program.She is such a good dog,she guards the silkies when they are out free ranging.

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

That's amazing! I've never had an animal that payed any attention to the TV. Well, we once had a cat that sat on top of the set - probably because she thought everyone was looking at her.

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

I've had a couple of dogs who liked TV. Our old red healer loved to watch The Home Shopping Network. She knew the difference between the channels and that was the one she liked.

Richmond, TX

Curiouser and curiouser...

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