Meet Tilley

Bridgewater, ME

This is Tilley we got her today,she is 8 weeks old a mix father pure sheltie and mom is boarder collie and spaniel mix.She is eyeing the chickens got chased by a mom.

This message was edited Aug 15, 2010 5:45 AM

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

I dare you to take my bone,Jadee the silkie baby that lives in the fish tank inside the coop almost lost some feathers,We are trying to teach Tilley not to eat family members

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

What a cute puppy! (And such a bold chick!)

Conroe, TX

aww how cute.

No chicken for Tilley. That's what we would always tell our dog, except it was.... No chicken for Libby.

Bridgewater, ME

Some crying last night,dh ended up takeing her crate in his room and touching her and she went right to sleep,got up at 5:30 and let her out,she sure misses her 9 brothers and sister.She keeps barking and looking for them.

Bridgewater, ME

She is doing very well,has not ate any family members,you know what I need is a nasty rooster or hen that will chase her and give her a good peck.Her and Jadee are trying to trust each other but I think Tilley is to playful and tries to touch her with her feet and Jadee is just to fragial.So we continue to keep the leash on her untill we are sure she will not try to pounch on her.We still keep Jadee in the fish tank in the silkie coop,she is still scared of them and they will chase her and peck at her,but I`m sure when she is bigger that she will be able to intergrate with them.Who know maybe Tilley and Jadee will become friends,stranger things have happened.I have had puppies before but this pup is really smart and learns very fast its probably the boarder collie in her they are a very smart breed.The picture is of Jadee in her fish tank in the silkie coop

This message was edited Aug 17, 2010 9:08 AM

Thumbnail by green04735
Denver, CO

What a darling puppy, and chick. Hope they both do well.

(Zone 5b)

Tilley is a cutie as is the silkie chick. Hope they learn to get along well!

Bridgewater, ME

Tilley is growing fast,she and the chickens are getting alone fine but would never leave her alone with them,her hearding instinct is very strong.As long as we are with her she is good.Got more BO`S Sunday now I have 10,one is a rooster and I got one that was given to me because it is so much smaller than the others and they were picking on it,so she he was a freeby.

Thumbnail by green04735
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

She is such is a cutie and looks like such an alert pup.

Bridgewater, ME

I wish I would stop growing I can`t even fit in my toy box anymore.I`m doing better with the chickens now I don`t try to eat them anymore just round them up.

Thumbnail by green04735
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Absolutely precious!

Bridgewater, ME

Tilley is now 5 months old,she is sitting on the foot stool watching the chickens.I have plants covering up most of my windows so she has to be up a little higher so she can guard the chickens from inside.

This message was edited Oct 8, 2010 6:20 PM

Thumbnail by green04735
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

She is as cute as ever.

Ferndale, WA

I love this thread, story, and the pic's. The one with Jadee in the fish tank, I had to ask my wife to come in and show me where the chicken was? I just could not see it...Green you had me worried, when I read "I wished I would stop growing" I did not realize you were speaking for the puppy until I came to the toy box...LOL I feel so much better now. How Cute...Hay

Bridgewater, ME

Hay! Jadee did finally make it into the silkie group.she is doing great,she is the one in the front

This message was edited Oct 8, 2010 6:22 PM

Thumbnail by green04735
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Such poof balls :-))

Ferndale, WA

What a great pic: I have no silkies but they just make me want to stick my face in

Bridgewater, ME

Tilley is getting long,she and Baba my orpington rooster that was suppose to be a pullet.

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Some of the girls and Baba,golden comets, black sexlinks, faverolles, buff orpingtons and a barred rock.

Thumbnail by green04735
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Tilly looks like such a big girl already. Still as cute as ever though. Lovely dog. Nice batch of chickens too! And all that nice lush grass for them to play in.

Bridgewater, ME

Tilley is getting so big,she is such a good puppy no crate anymore she has her own bed,she has been housebroken for about 6 weeks now and no chewing.She understands a few words and she is really good around the chickens.She likes this snow we have.

Thumbnail by green04735
Ferndale, WA

She just looks so warm and affectionate. She is a real beautie...I really love seeing the animals feeling secure around each other, it makes for such a peaceful setting. Green you take great pic's and are so good about sharing them, Thanks...Hay

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Still such a pretty and sweet looking dog.

Bridgewater, ME

Tilley goes under the knife Wensday so she can`t have children.I`m being a responsible pet owner LOL

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Just as well. You will not have to contend with her going into season which can be a big to do.

Bridgewater, ME

Yes especially with a pit bull next door just waiting for her

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Oh oh. I don't think you want THAT to happen LOL! Years and years ago I had a beautiful Doberman which I had bred twice. Really thought out breedings and lots of lovely pups. Still lots and lots of work though. And then of course I just had to keep a puppy. Loved those dogs though. That was long ago and no dogs since but I really miss having a dog.

Bridgewater, ME

I had a doberman pup once and I could not house break her ,she was 7 months old and still not house broken,that was many moon ago and I have learned more about dogs and now see the mistakes I made and I have a lot more patience now and no kids at home or a sick husband,I was able to find her a good home.

Bridgewater, ME

Tilleys home and very quiet,not at all like her LOL,she had to be tested for lime cause she had a tick on her a few weeks ago but all is ok.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I hope she has a really speedy recovery and I am sure she will.

Bridgewater, ME

I am amazed how fast animals heal,she wanted to play last night and was giving her toys to us to throw to her and we couldn`t,she just wanted to run and jump and play and she couldn`t understand why we would not play with her.Vet said to keep her quite for a week YA LIKE THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN!!

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Just give her lots of pets and kisses :-))

Bridgewater, ME

I just had to share this with you,believe it or not this is Tilley,I had her shaved today because she was so matted behind her ears and legs and I couldn`t even cut them out.She is gray!!Shes not sure were her hair went,she keeps looking at her legs and tail.But I think she likes it she was running and jumping and playing.DH will not like it when he gets home.Next time not so short.It will be cool for her this summer if we ever have one,its snowing today and 30 degrees.Tilley will only be outside now for minutes at a time not hours untill her fur grows back some or we have some warm weather.I can`t believe this is the same dog.

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

She looks very tidy! The steam on the window shows us it's still cold there.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Oh my. That is too funy. She sure does look different. Still a cutie although I prefer the with fur version :-))

Bridgewater, ME

I do to

Ferndale, WA

Lordy, she probably feels naked. Thats why she keeps looking at her legs. She is wondering who took her clothes...Wonderful picture and what a sweet dog. Green we also had snow and hail today. It has been freezing every monring for the past seven to ten days...This really stinks, but it's hard to complain after what happened to North Carolina and Va....Hay

(Zone 5b)

Her new cut looks great!

Rita, where the heck have you been? Got anything in the incubator?

Alba, TX(Zone 8a)

That was a pretty good shearing job!

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