
Arcata, CA(Zone 9b)

Oretega is listed under Trumpet & Aurelian Lilies in one catalog I have and our plantfile has it as Orienpet OT. What is it?. I have seeds from ICE CAVES x ORTEGA. When they bloom what will they be called? They should bloom next year.

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Same with Indian Summer. This was discussed some time back on yahoo lily group. Johan Mak was said to have said that one of them was mislabeled years ago and OT stuck. I don't remember which one it was, sorry. The other was said to have been back crossed to trumpet so many times you might as well call it trumpet.

Still, outside of the Lily Garden, Ortega is referred to as an OT. So I guess you can take your pick.

Myself, I go with the Lily Garden and call them both trumpets. That is certainly what they look like.

Arcata, CA(Zone 9b)

I purchased an Tetra Ortega this year from the Lily Garden. It bloomed when all the other Tetras Trumpet bloomed. I have it classified as a Tetra Trumpet but when I looked at some seeds/seedlings that look like they will bloom next year, I wanted to separate them (one per container) (now there are approx 3-4 per container) and labelled them correctly as to Tetra Trumpets or Tetra OT. I will go for Tetra Trumpets. Thanks again for all the help

Willamette Valley, OR(Zone 8a)

Sounds good to me. Can't wait till your seedlings bloom and you show them off.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

My Ortega blooms right along with my other trumpets ~ not the OTs.

Arcata, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks everyone

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