Practical Matters For Physically Challenged Gardeners #5

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Since it is mostly PCAs who do the laundry around here - and occasionally idiot husband or children - I doubt I could train them, myself, to use a wringer washer, especially given the amount o laundry just I, myself, produce. Some of them have dreamed all their lives of coming to the US where we have indoor plumbing and electricity 24 hours a day!! Plus, solar drying would only work a few months a year. But I certainly appreciate your point! It broke my heart when our old front loader broke, and it probably would have saved us money in the long run to fix whatever-the -heck was wrong with it.

mulege, Mexico

I 0agree. I think trying to operate a wringer washer from a wheelchair would be a bit much as a challange. I only have to do laundry for me and the dogs. Maybe the biggest problem with the wringer washer is that I see how dirty the wash water gets!!

Encountered a toad in the big tub I keep water for the plants in yesterday. And a big mouse (or small rat) came down the wall while I was sitting here at the puter. Two screams in two days. Both mostly from being startled. I'm not usually real squeamish. I think the heat is fraying my nerves.

Must get back to my dirty kitchen.

hugs, katie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

I saw this in my email - it seems a little expensive to me but they do have FREE SHIPPING in the US only. It's just the thing DH would use if he ever had time to work in the yard any more. Anyway since this is the helpful hints thread I thought I would mention it. Katie, do you use brown water for your plants and stuff?

mulege, Mexico

That's the kind of thing that, for me, would be one more thing to lug around annd not really worth the effort. I'll stick to rolling - no extra equipment required for that.

Yes, brown water all drains on different plants Because we have installed all the plumbing we have been able to direct the brown water to different areas. My outdoor tub waters bananas and an orange tree. The kitchen sin waters a mango and the flame tree. The washing machine waters a dragonfruit and some cannas.

hugs, katie

mulege, Mexico

P.S. we have also installed drain pipes for when we get our torrential rains. The water is diverted from the foundation of the house to the arroyo where we are building up the soil. In the last house I lived in when the torrential rains came and made deep gullies in the road next to my house, the water on my land all soaked in. It was amazing. Compost works. kb

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Wonderful story; compost works. Yeah, I know what you mean about lugging it around but I thought some people might like it. DH would leave it out covered with compost to begin biodegrading and then be mad when he couldn't find it!

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I can get rich soil anywhere in the woods. Nature fixes it for me.Katie wish i could bring you a couple loads of leaf mulch.
When one is young and tough Carrie,One can hang clothes out in freezing temps in Mass and the wind dries them in no time,
DD drove me to the eye docs today and ran into the back of a pickup on the way home.She just went to sleep. She thinks she may have sleep apnea. It does run in Als family.No one was hurt, tho i was a little sore. guess i grabbed the windshield shelf in front of me,The car just has a little dent. I think i'd better drive myself from now on.
I've always bought Kenmore things untill about the last 10 years. They all went to pot.
Now i have a whirlpool washer and dryer.
It was a little cooler today.Yeah!!!!!
Every one have a peaceful night.

mulege, Mexico

Now that I have a small trailer we'll be able to go to the dump and rescue palm logs that usually get burned there. When the weather is cooler. And next spring we'll be able to get loads of seaweed when it washes in. We put it all through the shredder and get almost instant compost.

Locals regard me as kind of an oddball but they appreciate the results. I share my plants and my produce.

We are having infestations of ants. yuk.

hugs, katie

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Vickie, I want some of your leaf mold too!

I fell asleep driving once - I had been up all night with cranky 1st baby and had jet lag and driving into the afternoon winter sun ,,, next thing I know the car was totaled. Baby and I were fine, due to modern safety equipment like CAR SEAT and SEAT BELT! When I think about it now, I sound totally bananas, to drive down a superhighway 45 min on an errand that I could have postponed a few days. Even someone without MS would be exhausted under those circumstances; for me, it seems almost inevitable, in retrospect. It was part of the "I don't *really* have MS; I just get tired, limp, wet my pants and fall over a lot" stage, but otherwise, I'm perfectly normal.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

carrie, I have found that denying something like that is a recipe for disaster. It is not worth risking your life trying to prove a point. This spring when I was just home from the hospital, I wasn't strong enough to even walk the length of my house, but took the car and went to the bank which is just 4 miles from home. I had to stop 3 times on the way there, rest while I was there, and stop 2 more times before I got home. I didn't tell my DH because he had told me that he would go for me, but I was trying to prove a point, that I was strong enough to be back to my normal routine. Glad that nothing bad happened, but it could have. I am just so independent that I have never or seldom had to ask for help, and that is a hard thing to have to learn to ask for assistance with things that I had always done. Thank the Lord that I am gaining strength everyday, and almost back to my ornery independent self.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Sad, but true, Bonnie. I'm ornery and independent too and so is DH - we're quite a pair.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

My DH is only ornery when he is sick!! Guess sickness brings out that trait.

Midland City, AL

Hello, Everybody. I noticed no one from Amargia has posted in a few days so I thought I would. Papa Jim has been working on lawn equipment and the air conditioner of his truck.. Momma Kay has been struggling to keep up with weeding and watering. She stays outside most of the day and the heat takes its toll. She doesn’t stay awake long after she comes in for the evening. . I’ve been housekeeping, cooking, painting gourds and making plant labels during the day and pushing the mower in the cool of the evening. (I can’t handle the heat well and sunburn easily.) I’m stuck with the push mower because Papa J. hasn’t forgiven me yet for running over a faucet with the riding mower when I was 14 and still learning to drive! (Strange thing is, he has no problem with my driving his truck. Go figure.) The push mower is alright though if I imagine I’m Godzilla and the grass is Tokyo. All the insects running away as I mow helps with that, roar.
We have a gray water system here too that takes care of some of the watering. This place is a strange mixture of rustic and modern. The water from the Jacuzzi tub runs into a simple irrigation trench that waters blueberries and ornamental shrubs. The w/c and the standing garden still need to be watered by hand. I think the plan is eventually they will have their own independent faucets and watering systems.
MK hates almost all the new household appliances because they have touch pads, instead of knobs and buttons that can be felt. Some of the new household appliances seem overdone even to me. I think the more complicated you make stuff, the more things there are that can go wrong with said stuff. There are like 30 possible settings for the washing machine. Who needs so many?
My pretty new laptop finally came in today. I should get to work initializing the new system and let MK have her computer back. I won’t miss “Paul”, the computer voice. He sounds like a bossy, know-it-all. Reminds me of my 8th grade math teacher. I have enough flesh and blood people in real space bossing me around! Don’t you think we should be treated like royalty in our personal cyberspace? lol. Hope everybody has a good night.
Princess Nadine, Undisputed Ruler of the Shiny, Silent Purple Computer

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

"what poor really means"

Thumbnail by BirdieBlue
(Debra) Garland, TX

Princess, I bow to your wisdom and truth. Not felt much like posting, myself. Thank you for letting us know how they are doing. I am very glad you are there...Kay posted that she had Citronella Geraniums. I know where to get a slew of different scented ones. If you think she would like a few, let me know and I'll pick out three or four?


SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Debra! My buddy! My pal! My friend! Yes! I would love to find a source of scented geraniums. I’ve given up finding anything but the citronella scented one locally. I’m not sure the nutmeg and the orange spice thyme are going to make it, but the others have begun to grow. And, Jim’s culinary oregano looks good. I demanded a from-scratch pizza for getting that one started. LOL. The awesome power of propagation!
Sheri, you have to give that person credit for their WEALTH of creativity. It is sad though that there are people in the world forced to such creative extremes just to survive.
Some would say my “gator shoes” (I think they are marketed under the name “Crocs”) are such interesting footwear. I’m not as bad as my nephew is about his though. He insists on wearing his even to church. My BIL said as long as he made it to church services, he wouldn’t make a fuss about the boy’s choice of footwear. They are amazingly comfortable and easy care. You can just spray them off with the hose and keep wearing them. Maybe, you could do an article on gardener’s fashion, Carrie. LOL. Don’t forget our interesting hats!
I hear you, Bonnie. There are a thousand things I need to get done outside, but I’ve pushed it so hard my body is pushing back. I’m taking the day off to give my poor old joints and hide a chance to recuperate. Just a lot of little aches and pains, but they start adding up. The leaves of seacane give something like paper cuts. A wasp sting and some ant bites. A heat rash. Achy knees and elbows. Knowing when to stop isn’t one of my strong points, but I’m getting better at it. Age is humbling. Oh well, I could probably use more humility. LOL. Kay*

(Debra) Garland, TX

Kay, Chocolate, Apricot, Lime, Pineapple, Cinnamon, and Apple on the way...


Midland City, AL

I believe it should be pointed out, in my defense, that Amargia’s purple princess ran over the faucet in the yard TWICE!!! A fact I could not help but notice her young ladyship failed to mention. Good thing she is such a Godzilla fan. The keys to my royal coach are off limits!!! She might flood the kingdom again and destroy my means of touring my realm.
King James, Highly Disputed Lord of the Realm of Amargia and Keeper of the Keys

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

King James, aren't you the one the people of the struggling Colonies rose up against, or was that a different King? George, Charles, James, they are so limited in their choice of names for the British Royalty. Now Princess Nadine, that's new, that's not something you hear every day. (Yesterday I wrote a diatribe on the difference between every day and everyday, anything and any thing, any body and anybody, etc. But it wasn't about GARDENING!)

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

Hello. can I join the fray? I don't think I know anyone except defoecat.

Short version - I was bedbound for 6 months, in a wheelchair for 18, and have now started learning to walk for the last 8 months. I can now get out to the garden a bit (could NOT in the wheelchair as my land slopes badly) with some help and sitting every 10-15 min. I'm having to learn to do things a bit different... At my age I will probably never be back to my young spry self before all the mess so I'm learning to live with what I have and adapt.

I came here hoping to find some insights.... I'm old enough to know that I don't have to learn/try everything myself... if something just doesn't work for others.... why waste my time? *g

Thumbnail by renatelynne
(Debra) Garland, TX

Come on in! Welcome. We are all ages, shapes, conditions, and temperaments. One of us is BOUND to have something you can use. LOL


Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Ho there, c'mon in. As Debra says, we got a little bit of everything, and I not only have MS, I REALLY can't type. I'm keeping a list if real names and screen names on another thread, so if you feel ready for that, just let me know and I can add you. (My real name is Carrie, lol.)

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

my name is renate lynn but most people call me nada and that is what I am called on a few lists here.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Do you want to be on the real name / screen name list, and what would you like us to call you? (That's two separate questions!)

Hey Nadine, or Your Royal Highness, or Nadi, same questions for you. (Am I on the right thread?)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Nada, great to see that you found your way over here. I was thinking last night that I needed to invite you, since you are getting your independence again. Isn't that wonderful?

My limiting condition is failing sight. I have macular degeneration and the eyesight is failing on a visit by visit to the Dr. Another reason I am here, I was in the hospital for 9 days back in February, with something that started like an intestinal virus, and got so dehydrated that I went into renal failure. It has taken me many months, of doing small things every day, to try to increase my stamina. Oh, BTW, my kidneys are functioning fine, latest Dr appointment I am up to 95%, it is just that I was so weak, and home bound I am having problems getting back to my usual schedule of gardening.

Like you I am at the age where I will never be the same, and have as much energy as I once did, but I am here for the friendships and comraderie, and tips on gardening with limited vision.

So sit back, and if you have any questions, Jim and Kay and all of the others are good with tips that they have tried, and can help you avoid some tips that aren't worth trying!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Well, hurray for Bonnie's kidneys! Three cheers!!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Thank you Carrie. I will always have to be careful and limit the salt, and there will be periodic blood tests, and limiting some of the meds that I was taking for arthritis. That is the hard part, not having the level of comfort that I had achieved with the meds, which I not cannot take. Getting going in the mornings is hard, but after I am up and moving, I can sort of move around enough to work out some of the aches and pains. Now other days, the aches and pains don't get any better, and those are the days that I sit and read!!

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Darn, that must be hard, I do rely heavily on each and every one of my meds!

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

thanks... yea call me Nada...

defoecat, sorry to hear about your sight. Mom only has one eye and it has a cataract She loves to read so we have been downloading books on tape for her. Docs don't want to operate since she only has one eye. They say once she can't see anymore they will do it then. It is really hard on her so I can understand a bit what you are going through.

You can see in the pic I posted one of the reasons I have so much trouble gardening on my land. It slopes a LOT. you only see about 1/2 the slope in that pic. It goes further up the other way. If you stand on one side you are above the garage on the other side. And behind the house it goes down.

Thumbnail by renatelynne
(Debra) Garland, TX

Bet it is really pretty in Spring.

Milton, MA(Zone 6a)

Debra, you are SO darn optimistic! Nada, yes, it slopes quite a bit, but I bet it is pretty in the spring ....

Boerne new zone 30, TX(Zone 8b)

*g yea.. it is pretty in the spring... actually I like the look most of the year. Now that I can get to the deck (stairs and stairs to get to it so it was just too hard in the wheelchair). That pic was taken off the back deck looking at the back of the property.

(Debra) Garland, TX

Carrie, I do try. And I've been to Boerne. It is a beautiful part of Texas, but at its best in Spring, I think.


Midland City, AL

Oh, Bonnie, I’m so glad you recovered that much function. I lost my Dad to kidney failure. He had type1 diabetes. Kidney dialysis is rough and the diet is very restrictive. Trying to create meals for him that weren’t too boring is how I developed what cooking talents I have. I learned dozens of ways to flavor plain scrambled eggs.
Hi, Nada. I’m new here too. Well, sort of. I did a cameo appearance on this forum a year or two back with my cartooning when the people here were trying to come up with a t-shirt design idea. I’ll be “Nadine”, instead of ‘Nadi” to avoid confusion and In case I make a typo. It has been known to happen. lol.
Debra, isn’t John Wagner’s work awesome! I want to be Maxine when I grow up. ROFL.
Carrie, what do you think of a mole character to represent the visually impaired? (Moke in cool shades. Moles are by nature near-sighted.) A frog to speak for the mobility impaired who don’t normally use wheelchairs. (Frog with a cane.) And, a garden snake to speak for wheelchair users. If your work is real and honest (a.k.a. edgy) there is always someone who will think it is in bad taste. Even, Maxine has her critics. I figure, if the people the characters speak for, like and laugh with them, it works. I mean do you personally know any older women who don’t get a kick out of Maxine? I don’t know any single women my age who don’t relate to Cathy.
Vickie, I goofed. Your gardening magazine tape got mixed in with my vintage music tapes. I’ll get it in the mail Monday. I think I may do some volunteer work at the Talking Book department of the local library. I will always love the comforting feel of a book in my hand and that wonderful ‘book smell’. (I’m the daughter of a printer and grew up with the scent of ink and paper and the clatter of old style presses. Those smells and sounds are as homey to me as the aroma of fresh baked bread and the taste of chicken soup might be to others.) I’m listening to cassette and downloadable books more and more lately. That would be hard to avoid around here since Papa Jim listens to them open air. (Momma Kay uses wireless headphones.) Listening to a book is growing on me. Better than TV. That’s for sure…
I’ll try to get some pics on of what we’ve been doing this week a little later today when my Monster energy drink starts taking effect. Way too hot for coffee. BBL. :-)Nadine

(Debra) Garland, TX

carrie, there was 'posed to be a GRIN right after the " try..." LOL

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

This older woman just LOVES Maxine. Glad you'll be Nadine. I always think of you as Nadine anyway.What vintage music tapes? I am vintage!!!LOL
The frog sounds way too cool. He'll have to be sophisticated(with a top hat and cane) LOL
Bonnie, i'm glad you recovered that much kidney function too.No wonder it's taking time to recoup.Thats a bit of a shock to the system.
Nada, Think you live in the Hill Country. Think blue Bonnets and beautiful old towns with german-swiss style buildings.October fests and wonderful german bands and polkas.Glad you're here.
I've had one of my cataract surgeries. The left eye will be sometime next week. Ya know i thought i'd walk out of the hospital and have perfect vision.........Wrong. Everything was kinda blury till today. But boy is there a difference now. I can't beleive the difference.I've done nothing at all since the surgery. Tomorrow i've got to get back in my routine.
Nada, The doctors don't seem to want to do any cataract surgery till it's absolutely necessary.
Everyone have a great night.

Midland City, AL

No pics from Nadine today. She wanted to photograph one of the new raised planters outside, but it rained all day. Below is one I took of my newest effort at making weather proof labels for the trees, shrubs and perennials at Amargia. Kay’s recycled window blinds cut to size are fine for annuals, but the Braille labeling tape comes off after a while in our hot and humid weather. The info on those is written with a paint pen on one side and Brailed on the other.
Kay calls what I did a kind of “moontype”. I think that means using the visual English alphabet, but raised so it can be felt. (A lot of people who lose vision later in life have a problem learning Braille. (The raised letters were made with toothpicks, in this case. Glued and sealed with a clear coat. I’ll keep on experimenting. This works, but I would not want to do a lot of them. It is very time consuming and we have many plants. I will try some other methods of making “moontype.”
Debra, Kay says to check out Amargia’s plant list on any of our DG blogs. (Nadine’s, Kay’s or mine.) See if there is anything that would work in your garden. A “thank you” for all you’ve sent our way. I think she plans to post the list on the DG blogs tomorrow. FINALLY!!! She said she would put it up when it was finished. But, things are always changing. Plants come and go so it was never quite finished. Lol. I don’t think a garden is ever FINISHED. :-)Jim

Thumbnail by seacanepain
(Debra) Garland, TX

Jim, I'm not a religious person and don't use this word often, but I have been blessed with a job that pays me indecent money for what I do. Half the net goes to my sister to help with the grandkids and it still leaves me enough to live on myself--especially when my boss provides me with a company Prius and iPhone. :-) When I get depressed for any reason (a lot lately), coming here is the best remedy I've ever had and is deeply comforting. It is a delight for me to be able to contribute to Amargia, even if from a distance. Thank you for everything you and Kay and Nadine share with me and us.

Carrie and Vickie and Bonnie and Sheri and Sarge and anyone I missed--thank you, too!!

(My driveway and the neighbor's house.)

Thumbnail by lovemyhouse
Sparta , TN(Zone 7a)


DG Has and the folks on here have been an outlet for me as well . there are a lot of folks on here that I talk to both on here through out the day and night that help me with the simple things that i am finding out they have been going through that I myself am going through . bad days are not lived alone any more and I do not feel like I am by my self .

I do like the Friends that I have met on here


Thumbnail by Ret_Sgt_Yates
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I am just checking in for the day. It has been a busy one, and one where I have not felt the best. I have a sinus infection, and the drainage is making my throat sore, so just not up to par. Well, it has been so long I have forgotten what par is supposed to be like.

I too am grateful for DG and the many people who I have met, and for people who have become more than internet friends.

I am glad that you have found a bit of solace here Debra, depression is something that can sneak up on you, and before you know it you are tightly in it's grip. I am prone to SAD, and the winter months are my bad times. That is why I try to stay busy, and I try to read and sew and do all kinds of things in the winter months. When I was working, I guess I was so busy that I wasn't bothered by much of anything.

Sarg, evidently the bear had not seen that sign yet!! Too cute.

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