My new Chicken Coup

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

In the Spring I bought some baby Chicks at the Co-op. Well, they started growing and I had to build them a house. After looking at every picture I could find on the internet, this is what I built.
The "Girls" moved in yesterday and seem happy with their new hang out.

This message was edited Aug 24, 2010 8:36 PM

Thumbnail by picabo
Richmond, TX

Super cute! Lucky girls!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

wow that is awesome!!!!!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Very, very nice...I would roost in there ;o) Did you come up with the design?

(Zone 5b)

Love the coop and the colors you chose too!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thank You,
Since I had to build it right in the Garden I wanted something a little "different" I already had some post in the ground from an old arbor so it had to be build about 7' x8'. I had it almost built when I saw a picture of a chicken house with a swooped roof. So I worked that in. I had an old antique window from Jack Danniels and used that in the door. I picked the paint to match the flowers blooming around it. LOL That purple is really an exact match for the black and Blue Salvia. I still have to build nest boxes, but need to get back to flowers for a week or so.
I'm going to be selling Fresh eggs to cover the cost of the house. I figure starting at $20 per dozen. LOL


Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Wow! That's awesome! It would make a cool playhouse for my nieces....LOL!!

Bridgewater, ME

I love the colors,I am also a gardener.I`m in awe that you can build something like that Betty,wish I had that talent then I would not have to ask dh to build things for me.OR MAYBE NOT!I would probably have a dozen coops and 100`s of chickens.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

What a great henhouse! It looks like something from a fairytale! Congratulations on designing it and also being able to build it yourself!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thank you!! This was more of a challenge than I first thought it would be.
My Father taught me how to build things when I was growing up. DH doesn't know how to hold a hammer, LOL but it works out.
It was fun, but I'm getting toooo old to try a project like this again. LOL

It would make a cute playhouse for a little girl. Add a couple of windows and she will be in business. I'll be glad to furnish some construction pictures to show how I did it if anyone wants to build one.

This message was edited Jul 22, 2010 7:34 PM

Richmond, TX

I don't actually plan to build it but I would love to see construction pictures.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Having trouble getting photos to resize This shows roof construction and how I got the "Swoop" in the roof.

Edited to add.....It also shows how the Garden suffered while I worked on this project. LOL

This message was edited Jul 23, 2010 7:16 AM

Thumbnail by picabo
Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

This shows the house before the windows were cut in and the roof added.

Thumbnail by picabo
Richmond, TX

Your creativity is very impressive.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

wow even more awesome that you built it all yourself WTG girl

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Girls with power tools rock!!!

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Thanks for all the comments. Yes girls with Power tools rock. Even old ladies with power tools rock, we just don't rock as fast. LOL.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Heya picabo . Nice work there girl.

Good seeing you again.

shirley ,
who ain't in Wisconsin anymore TG, lol

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Hi Shirley, Good to see you in Nice Cool TN. Hope to meet in person sometime.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Me 2 ♥

Ferndale, WA

Hi Scooterbug: Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you once lived in Wisconsin. I was just curious as to where you lived and what you did not like about it. Hope you don't mind me asking...Haystack

Picabo, congratulations on a job well done. Very cute and colorful. Also a warm welcome to the forum. Loved the pic's. Yes I do agree!!! Ladies with power tools do rock...Haystack

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Haystack , our farm was just south of Lake Geneva . Hated the weather digging my way thru 4 ft drifts to do chores. Plus the property taxes were ass-tronomical for a lil 100 yr old farm ............ 10 times what we pay here in TN.
Income taxes were way up there where TN has NONE :-P

Richmond, TX

Yes, I'd hate to pay high property taxes on land that was often hidden by snow!

Ferndale, WA

Scooterbug, first let me say thank you for the infor...Property Taxes...Ughhhhh. We have a five acre peice, not even a farm, and we pay 26 hundred a year property taxes and I just hate paying that much money. Washington state is beautiful but the taxes are horrible and I'm really wanting to move. Strangely enough I wanted to move to Tennessee at first but my wife said no, the heat would kill her. I spent a lot of time there in the sixties and loved it but don't know if I could take the heat either. Washington is so over run with liberals I can't hardly stand it any more...I'm about to lose my sanity... If you know the most moderate part of Tennessee where would it be. HELP! I sing that Eddy Arnold song a lot, You know "Make the world go away"...LOL. Haystack

Richmond, TX

Haystack you don't want to move to Texas (our loss) our property taxes and temperatures are high - and then there's the humidity...

Ferndale, WA

Porkpal: I lived in Texas for seven years, and was stationed in Texas twice. I was stationed at Ft Sam in San Antonio in 1956, and then Ft Hood in 1962. I also worked for the Harris County Sheriff's dept and lived in Baytown, in 1985-86. I loved it there at one time, but it's to hot and humid for me now...Hay

Thumbnail by Haystack
Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Hay, when we lived in WA the taxes were really low. Whatcom County had the Cherry Point refinery and I think that's what made the difference. The 17-acre property we wanted to buy on Lummi had taxes of only $64 a year, with a house (although it lacked bathrooms). Of course that was a long time ago. Our property taxes for 20 acres in NJ - with farmland assessment! - are more like 8k, and may go up because we just went through a re-eval.

Ferndale, WA

Greenhouse I live 11/2 miles from the cherry point refinery, and one mile from Custer so now you know where I live. I don't know whene you left the area but it was all farm land then. Things have really changed. Hardly any farms cause the EPA has tried to fine all the farmer due to manure seeping into all the creeks and streams around here. They have tried to restrict me to seven chickens and I just ignore them and tell them if they want a fight they'll get one. Homes have replaced the farm land here. When I moved here thirteen years ago my property taxes were around two hundred fifty bucks and now as I stated they are 26 hundred and thats tough on limited retirement. At my age I can't generate the income I used to...LOL.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Tn is a very wide State. Just remember the further inland you go the more extreme the weather can be.

WI. was further inland than MI and it showed , but then my friends in Iowa had it MUCH worse than we did because they were further in. Interesting subject to study which I did for years before we moved here.
Check the diffs in your area but you should only compare relativly similar altitudes

SE Tn close to some mountains is way cooler than further inland. Get near a lot of trees it is cooler , go a bit higher in alt. it is cooler .
This Tellico Plains area is special as far as weather goes. Much more moderate over surrounding areas/towns.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

picabo, my (((friend))) .... sorry about running off topic .

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

Not a problem. I find it interesting how you got to TN. I have lived in the same house for almost 50 years. Have often wondered how I would decide where to go when I leave here.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Hay, we left Lummi Island in 1970. Eons ago. Ferndale still had horse-drawn tractor pull contests. So I'll bet you that taxes are quite high on Lummi now, too. That's an incredible jump for you; I'm amazed.

Scooterbug, when we moved back east we went through Tennessee and were very surprised at how beautiful eastern Tennessee was. All the trees and the lush greens.

Picabo, we have lived here for almost forty years and don't have any plans to leave, even with those taxes. This is where our roots are. It's also nice for the kids to come home and know that everything is still here.

Nashville, TN(Zone 6b)

I have thought about that. Growing up we never lived in the same town for more than 5 years. I attended 7 schools. LOL
My Father was an electrical contractor. He worked on big projects like The Manhattan Project (He walked out the day he discovered what they were doing), TVA Dams and nuclear power projects. We moved where the work was and usually there only a few years..
I moved into this house a few years after I married and have been here ever since. Two of my children were born here, but all three consider it home. Just so much to take care of as we get older.

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

I know; it's a tough decision. We're trying to pare things down so there's not so much to take care of, but how do you pare down a garden when you're used to growing a lot of your own food and eating it all winter?

My kids both live close by and still have Stuff stored in the basement and attic, and I know that they depend on the knowledge that home is still there for them. One granddaughter moved around a lot with her mother, and I could tell what a sense of security she got knowing that coming to grandma and grandpa's was always the same, and her room and toys were always there for her.

Fresno, CA(Zone 9a)

That is so cool very nice nothing like my little coop for my girls.

(Zone 6b)

Picabo, that must be the neatest little chicken coop I've ever seen. You get 5 stars!

Haystack, we drove down I-40 from North Carolina to Texas a few years ago. When I saw the mountains of North Carolina I just wanted to sit down and stay there forever. It was so beautiful, and seemed so peaceful. The most gorgeous view I've ever seen.

Then the next year they had ice storms with pictures all over the news of the trees breaking and falling on their homes and across the roads. That was a new perspective on those trees.

In Texas there is no state income tax, and so far my property taxes are not too bad, though I still dread them. That is a great fear of mine, taxes. You never know what will head our way next. Where I live, the scenery is not all that great, just wide open plains, looks sort of like Kansas. For me, it's home and I'll probably never leave. One thing I'm seeing is a great influx from the country to the south of us.

This message was edited Jul 27, 2010 3:17 PM

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

wow those taxes are high. In MS if you are retirement age you only pay property taxes for the values over 60,000. So if your home values at 60,000 or less you don't owe any property taxes. If you are disabled you get a 40% or so property tax break. We do have states taxes though but really aren't that bad. It just depends on what you make. It starts at 2% for the first 5,000, then 3% for the next 5,000, then 4% for all the rest of the money you make. Property is a lot cheaper in the south but did about double or more after Katrina

Ferndale, WA

Donna, Bless your heart you had me rolling on the floor. You can't even buy a lot here for under sixty thou, much less a house. We live on five acres in a 1987 Mobilehome, Nothing fancy here let me tell you. We paid 95.000 for the five acres, mobilehome and 24x36 ft garage. Our last appraisal was 280,000.00. It is so over priced and thus the high taxes. When the housing market went bust two years ago it droped to 230.000.00, but would you believe the taxes never dropped to reflect that, again thus the high property taxes. Our Obama government is called the Robin Hood of Sherwood forest here...LOL...thus the high property taxes. Ughhh. I know your taxes are low but i fear that may all change on the great gulf coast with the oil spill and all. What a stinking mess our beautiful country is in...Hay

Richmond, TX

Here it is possible to protest one's property appraisals - and even occasionally win. The tax board and the appraisal board seem to play a game of Good Cop, Bad Cop. They announce the tax rate is down BUT then the appraisals go up, and the other way around! Housing values have dropped less in Texas than most places but the appraisal board seems to think they are continuing to rise. I have a protest filed again this year.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Holy Cow Hay. We bought this 3 bdrm house with a 2 1/2 car garage on 4.56 acres with about 1/2 acre pond and a brand new 1 bedroom cottage for 167,500. It also has a huge shop that is sheet rocked and finished out inside, 4 months after Katrina when we lost our other home. They don't count the shop on apprasils for selling here but do for property taxes. The cottage was called a shop because it was not supposed to be allowed per the seller of the property to the original owners/ builders. He passed away a couple of years ago so it is o.k. now. We don't use it as we have no need of it.

Nothing wrong with a Mobile Home Hay. We lived in one too. Had wanted to build our own house one day and bought some property. When we went to move the small Trailer on it we found out it was in a flood zone. Then Hurricane Georges came along and water came up to the insulation. We sold the small Trailer and bought a New Dblwide since that dashed our hopes of building there. I don't do well with stairs and no way could I carry groceries. So glad we didn't build one because a house on stilts didn't keep Katrina out. I got 9' of water and my neighbor got 3 or 4' in his house on stilts. The storm surge was 19' above sea level at my house

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