Winter Pot Plants

Sydney, Australia

Hi Guys,
Just wanted to know if any of you have some ideas for flowers in small pots to sell at a fete. I can pretty well count on some pansies but want to plant some other seeds as well. Something that will grow and flower pretty quickly in small pots in the cold weather.
I'm not used to growing flowers to entertain the eye. I usually grow plants that are edible or companian to edible plants like marigolds. The marigolds that I grow always turn out huge. I'm wondering is there a very small variety that I can grow by seeds?
One other question nothing to do with the above. Why do people put blue bags on bananas?
I found some prickly pear on the side of the road on the highway growing. I stopped the car and dangerously picked some today and it got me and it is was pretty painful. When I got home I put the bits I picked in a pot because I really want to grow those pears. A bit of an experiment really.
Anyway I hope the council didn't spray them. Too late now.
Catch you guys later.

Thumbnail by Fruity_Sage
Merino, Australia

There is the dainty small french marigold . Also petunias. Daisy cuttings will root and flower quickly. Succulents are great for this type of selling as they root quickly and are very popular.

Sydney, Australia

Thanks Jean,
It's a beautiful day here to be out in the garden. Not a cloud in the sky. I'm off to Bunnings to get some seeds and luckily around my letterbox are some bluish/mauve coloured daisies so can get some clippings from them. Good idea!

barmera, Australia

Michelle what about some pieces of Geraniums. They grow easily and are pretty drought tolerent. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Christchurch, New Zealand

nemesia grow really well from cuttings if you can find parent plants to get a few snips from - and it depends on how long you have before the fete.
Candy tuft, alyssum grow easily from seed...
I know the candy tuft in my garden comes back every spring & the alyssum I am having to thin out like weeds.

Crossville, TN

I "liberated" a small piece of an orange African Daisey from a friends grew and neerd to know that I can kill just about for this to grow for ME makes it a wonderful hardy plant!! In fact, the first purple flower at the top here looks like the Purple African Daisey that I bought in a's still doing I guess I should stick to this kind of flower!! LOL Jo

Sydney, Australia

All good ideas and thanks so much for your help and the fete is the second week in September. Amazingly that is not that far away! But far enough that the clippings will have time to grow roots.That's good because it would be horrible to sell plants in a pot and then when they get them home they are just a stick poked in. I'll end up on Australia's most Wanted if that happened.
I've got quite a few started now. Some daisy pieces and some Geranium. I've started Alyssum and petite Marigold,pansy and coleus by seed.
I've put a grapevine in last year. Lots of leaves grew in amongst the chokoes but no grapes. It's muscat , I'm hoping this spring to get just a couple of bunches of grapes. I'm going to squash them with my feet haha!(because they say that's the best way to get the juice out without bruising the seeds which would make it bitter) I'm getting some fruit yeast from the home brew shop and going to try to make my own couple of bottles of wine!
Bye for now

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