Order from Superstition!!

Conway, SC

I guess what I am trying to say is that I would have thought that more people would post more comments. I am not trying to put down Superstition at all. They have been very helpful with my order and question this year. I wish all growers were that way. I guess I am starting to doubt the whole garden watchdog all together. I have been checking out companies and there ratings are a little weird. It seems like more people like to complain on garden watchdog than post positive things. I would think that there would have been more than 3 happy people this year from Superstitions. Every person I asked only give great reviews about them and I sure I will after I receive my iris on Friday.


Kansas City, MO

I found the garden watchdog to be variable in that when I would check it I found posts that were years old and I always want the most current info. Like you, I bet. You and I know things can change with time. I think this is what you are saying. So, what I did to get past old info was to post the question outright on here and get the most current and experienced info from people I had already learned to trust in other ways with questions etc.

When people on here have been around for years in this hobby they have my respect and especially ones who sell retail and have done that for awhile too. If they can endorse another grower that means they are putting their own reputation for integrity on the line. Like Dee and Polly, for instance. It is the best I can do for assurance and it has never failed me.

I find them to be very trustworthy.


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thank you irisawe.

I really think some of the older companies have a huge following that's not on the internet. I know the members of my iris society rarely use the internet at all. So some of the older companies like Superstition still sell mainly through catalogues and dont get the internet feedback.

I also think, as Michael said, the people who have not had a good experience are more likely to leave negative feedback than the ones who have had a positive experience leaving good feedback.

I treasure the Garden Watchdog, as that is where quite a bit of my business has come from.

I really don't see Superstition lacking for business, as often quite a few I've ordered late have been sold out. I really just think some of the older companies cater to a non internet crowd.

Taylorsville, KY

It is a common understanding that when a company fails, the average person will tell 20 other people, whereas when the company succeeds, they only tell 5. I don't know why -- I just think people expect a certain level of competence, so when that level is achieved, it is acknowledged but not broadcast. When the level is NOT achieved, however, especially when money is involved, the average person will make sure EVERYBODY knows about it! People are weird. And I agree with you, Pollyk, at least 1/2 of my Iris Society members do not use the internet -- a couple of them don't even have computers or want them!


Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Just a point to ponder on feedback:

Out of 58,000-plus comments, the vast majority - over 40,000 of them are positive (right at 70%); another 7,000 (12%) are neutral and under 11,000 (18%) are negative.

Does the Watchdog attract all (or even nearly all) the possible reviews for all the sales transactions that take place for the 7,000-plus companies listed? Most assuredly not. We encourage everyone who has ordered to post their review, and try to make it as easy as possible.

Quite frankly, we have always encouraged people to post their positive experiences just as readily as their negative ones, as we know that most companies have more satisfied customers than dissatisfied ones.

Our ratio of positive, neutral and negative reviews would seem to bear that out, and it's why we have the Top 30 and the Top 5 lists, but you won't see a "Bottom" list. :-)

Santa Ynez, CA

on that note, it is only fair to contact the company that you are unhappy with and let them know as most I am sure would like to know that and would make it right, that is only fair:)

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