Order from Superstition!!

Kansas City, MO

I received my order from Superstition Iris Gardens and it is amazing. How is it that their rhizomes are so incredibly large?? I mean large enough it makes you want to throw them on a scale. They look unreal. I also received some intros as bonus iris and could not be more pleased. Received my order from Napa Iris Gardens and even though I ordered only a few, it was very impressive, too. I'm a happy camper.


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I've ordered from Napa Iris Gardens before and have always been very happy.

Melfa, VA(Zone 8a)

I haven't ordered from Napa before but mine from Superstition came in this wee, too and they are huge! So far, 4 of my orders have arrived with a couple still to get here. All were really nice except one order that came as dried up nubs that I wasn't happy with. If I had traded for them I guess I would have been happy just to get them.

Bakersfield, CA

I received my Superstition order a couple of days ago also, and the rhizomes were fantastic. And they sent eight bonus plants, including their new TB introduction Artistic Web, last year's introductions AB Exotic Treasure and TB Fantasy Ride, and two new IB introductions as well. And my Adriatic Waves rhizome was so huge it barely fit in the 1 gal. pot! Fantastic!!! My order from Joe Ghio a couple of weeks ago had really beautiful rhizomes too (plus eleven bonus plants, including two introductions!); and once again as usual my Napa Country irises were totally fantastic -- this year was really great for the California hybridizers and the rhizomes really show it! But I've heard from a couple up in the Salem area who are waiting a little longer before digging and shipping because it was such a rainy year for them. So I'm expecting their rhizomes to be on the small side. That's OK, just as long as I get them -- it would be such a bummer to have to wait yet another year to enjoy those gorgeous flowers!

Readyville, TN(Zone 7a)

I've received my orders from Bayview Gardens, Raggsnrichs (eBay seller), Alex Stanton, and from Country Delight Iris Gardens. The ones from Alex Stanton were huge. I'm happy with the others too, and more will be coming soon! :o)

Santa Ynez, CA

Superstition always delivers.........they have wonderful stuff, and alway the iris you ordered......

Boaz, KY

How does one find Superstition Iris Gardens? Do they have a website?

Santa Ynez, CA

they have a community photo website, but you can email them and i am sure they would send you a catalog....randrcv@sierratel.com they are wonderful.......

Bakersfield, CA

Each year (usually by the first two weeks in January, and sometimes even in December) Superstition posts pictures of their new introductions plus they update pictures of what will be in their catalog. Then they send out their catalog by about mid-March and begin taking orders. Every time they update any photos it says "NEW" on whatever folder they have updated, and each year I like to keep checking what they're posting early on. Recently they have been carrying other hybridizers' recent introductions, some by the second year after introduction, and sometimes you can get some recent iris at a very reasonable price. For instance, they offered Barry Blyth's 2009 introduction 'Adoree' for only $29 this year, and everyone else had it listed for between $45 and $50 (and luckily I got one and it is a gorgeous rhizome). Rick Tasco has now been awarded two Dykes Medals, so there is no doubting the quality of their introductions, and I highly recommend Superstition Iris Gardens. Here is the website address for their photos:


Santa Ynez, CA

here here, I too ordered Adoree, from them because of the $ and I have alway received exceptional iris from them and always accurate.......

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

wow! great seedlings! They must have acres and acres...

Vail, AZ

Good to hear Superstition has improved their product. Years ago they were known for shriveled rhisomes. I haven't ordered from them because of that. Maybe I'll give them another try.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Shriveled rhizomes! What! I have been ordering from Superstition for years, and never, ever had any problem with them. They are always, and I mean always true to name, and the rhizomes are huge. Absolutely huge. And certainly never shriveled.

They have ratings going back to 2002, always positive.


And furthermore, I cannot believe another business, such as you are trying to start, redheadedclan, would post something like this about another company.

Edited for spelling.

This message was edited Jul 20, 2010 10:03 AM

Boaz, KY

Thanks for the information on Superstition Gardens. I have requested their catalog!!

Lebanon, OR

As a commercial grower I almost always order from Superstition, first in quality for the past 12 years and customer service is great.

Redheadclan, you must not have ever ordered from them in the last 12 years...and to slam another company when you want to start a busy?! NOT A GOOD MOVE


Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Great Muddymitts, if we can drum up some great business for Superstition out of this all the better.

I read once that Phil Edinger, the Variety ID Chairperson for the Historic Iris Society came to Superstition and verified the historic irises, and that was the only place this had been done. That's why I've bought most of my historics from there. Although I know there are other good companies for historics, too.

In historical and species iris, Superstition is rated number three in the Gardenwatchdog, right after Iris City Gardens, but Iris City Gardens sells mostly beardless.

This message was edited Jul 20, 2010 11:34 AM

Vail, AZ

I'm sorry I mentioned it. I wanted to bring up the quality improvement because someone else slammed them on DG just recently. It was over 12 years since I ordered from them. Always looking for a good source.

South Hamilton, MA

We have never had bad plants from superstition--reccommend them highly

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Please point out where someone slammed Superstition recently. I did a search and went back 6 months and I find nothing negative about them. I would like to see who posted that and under what circumstances.

Lebanon, OR

Yes, redheadclan since you want to point the poor quality of something you know nothing about then show us something bad about them in the last say 1 year!?


Santa Ynez, CA

me personally, I have been ordering from them for at least the last 6 yrs, and NEVER had a disappointing rhizome, also they are great about communication and that is very important, I did loss a rhizome, not because it arrived in bad shape, but didn't handle the winter well, I mentioned it, not expecting them to re-place it, but more that I was disappointed that I lost it, period, and they sent me another one, not everybody would do that........again can't say enough good about them.......

I rarely get a chance to post, but this subject caught my attention. My experience with Superstition has always been above and far beyond par every time I've ordered! And I might add I grow many of their intros which will always have a place in my landscape; notably Absolute Treasure (Tasco 2006), Golden Panther (Tasco 2000), Celestial Explosion (Tasco 2004), Splasacata (Tasco 1998-Dykes Metal 2005), and a very favorite Glacier Point (Tasco 1998). Their excellent service and generosity combined with their high quality iris plants has earned my total respect and trust!

Thumbnail by
South Hamilton, MA

Those who deal with Superstition know that they are Super. I hate it when someone runs down a place to make themselves look good. I hope the comments have stopped this person in his tracks.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Seems to have, Lucy, as they have not been back. Maybe it will make them think before they do it again.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

I read this and was shocked. Hope that is the end of it/

Tomah, WI

I received my very first iris order from Superstition last week. Holy Cow! The rhizomes were awesome! I am very impressed with their service, quality, pricing, shipping & communication. WOW!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Good to hear that as have never heard anything but good about them and have been into Iris for 30 years.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I just learned about them afew days ago. (Thanks Betty) If I e-mail will they put me on the catalog list for NEXT year? I am done for this year. Overdone actually LOL!

Bakersfield, CA

They will absolutely put you on their mailing list for a catalog. They might even send you this year's right now just for info...

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I e-mailed and asked to be put on the catalog list. I even asked if there was a charge as I am perfectly willing to pay for a catalog if necessary. I can see it already. More grass dug up in the spring. Trouble is there just isn't room for much digging of grass, wish there was LOL!

McGregor, IA(Zone 4b)

Do they have a picture catalog now? The one time I asked for a catalog there were no pics. (Long time ago.)

South Hamilton, MA

No You have to go to their website for the pictures. I don't have it with me at the moment. Will post it later. It's a community webshots type & have to retrieve it from another part of the house.

South Hamilton, MA

Superstition community.webshots.com/user/rickt103

Taylorsville, KY

I just rec'd my order from Superstition, and they gave me one of the biggest rhizomes I have ever seen! It is Ghio's 2009 "Hopeless Romantic", and it weighs about 5 POUNDS! It has at least 5 blooming size fans attached, and a zillion babies. Here are pictures of the front and back of the rhizome. I put my 20 oz water bottle next to it to show the size. The rest of the rhizomes were just as awesome -- they are a great garden to order from!


Thumbnail by MissIrisbert
Taylorsville, KY

Here is the back of the rhizome!

Thumbnail by MissIrisbert
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for posting Sue. That's how Superstitions rhizomes have always been.

Are you going to divide that sucker up? Looks like you got about 5 for the price of one.

Taylorsville, KY

I am. I think I can get at least 4 out of it without endangering the bigger of the increases. They are all really tight together, so I will also keep my eye on it as it grows to make sure the increases grow away from the mother rhizome. Sutton's sent me "Pinkster" 2 years ago that was similar to this, and I broke it into 6 pieces to plant. The new fans are growing very tight together, piling up on each other, even tho there is plenty of room for it to spread out. So it may be the downside to this variety. So, I will be curious to see how this one does!


Conway, SC

My order from them should be here Friday. I just checked the Garden Watchdog and they have a good rating. My only question is if that is what they always send why do they have only a handful of feedback. One would think that everyone would leave feedback for such great looking plants.
Anyway now I can not wait until I get them. I hope mine look that good.


This message was edited Aug 24, 2010 12:42 PM

South Hamilton, MA

I think feedback may depend on how many happen to buy from them. I suspect that they irrigate & having plenty of water affects the growth. I know they keep an eye on their plants as they withdrew a small arilbred from their list as it had small rhizomes. It was the nature of the plant as it was part I. pumila, a very small species.

One reason that they stop receiving orders in mid August is so they can replant the garden for optimum growth for the following year. We have dealt with Rick & Roger for a number of years and always had success for what we wanted. When there are plants because of their background which may not be successful in our climate, we are careful about ordering. I sometimes think that people don't take that problem into account.

Kansas City, MO


Take a look at the feedback on here. I think this is plenty of good feedback.


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