western sydney nsw, Australia

Thanks .

Clifton Springs, Australia

That is so clever Elaine....I don't mind tripping over your stuff..

Barmera, Australia

Quick loop back. I fell overboard when you planted your foot, or what ever you do to make a carpet accelerate. If you are quick enough you should catch me before I hit the water.

This message was edited Jul 8, 2010 3:32 PM

Merino, Australia

Quick loop back for Brian. Okay here goes. Everyone hang on. zzzzooooooommmmmm.
sorry Brian, You just got wet feet , but we did get you before that shark anyway. Thats what you get for sneaking into the port way back there.
Louise, we are coming........ Everyone keeps wanting to stop here and there. There is so much to see. We are having a look at Hawaii because I wanted to see the orchids and the lava flows. I think we singed the tassel on the carpet as we flew over.
Elaine , how can you glue those little tiles on while we are moving. You are so clever. watch cocky though, I think I saw him eat one.
Dianne, can you reach those turkeys and bang on the cage, They make a lot of noise. I thtink we'll pick up Charlene tomorrow but definitely not Charlie .
I hope hubby did all the shopping for me properly today. I think he may have found another orphan magnolia for $8 again.
Better get a move on if we want to make the mainland USA before dark. We will have breakfast in Mexico.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
western sydney nsw, Australia

This sure is a trip to remember Cocky was eating a schmackos pop corn had some in my pocket
been giving them to all the pets we better have a pit stop as soon as we sight land again poor little doggies need a run dont want any messes in the corners they have been so good waiting .
Here pass the guitar around so every one can see now its finished I think it will be a nice thank you gift Iam starting to feel tired after 48 hours of day looking forward to when we fly into night .

Thumbnail by sammut
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

image from houstan

Thumbnail by g_whizz
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

looking forward to brekkie in mexico.a super burrito with jalipenos.,.super spicy tacos,washed down with super sized margerita and a bean salad,.,.mmmmmm

barmera, Australia

Ben and I are quite happy just sitting at the back looking at all the scenery. He got a bit scared when we flew over that volcano Jean but soon settled down again when he saw all the Hibiscus and Frangapanis. Brian and I loved it when we went over Mexico. All those cacti and in flower too. A huge Saquaro has hooked itself to the carpet. Where's it going when we get home your place or mine Brian?. Jean you might like some too. Elaine I'm sure Louise will love your gift. Great job. We shouldn't be too far away now. Hope Louise has the kettle on. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Hey, You all mention my name???? G'day to you all, my Friends. Had to come and see you. Little bird told me to drop in and see what was going on. Poor charley going to feel left out. He wants to fly too. ☺☺ Love the Guitat Sammut. The cake is Beautiful as always.
so glad we dropped in to talk a bit. Hugs to you all, and a special hug for my little bird.
Charleen and Charley

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Brisbane, Australia

are we there yet? ...................................Are we there yet? ...........................are we there yet?...............................

I've been been sitting quietly here the whole trip & too afraid to open my eyes & look down. had my iPod on so missed much of the kerfuffle too! But hey you guys are all asleep now!! It far too quiet - all that action on the first part of the journey has tuckered everyone out! You all look so angelic when you're asleep ;-)

If you wake up, look down - is that Louise & Hank's wood down there do you think?
Is that bear waving? maybe it's Yellowstone instead - that could be Yogi & BooBoo - they do have a "picanic" basket!
I'm just going to sit here & enjoy the quiet for a bit! Shhhhhhhh.......

This message was edited Jul 9, 2010 6:01 AM

western sydney nsw, Australia

While every was a sleep I made a stop in Mexico just had to pick up tiles the colours so bright and beautiful .
Leisa Iam awake made a nice pot of tea if you open your eyes I'll hand over a cup

Brisbane, Australia

oooooh that cuppa just hit the spot Elaine. I'm gonna close my eyes for a bit longer while all is still quiet. It'll get rowdy enough soon enough.

Merino, Australia

Come on everyone wake up.... We are going to have breakfast....... Mexico looks nice and warm.. I love the Aztec ruins and the Alamo fort.... Elaine , you are certainly clever and imaginative. Where is Sue, I hope we didn;t leave her in Hawaii. I saw her eyeing off all the fantastic bromeliads. There seems to be a lot of plastic bags down the back. I hope she didn't "borrow"too many. Leisa, you can open your eyes now we are over land. Brian , are you still with us. Lucky you weren't a shark popsicle back there.
Anthony, cocky is behaving very well. I thought I heard him singing. You did put away quite a few of those chillis. Did you try the tacos ? Where is Shelly ? I haven't seen her for a while. Oh , there she is, waving back there. So many pets, I couldn't see her. Colleen, did you see the those longhorn cattle down there as we zoomed over Texas ? I would not like to meet a few in a bad mood with those horns. I saw a few coyotes too. They were looking at us with hungry eyes.
Dianne, are you awake back there ? Have a look down as we come into Georgia. I see alligators in the swamp.
Here comes Charleen with Charlie. I like his hat. Cant stay too long as poor Louise is all ready for us. She has been waiting for quite a while.
LOUISE, we are coming .......

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Loved seeing Fort Alamo at night.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Charleen - I think Charlie can fit on Brian's lap. He needs an anchor to keep him on the carpet! Elaine - if you pick up some of those tiles in Mexico, would you grab a bag for me? I love those colorful Talavera tiles!

I cleaned off all the outdoor tables today and bought some nice new placemats for you. The kettle is on and the lattes are making. Give me a minute now to go feed the puppies. They turned up their noses this morning at their salmon....I know, I know,.....so I have to try to disguise it somehow for tonight's supper. Picky, picky.....give them a grub or a frog or a juicy bug and they're all over it. They really do need to go to finishing school. I guess I just keep trying to make them civilized to no avail! What continent are you flying over now??????? Don't scare my bats when you land in the meadow!

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Merino, Australia

Don't go out in paddock with these fellas.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

I'm so glad we were able to fly around this. Have to watch out for any more or who knows where we may end up.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Merino, Australia

Louise we are nearly there. Hopefully we will arrive for lunch if noone wants to stop again. I saw this big fellow waiting for his lunch as we came over Georgia. Lucky he didn't see all the dogs on here. Charleen had joined us and yes, she did bring Charlie but I don't think Brian was too agreeable about nursing him. I've put Charlie down next to Leisa so she can hang on to him.
Looking forward to seeing the puppies.
Here we come . Wheeeeeeeee

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Coffs Harbour, Australia

come back! I'm in HAwaii! I couldn't hang on any longer by my fingernails, but I couldn't have asked for a better place to fall off! There are so many bromeliad nurseries and fantastic new varieties here. MAybe I'll just stay here instead and visit you next time Louise? It might take too long to come back and get me, or maybe once you land, you can send that carpet back for me. Either way, I'm in heaven! Take lots of pics!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

No! NO! We got to go back and pick up Sue. I missed Seeing Hawaii. I help Sue pack her bags onto the plane. Hope this is a huge plane with all the Cargo and critters we got on board.Hope we can manage to go around those longhons, but I've been told Charley has worked Cattle, Wouldn't trust them old mulemen. We will just stay away from those longhorns; and be safe, Cocky, here's you a bite of Sunflower kernels. And A hug for all the puppies. Hope I didn't miss anyone. A cup of tea would be delightful. Thanks.
Charleen and Charley
Charley brought his race car hat today, tomarrow he will be wearing his xxxx hat.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Merino, Australia

Sue, I thought I saw you down the back of the carpet, waving. If you are still in Hawaii, who is down the back ? Leave some bromelias for us on the way home. . I'll send the carpet over for you as soon as we land in Louise's place. Have to go check on everyone else now. I see Charlie there with Charleen.
Louise , we are nearly there. Landing in about an hour. We came in over Pennsylvania.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Clifton Springs, Australia

Pandemonium...that's what it is on this carpet.
Mules and dogs and turkeys and Cocky....no wonder we lost Sue.....Charleen..we are on a magic carpet....that's why there isn't much room.
Watch out for those rotten turkeys that big one is feral....

I don't recognize the person at the back Jean.....does anyone know who it is?...Hair in plaits...carrying a little dog and wearing ruby red shoes and we just passed by that hurricane....hmmmm

Wasn't Hawaii marvellous?...after the cold that we have had.

Brian that photographer from the space centre got a good shot of you falling...he's quick on the draw....golly I'm funny...
Louise don't waste that salmon on the pups...unless it's dog food...
Elaine, that guitar is fantastic.....

It was great flying over the Alamo...I loved Davy Crockett..Fess Parker that is....not the real one.... I'm not that old.
Better hold on to Matilda now..it might be a rough landing.

Brisbane, Australia

Ah touch down - nice & soft landing! Oh there's Louise. And here comes the puppies going wild with excitement. Down boy!!

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

did i try the chillis?,why do you think i'm so quiet.my gills are green!,.i still have a burrito here for later and a bottle of mexican contraban''hot water'',.,.hope we dont spot any '34 chev cabs for sale,i dont think the carpet would handle it.sue,see if you can snare me on of those loud hawiian shirts,'with lilies on it'.Hank,make sure the toilet door isnt stuck !,because the illegal aliens are nearly there

western sydney nsw, Australia

Sorry I have just received bad news my nephew has been in a very bad accident a lot of head injuries and broken bones they have had to put 8 plates in his face alone so Iam all over the place will be back when I can. they are in Old. which makes the worry harder. ----------elaine.

western sydney nsw, Australia

Ment to say they are in Queensland.-------------elaine.

barmera, Australia

Oh, Elaine I hope everything goes okay for him. My thoughts are with you and your family. Colleen

Christchurch, New Zealand

well I am glad I sent the Taniwha home - all these turkeys & dogs &Charley might have looked like a snack...
have to confess that Brian wans't the only one into that port.
I have a bottle of Brown Bros to enjoy after dinner - hope there's enought to go around but our hosts get the first option on a glass - and the intrepid pilot if she is up for it ^_^
For something a bit different I also packed a couple of bottles of Lindauer Sparkling Sauvignon Blanc.

Barmera, Australia

Crikey g-whizz your artistry is good, that's an exact likeness of me. I hope I didn't lose the bottle.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Charley wanted to wear his XXXX hat so, Anthony would feel at home. He may have to have a sip of that. got to be careful with charley, he loves those Mojitos too. Who's the bartender. On this Carpet??? He may like a little bit of cake too, to keep up his strength.
wild turkeys? We better watch out for those Fellas.
Prayers are with you Elaine, hope Nephew gets recovered fast.

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

So sorry to hear about your nephew, Elaine...and all of your family. I am beaming you hugs and lots of comforting thoughts.

Merino, Australia

Louise, it's so nice to be down on the ground. The carpet is great but all those pets were getting quite rowdy. There were lots of oohhs and aahhhs as we flew over the various States. It is great to see all the places we have known from TV shows.
What have you lined up here for us to see ?
Elaine, I'm so sorry you have to leave us for a while and I hope goes well for your family.
Hubby says its so windy back home but no rain as yet. I hope there are no trees down.
I am going to sit here on the lawn in this lovely chair and do nothing for a while as I get my breath after all that sightseeing from above.
Anthony, you'd better have a sit down too after that Mexican stuff you drank. No we simply cannot fit any cars on board to take home. All the spare space will be for plants.
Is Sue here now ? I did send the carpet back for her but with all the people and pets , I haven't seen her.
Ouch , hang on, I just sat on a bag of something spiky. Hmmmm, bromeliads. Sue must be here , or Colleen has been 'borrowing".
Teresa , was that you jumping around down the back. How much wine did you say you had ?
Brian, I saw you looking at that cream cake Louise had on the table there. Thats for afters. Love your very loud shirt. Purple and yellow flowers . We'll hear you coming.
Leisa, what did you get in Hawaii ? Maybe these broms are yours.
Dianne, did you see that gorgeous little garden over near Louises garden shed ? I simply must get some of those slipper orchids to take home too. Don't worry Louise, I would never take them from the wild, I will see what I can find in your local nursery.
Better call the elves and check on the Tea Room too. I hope they haven't eaten everything. Kat are you with us, I can't remember seeing you. I know the darn turkeys are here. I wonder how they will get along with the wild turkeys here ?
Charleen, Charlie is quite well behaved so far. I hope he doesn't eat any of the plants.
Better move from this chair and see what Louise is going to show us today.
I'd like to see some of the maple syrup collecting areas and a moose, maybe a bear ( from a distance) and some of those lovely covered bridges .


Thumbnail by 77sunset
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Dear, You had better watch out for that Cake. Charley!!!!Don't you dare eat that cake. I don't care how many Sweet tooths you have. Behave . like a good boy and let these nice folks enjoy their sights. Oh, Look there is a covered bridge!!! Here come a man and lady being pulled in a carriage by a nice mule. Look Charley, is that mule any kin to you???
Let's go check on Antony and Cocky and help Sue with her plants and NO!, don't you taste anything.
Is everyone having a nice time sightseeing?? Charley and I love travellin on this carpet, such a smooth ride.

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Hello everyone!
A few pics from my day at the Expo.


western sydney nsw, Australia

Thank you for allthe best wishes can only pray and thank the doctors for all they have done and are doing and the wonderful nursing staff .-------elaine.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Matilda and I will be looking for the Lady's Slippers and Trilliums....we will help you count them Louise...Matilda isn't very sociable unfortunately...she has already upset the pups.....
Louise I have brought some mangoes with me...could you cook us your marvellous cake please?
it will go beautifully with my bottle of BB's Orange Muscat and Flora.
The air smells so different here....very fresh and earthy....
I feel like a swim...Is there a river or lake nearby?
Charley and Cocky have hit it off...though Cocky wants Charley's hat.
I wonder where the people in the carriage are going?
What's everyone else doing....

barmera, Australia

Good afternoon everyone. Sorry I'm a bit late but I got a bit lost in the woods. Glad I didn't spot a bear. It's so beautiful here Louise. Peaceful is the word. Ah I know why that is. No little boys.lol. Well everyone my Sanguinea Brug has finally flowered. I'm absolutely rapt. I put some pics up in the Brug forum and was quite surprised to get some re-actions. Alan, the guy who breeds this type of brug, said that I was very lucky to get it to flower in these temps. There's another 4 buds on it so I may get some more flowers. The frosts have done their worst here and a couple of NOID seedlings in the SH have copped it. Some of the leaves on Equatdor Pink are a bit singed but the clump of buds right at the top have survived. No more frosts please. I hope everyone is enjoying their magic carpet ride. Will be back later after I've had a look at the ladies slippers. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Coffs Harbour, Australia

Elaine, I am so sorry to hear about your nephew. I hope he is ok and recovers soon, and I hope you and your family are coping ok. All my best to him.
here I am, back from Hawaii. I didn't forget you Anthony, but I couldn't find a shirt with Lilies, so you'll have to settle for Banana leaves and an exotic bird! Hope your mexican burn has settled down!
Thanks for the welcome cup of tea Louise, you're too kind! Now, if everyone is here, could you kindly take us on a tour of your beautiful part of the world?
Oh, hello fluff balls! I bet they keep you busy!

Thumbnail by weed_woman
rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

elaine,hold the thought,'hes alive' thats all that matters,..,my wishes are with you.,.,.,sue,Groooooooooovy shirt-not enough 'o's.i bid on a 'beer tree' shirt on e-bay,there was one there with sprinklers on it as well,but too small for my petite body!!!Mexican burn!,we had prawns, mussels, scollaps in a mild curry last night,with vegs and just enough chilli to spread your chest cavity with heat.This arvo,leftovers cooked up in pie-toasties,with mozzerella cheese on top,with''tueng ho'' chilli sauce[i think they left a few letters off the label,because its ''teung ho'' allright.it warms the chest cavity and any other cavity within 10 metres of the bottle..well,im here at louise and hanks ponderosa,trying to get some souvenier license plates to take home,but the cars are driving by,way too fast for me to get the screws undone[maybe i could get cocky to distract them],.,here comes some of those storm chasers,reckon they saw a 'twister' or something strange land in the back yard,..,ive told them it wasnt a 'twister,'just a few pieces of the' colenals original recipe'.,.,.they looked bewildered!and took off.

Clifton Springs, Australia

No wonder..lol

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