Members Made the Mount Bethel Plant Swap a Success!!

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

MA DG Swap participants are the most magnanimus people on earth! It's a genuine pleasure to host a get together for MA DG members. Lots of good conversation, humor, comraderie and PLANTS, PLANTS!! I was too busy to take many pictures but later I will post the few that I have. I want to thank everone for all the special garden additions that you brought for me and for making the whole affair so pleasant and successful. We did miss those who could not make it.



Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Thank you, Terri, for hosting the swap and Jessica for driving me there! I didn't get a chance to take any pictures at all, too busy touring your gorgeous house and garden, talking and eating! I hope that your hand isn't hurting today.

I wish it would just rain and get it over with today so that we could go outside and start planting our new plants!

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Thanks again Teri and Bob!

Harry and I had a really nice time yesterday too. It was nice to meet everyone and exchange plants; we look forward to adding the new additions to our gardens. I never even had a chance to take out my camera. Somehow I missed a closeup look at one of your large rose beds off to the left of the house. Harry was telling me you had straw down beneath them. We are thinking about putting straw down in between the raised beds in our veggie garden.

And, what a beautiful area to visit as well. The ride home was quite scenic along route 611 south, driving along the river. We stopped for dinner in Lambertville at Manon Restaurant =)

Happy Gardening,
ps: Teri, the gray tall leaf plant from Holly and Ric, I believe, is Artemisia silver king

Thumbnail by wind
Athens, PA

We had such a wonderful time and met so many great people. Dave and I talked about what a nice afternoon it was and how many truly great people we had met. We are already looking forward to the next swap.

I am anxious to getting my plants planted as well. I wish the weather would cooperate!

Diana - Thank you for posting that. I have one of the Silver Kings from Holly as well and was wondering what that was.....

Holly, Ric and Allison - you were all missed.

And one other thing - GardenQuilts and Flowerjen - I would love to have your recipes! Please post them!

(edited to request recipes)

This message was edited Jun 6, 2010 12:12 PM


I said something nice on another thread. I'll say something nice here too. "Something nice." Thanks again.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Wind that is Artemisia silver king. I got it at last years swap I think from Stormy. It is really pretty but it will need some room as it gets tall and spreads fast. Easy to weed out though.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

You are all either going to be loving or hating me and Holly for that beautiful Artemisia. I moved some to my very dry very shady bed under Maples last fall and it is thriving there. It gets a yellow small flower, similar to Dusty Miller. I hack the edges back in the sunnier areas and also cut down the height of it to keep it looking healthy about twice a season. It looks great in arrangements and wreaths. It lasts late enough to use some at Christmas.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Doc, glad you got home safe and sound, it was nice meeting you.

Stormy, we are loving you for it =)
it is really beautiful!

...I'm exhausted, one of our rose bushes, right in front of our porch, was engulfed (wrapped like saran wrap) with spider mites...seems like it happened awful mess...could not get any swap plants planted yet because of it. Rain would be helpful, things are pretty dry around here.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

The spider mites sound terrible - haven't had to deal with them, yet (or had to few to recognize). They sound worse than aphids!

It was so wet and rainy today that I caught up on indoors chores including making some more growbags for tomatoes. i hope to get them planted tomorrow. We are getting some cooler weather again. What a relief, at least for me, maybe not for the tomatoes.

Saylorsburg, PA(Zone 6a)

I posted this message on another thread but it really belonged here!

It sounds like everyone made it home safe and sound with all your new "goodies". Thanks to all for providing such great Swap selections! It was a wonderful day and I enjoyed meeting so many new people. Thanks, Larry and Vicky, for bringing along Holly and Ric's selections. The next get-together should be a spaghetti supper using the sauce we are all going to make from NisiNJ's tomatoes!! What a super selection of heirloom plants!!!

I got a few planted today. We didn't get the rain that others did and even missed the tornado despite the warnings! Whew! Lots of wind but no rain. By 8 I was starting to get chilly. Can't believe the change in temps in just one day! At least it should be pleasant to finish up all the planting and the plants won't wilt and burn up for a few days at least!

Larry and Vicky - When I was updating the Swap attendees address list I neglected to get your address, phone and personal e-mail. If you are willing to share these please d-mail me with that info.

I will then send everyone a copy of the attendee list with addresses, etc.

Enjoy your gardens and the new additions!! I look forward to seeing everyone at the next SWAP whenever it may be!


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Posted on the other thread too.... had a great time!!! Thanks again Teri. and thanks to all who gave me plants!!!


Neem Oil is good on spider mites. Two times about a week apart according to label. Apply early AM or after the heat of the day has gone by. No oil based application go on in full sun and high heat.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Toss soapy water on them until you find the neem oil. It won't get rid of them but it will help until you find the neem. You want full strength cold pressed neem. I have heard that most products that come in spray bottles and have neem in the ingredients aren't as good.

Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)


Crozet, VA

Being a bit nosy here and seeing how your more northern swap came off. Sounds as though everyone had a great time and much like those of us south of you...came home with lots of goodies too.

I know first hand the quality and quantity of lovelies that Wind grows. I have several pots of things she has so graciously shared with me in the past plus several plants throughout my yard. I visited her lovely gardens a few years back and was astonished with some of the things I saw. She really seems to have a real green thumb. Glad to see that you and Harry had another nice gardening outing Diana.

Sounds like the food and fellowship was great too. So glad that everyone enjoyed themselves. Happy planting.


Mount Laurel, NJ(Zone 7a)

Ruby!!! Harry and I were just wondering how you and John were doing? And if you still get out to the Mt. Laurel area? Your grandchildren must be growing with leaps and bounds, I'm sure.

Folks, Ruby's exaggerating just a tad, (our gardens are more weeds than I can handle)... you are too sweet Ruby. The host and hostess of this swap had the gorgeous gardens.

Nice to hear from you ^_^

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

It is amazing how beautiful Teri's gardens are. For those who don't know, she only took up gardening about 3 years ago. But for those who have seen her home and tasted her food, it's not surprising. She applies the same zeal, TLC and dedication to everything she does.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Stormy, if I needed a press agent, you would definitely get the job. We really missed you, Holly and Onewish (and of course Ric and Larry and Michelle). It's really remarkable how quickly people bond here.

Doc,I use neem oil (sometimes with a little dish soap) very often on my indoor plants after a long winter and many times on my rose bushes and get very good results. I will be checking the threads to retrieve the instructions that you posted about caring for the Christmas Cactus. It now has the status of my "prized indoor plant".

I'm so happy that I can recognize Wind, Kat, Nisi, Carolyn, Vicki, GardenQuilts, and Flowerjen WITHOUT NAME TAGS!!

I am submitting a collage of the pictures. If anyone needs a single, please let me know.

Preparation of this event really got me going instead of sitting back and giving in to the distress I was feeling from the implanted device in my wrist, and for that I am grateful. It was definitely worth it!!

This message was edited Jun 8, 2010 5:42 AM

Thumbnail by ROSES_R_RED
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Great pics, We are wrapping up things down here in Fl. and hopefully we will be heading home in a few days. We just hated that we missed the swap. I understand that many of you sent plants home with Vickie for us. How very nice and thoughtful of you all.

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