General Discussions - 2010 - Chapter 32

Dahlonega, GA

It'll be just north of Buena Vista. The town has everything you need . A camper would be nice .

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

LOL, you talk about Nebraska being so far across, but I don't think I would be showing Sally how to salmon fish, I am 450 miles away from that area. I think some of these states, and Sally knows about them, are bigger than you would think. I am sure Texas is so big like California. A lotta miles between state lines.

Dahlonega, GA

I don't know how I thought you was closer to the coast . Now I see it's north east Wa .Don't know how I ever missed that .What's the name of the nearest city and how far ?

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

The nearest is Spokane, a hundred miles from me. Is that what you meant by how far? Or Spokane to the coast coast, like the salmon fishing coast is 400 miles. You see we don't have a lot of "as the crow flies" roads.

If you look on the yahoo maps my zip code 99139. If you then check how far to say Westport, Wa (don't know what the zip is). I haven't done that, so don't know what the map says.

Now, the Rogue River in Oregon, I don't know where it starts, but believe it goes from central to southern Oregon. That would be interesting to know where it originates.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Hi Digger; Checked map-quest.
From here To Dahlonega GA 1069 mi
Buena Vista CO 767 mi
Huston TX 935 mi
Don't remember hours travel time but that wouldn't match anyway.
We make frequent stops.
Barb liked the idea of meeting in CO. Now I just need to make the way and means to happen. Not an easy task but I will work on it.
A lot of things have to be done and still have the funds. Here's hoping.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Russ. Open that produce stand at the end of your driveway!! Bet you could do real well. If you are taking a vacation that far is not bad.

Do you know anyone who would loan you a camper? RV? Those take too much gas. They are everywhere with for sale signs on them.

Dahlonega, GA

Our pop up was going to sell for 3,000 . Only slept in it five times and decided not to sell . Cost 6,800 , so good bargain . Heck no ,I'm going to keep it and use .I looked at Craigs list and some good bargains on there .If it doesn't leak and good tires , it ought to give good service .

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Sally, I've known people who had those pop ups and they love them.

Dahlonega, GA

Russ , check your miles to Buena Vista and Houston again . That can't be right .B V isn't that far from you . I'll look at it in the morning ,Too Late tonight , gotta get to bed .

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

My older brother has a RV but I don't want to go that route.
I have several options for camping. I have an old pop up that would take a lot of work. and the title is messed up. Not sure I want to go that route. Last person to have it didn't complete the transfer, there could be a lot of back taxes to pay. It was signed and dated and that is all. It was given to me for just towing it away.
I am leaning toward making a collapsible room on the side of our van, weather it be canvas or something more durable. That will take some thought.
The S10 would take the least gas but I don't think it would pull the pop up, too good in the mountains. I'll have to think that over a little more.
Checked the miles to Buena Vista, roughly 767 mi. not too bad.
Better hit the hay and look things over in the morning.

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Sally; I have found that Map Quest is quite often off on miles and travel time. But that sounds fairly close. I have a Texas Map and an older Colorado map and a Nebraska map I'll try checking that way tomorrow.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Well Russ, you don't have to leave before noon. LOL. Can't you apply for a lost title? There have probably been freeways put in since your maps were printed Russ.

Dahlonega, GA

Good morning , just woke up . Didn't realize it was that far . Room on the side sounds nice , I've seen them . I'd just as soon pull a utility trailer with our mining stuff and sleep in the van . comfortable , except if its raining.Will bring generator for sure . Oh , and three dogs .

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Jeanette, I know it is freeway to Denver but from somewhere around there on is state road again. State roads aren't required to have straight level stretches to land commercial aircraft on.
I'll check with a friend at DMV on the back tax situation , as well as lost title possibility. Make sure the original seller is still living. lol
Sally; we made a bed frame in the van, so yes plenty room to sleep. Just have to get out of bed on one end or the other. and that makes it hard for barb to navigate that situation, but can manage with a little help.
I kind of suspected this was a mining trip for you but wasn't sure. So what tools that I might already have, should I bring.
This is beginning to sound like fun. Jeanette are you sure you don't want to come too. We could all have fun digging in the dirt.

Dahlonega, GA

I may need a coupla extra five gallon buckets , especially if you want to carry back some buckets of gravel to play with at home. We have dredges , shovels ,(might bring another in case you want to dig aways from us) We have all the equipment , pans screens , even a dry washer for the desert . Oh , a portable potty .Don't know what they have there for that . Where we used to go , the state had big potties and they were cleaner than the hospital. They built restrooms and put in camp sites and charge now . NO WAY do we do that . I will have a generator and a nice frig to hold our cold stuff . We are going to rough it with a little comfort .
Come on jnette, we'll keep the porch lite burning .
Oh and chairs for yourselves .

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Then I would think a gas can or 2 would be in order, for the Gen.
Don't know how tired I'll get. but this sounds like it will be fun. I better get busy with the the project of the camper thing. Could get by with just plain jane van but would really get tired of that in short order.
Barb just spoke up said try getting the pop-up ready, "lol"

Okay 5 gallon buckets, shovels, round nose and short flat or straight nose shovels. Chairs, camp stove, I have a folding table also have a port a potty, it has been setting a long time don't know if it will still work the seals may be dried out. That is something else I will check out. Any kind of screen to help sort out just plain gravel?? I can see a fair amount of a load already but not undo-able.
Well first things first. check out pop-up. also save up to make it happen.
Maybe we are hijacking Kent's straw bale forum a little much. What do you say Kent?? I apologize, sorry

Dahlonega, GA

This will all be next year in probably July after the winter and snow highwater runoff , .Maybe Kent won't get mad if we plant some toms out there , Huh? He and D W can join us if he likes.Be good to have a strong , young man to carry stuff for us !! lol
2 five gallon buckets'
1 #2 shovel
2 folding chairs
1 porta pot
You don't need a bunch of other stuff . We will have everything .
you will need:
Warm clothes , Sweat shirts , coat . Light clothes for up in day .
Boots on, fishing waders .Or Tennis shoes . Water is Cold .
You shouldn't need any other stuff , except paper plates , skillet , two pans coffee cups forks spoons Egg turner .Remember , I'll have most everything ,

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I was looking to see how far Buena Vista was from me but mapquest couldn't find it. How did you get it Russ?

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Jeanette; Sent you an E mail. I couldn't seem to link it to DG.
Hope it works.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Russ. I'll look.

Wake Forest, NC

New slogan: Bikers with Bales! LOL

Thumbnail by KentNC
Dahlonega, GA

Looks and sounds good to me .

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

I guess. LOL Whatever

Dahlonega, GA

I'd like to see the same pic without the glasses .Jnette , They didn't make them like that when I was 27. lol , sorry , Kent .

This message was edited Jul 13, 2010 12:47 PM

Wake Forest, NC

digger: didn't make'em like that when I was 27, either! LOL

Sorry, the shades, doorag, and jacket come as a set. No eye contact.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Guess there's a reason for that.

Dahlonega, GA

He doesn't want us to know they are blue . All teasing aside , It is a good picture .

Wake Forest, NC

Yeah, I was just having a little fun with the "alter ego"!! LOL

Back to our regular scheduled programming.......

"Wheat futures are up this morning as new bale gardeners begin planning for 2011......."

Dahlonega, GA

I have to add : you certainly do have a "dual personality" Who knew ?

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Hey maybe it's the real Kent. LOL

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

So Kent, didn't you use your old bales this year? Or did you? I can't remember what you said. I did this year because I couldn't find any small bales and this is the healthiest my tomatoes have ever been. But what to do next year?

Did you figure out what the problem was with yours?

Wake Forest, NC

Jeanette: I did reuse 2009's bales, bought some new ones, and went back and got some more to get decomposing for next year, too, so I shouldn't need too many for 2011.

Problem was Early Blight. Knew that all along. Just couldn't stop it.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Do you think using last year's bales added to the problem of Early Blight? Or, maybe the problem came with the new bales? Gosh, I hope not.

Wonder if you should take one of the new bales and place it far away from the others and plant something in it just to test it. Would be terrible if you got it next year too.

Bardstown, KY(Zone 6a)

Not the bales. I 'm using old decomposed straw from the past two years and it's great. Full of worms and moisture.


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Yes Doug, but you don't know what issues the farmer that sold the bales to Kent had. Maybe he had the Early Blight.

Just because they were old bales doesn't mean anything. What and where they had and where they were, i.e. near someone else's problems?

That is what I meant.

Dahlonega, GA

Where is everybody today ?

Hornick, IA(Zone 4b)

Hi digger; don't know about anybody else but the heat and high humidity yesterday,about wore me out. All a person had to do was go outside stand there 5 minutes and you were wet enough to lather up with a bar of soap. No it wasn't raining. lol
So today we were trying to get some of the little chores done that we didn't do yesterday, then took a nap. Just 4 months and we could have frost. snow or just plain nasty weather. one year we had one of the nastiest ice storms 2" of ice, followed up with 8" of snow on Oct. 19th.
We weren't ready for that one.
Anyway just saying hi.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Right here Sally. I am having computer troubles today and then if that isn't enough, the local paper didn't come today and it is suppose to be here on Wednesdays. So, that just figures with my computer troubles.

At least I got hold of somebody to yell at about that. And she said nobody told her about it!! that just figures. These darned farmers up here are a bunch of sheep. Don't holler about anything. Just accept anything people do to them. Crap, I might as well buy it at the grocery store instead of subscribe.

So she got the heat of the computer trouble too without knowing it. Poor lady.

LOL, oh well. better check the old blood pressure.

edited after Russ: Guess we crossposted.

I think that must have been the year of 1996. We had the same. Started here on the 18th. Remember 'cause it was my sister's birthday. She keeps reminding me. We had major floods the spring of '97

I got out yesterday and took the one bale of sraw left from last year that i hadn't done anything with and put leaves of it between the tomatoes and peppers. That should cut down on the watering anyway. At least they shouldn't dry out like they were. They had used up almost all the old bales they were in.

Now that the slugs quit eating my peppers they are looking pretty good. I had a couple of Cubanelle peppers someone from California sent me and I thought I was going to lose them 'cause it was too cold for them here. But since it has warmed up some they are perking up. Don't know if I will get any peppers from them tho.

I have a bell pepper, think New Ace, in an 8 inch pot on the deck and it has a pepper almost big enough to use. Plus others. Other than that, I have one bean plant up and getting big enough to climb. Also, since the weather has changed, my lone cucumber plant has tripled in size. See, we just need a little warmth.

This message was edited Jul 15, 2010 3:27 PM

Dahlonega, GA

I picked blueberries this a . m . First picking of the year and got two more plants , but not enough sun to get ripe . I'm going to trim some trees this weekend and see if it improves production . All the trees were small when I planted that stuff 18 yrs . ago . Dogwood , hickory , white and red oak . Gosh ,and I used to complain that I had no shade .
My beefmaster toms are about to get ripe and the ones in the back , beefsteak and who knows what the others are , are getting ripe but too small . Takes three to make a sandwich. I may have to get another card for the camera . I was told that the one I bought for it was probably full . I'll delete some pictures tomorrow and see if that's why I can't load on the puter .If it works , I post pictures . One of the toms in back has a worm on it and pruned the top out . Can't find that bugger , but we'll see if pinching them backhelps the size , like Daddy did . I'll let you know Jnette if it works and won't have to wait till next year to "spearment "
Dinner is finished and heck with it , only D H to eat , I'll do dishes in the morning .

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Hey girl,

If you put your pictures on the computer and then delete them on the camera, you have all kinds of room.

Yeah, that is why you plant trees. To have shade. LOL, you didn't expect them to grow? 18 years I would think!! Now you are going to cut them back? LOL

That is funny. You people in the south are so funny. The Dogwood alone would have given you plenty of shade. You should see the shade I have. Wish I could take a picture of my mountain. Right next to the car. I want Bob to cut it back enough for me to get the riding lawnmower past the car. Heck, you can hardly get the car door open and I want to get the mower by? LOL

I told him to move the car over. Not enough room to get the door open on the other side. LOL.

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