Does anyone grow Galore?

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

I planted one last summer, but nothing showing in that spot or on the old stem stubs. Does it just take longer to peak out? The Avant Garde and Pink Fantasy in that area are just poking up....

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

Jennie..I've had Clematis "Galore" for 5 years now and she never Disappoints!..did you hard prune her..Mine is almost finished with her Spring flush..considering you are further behind me zone wise..I think you'll see her coming along soon..She blooms a month or so after my pruning group 2's have started and almost ended their spring flush!...She was such a naughty/nice girl this season..She OUTGREW her obelisk and climbed over and almost suffocated my David Austin Rosa "Sharifa Asma" ..I am going to hardprune her again and give her a much taller structure to climb!..Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

I like her look when she mingled with my and purple have always been a fav of mine!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

She was new last summer and the above ground vines was small. I am wondering if she just does not start as early to put out green growth in spring as some others. I have Avant Garde and Pink Fantasy next her and they are just coming up, but were much bigger plants when I put them in last summer.

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

My Clematis "Galore" always blooms before my "Avant-Garde"..I think the age of your "Galore" reflects what you are experiencing this year..but trust have such a treat in store for yourself as she ages..For she is one of my most vigourous and floriferious clematis and might I add one of my favs!!..if you don't have Clematis "Viola" she is one you just MUST have ..she is finally 3 years old in my gardens this year and I was smitten with her huge size and her gorgeous outward nodding appeal protruding out from my climbing roses as if to say, "Hey, look at me!, Aren't I the most gorgeous thing ever!"....The 1st couple of years her blooms were not as large nor did they protrude as they did this year...In my Opinion she was WELL worth the Wait ...Jeanne

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

See how far she protrudes OUT from my climbing roses..such a joy!

Thumbnail by JeanneTX
Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I agree that Galore is stunning. Here is one on the post. I had one other clematis disappear for almost 2 years but this year it's in full force. They are funny but dont' give up.

Thumbnail by shihtzumom
Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

Thanks ladies. The pics are to die for Jeanne.
Galore has shown no signs of life and I wonder if she was just too young a plant to get set in and settled before winter. The AG and the Pink Fantasy planted on eaither side of her were much larger plants (from SSV) can't really be compared to this small new vine planted at the same time. I will not shovel prune the Gal, but will simply plant a coordinating one very close. Then if Gal raises her head, she will have a companion.
sitting in Montana and still waiting for summer

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Jennie, I feel sure she will survive. I had one missing for a over 1 year and now it's alive and well. Don't move it. Just leave things alone and you will probably see her next Spring.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Jennie, do you have any white clems? As I too am from the frozen north country, would love to know what clems you've had the best luck with, especially a white, as I don't have one and would love to add one. Thanks! I know that it's off topic, and sorry, but curious minds wanted to know. Thanks!

Lothair, MT(Zone 4a)

I have not had any whites until last summer. I put in Little Nell. She came back this year and seems to be doing fine. It has not warmed up yet, so I am interested in seeing how she does with the sun finally shines.
I just ordered vitacella Alba Luxuriens from Debbie and will try to track how that one does.,,,
You are right. We z3/4 need to stick together. Too bad there is not a way to set up garden buddies here! Shoot me a DMail and lets keep in touch. Even though the USDA thinks I am in z4, I am pretty sure I am in z3 and at least always try to plan for that. It is better than getting my expectations up and being disappointed. Or worse yet, spending a LOT on a plant that is just not meant for my garden, I am all for experimenting, but hate to dish out a lot for a plant that just can't make it in my garden.

Update: No Galore showing. Her spot is reserved and maybe she will leaf out in the future....

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