Photo by Melody

Clematis: Does anyone grow Galore?, 1 by JeanneTX

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Image Copyright JeanneTX

In reply to: Does anyone grow Galore?

Forum: Clematis

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Photo of Does anyone grow Galore?
JeanneTX wrote:
My Clematis "Galore" always blooms before my "Avant-Garde"..I think the age of your "Galore" reflects what you are experiencing this year..but trust have such a treat in store for yourself as she ages..For she is one of my most vigourous and floriferious clematis and might I add one of my favs!!..if you don't have Clematis "Viola" she is one you just MUST have ..she is finally 3 years old in my gardens this year and I was smitten with her huge size and her gorgeous outward nodding appeal protruding out from my climbing roses as if to say, "Hey, look at me!, Aren't I the most gorgeous thing ever!"....The 1st couple of years her blooms were not as large nor did they protrude as they did this year...In my Opinion she was WELL worth the Wait ...Jeanne