Peach or almond tree

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

We are trying to ID a small tree in my backyard. Some think it could be a small peach or almond. The leaves have a very sweet smell when you crush them a little. Can anyone test this with their tree?

Germantown, TN(Zone 7b)

Jujubetexas, Can you supply a picture of the leaves? I don't have any almond trees currently, but when I lived in California I could tell the difference in the almond vs. the peach by the shape and size of the leaves. I don't remember the almond leaf having a sweet smell, if anything, what I recall is that the leaf when crushed had more of an offensive smell.

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by jujubetexas
San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by jujubetexas
San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by jujubetexas
Germantown, TN(Zone 7b)

The leaves look like it is an almond tree. Maybe the sweet smell is due to something in the soil or it could be from something nearby?

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

Another two years and I should find out.

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