Time for some good news...

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

...since the last few threads I started weren't. Asking ya'll to pray God's will in making a decision as to adding a new family member. My breeder called me about this little girl - 'Carty'....the photo was taken from her site - a pic of the sweet girl when she was just a bitty furr ball...she's one now...3rd one down on this page http://cammcastle.com/dogs.html I never thought I was ready but I have to tell you...the idea IS appealing - I mean LOOK at her...

Thumbnail by Chantell
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)


Shenandoah Valley, VA

Chantell, I know you can't say no to that face! Is she adorable or what?! And she's grown into a gorgeous girl.

I'm so glad I got Bandit even though I hadn't planned on it so soon after Jello died. It was absolutely the right thing to do. Go get that gorgeous girl NOW. LOL

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

OH Get her get her get her!!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Some how I just KNEW my friends would be supportive of my getting her...LOL

Sequim, WA(Zone 8a)

What??? You're still thinking about it - good lawd woman - just DO it!

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Will you mind missing out on the "puppy" stage with her? Or have you "been there, done that, no need to do it again" with puppy training? It'll be much easier to tell about personality and such at this age, I think. :-)

Is she a breeder who didn't work out for their program, or why is she available?

Gotta say, she's drop dead gorgeous. When are you going to go meet her?

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh she is "drop dead gorgeous" what a nice addition to your wonderful family.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank you all...course I've never met a Rottie I didn't like LOL...sadly I'm going to have to wait until probably the end of June. Between 2 graduations (my 'baby' incl), dad's bday/father's day, my side job and a retreat I desperately NEED to go to....well, my weekends are slammed. I don't want to get her and then take off for the retreat either...I just don't think that would be fair to her. So I'm exercising patience - not my strong suit....LOL....
Jill you're so sweet...ok....I've had a total of 3 of Suzan's dogs...my 1st Rottie 'Teddy' was purchased as a puppy. 'Amber' was 9 months old when I got her and 'Baby' (DD's dog) was 7 months old. Some times a pup doesn't work out in a particular home ('Baby') other times as the dog matures they're not "quite right" for showing purposes. She is a very up front breeder that really takes care of her dogs...she's been breeding and showing for I think about 15+ yrs. In the case of Miss 'Carty' she felt that her personality would fair much better in a family setting - she's apparently a very personable loving young girl - more in need of one on one attention - similar to when she was w/her handler and being shown. She sounds like she'll be a perfect fit and I'm so excited about going to see her!!! As an add on....she will be breed 1-2x IF her hips pass the x-ry when she's 2 yr old. Suzan only breeds some of her dogs and their hips, eyes, and elbow (and obviously temperament) must pass before she'll breed them after they turn two. Whew, sorry for the long winded explanation

This message was edited May 19, 2010 8:32 AM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Actually, that's exactly the sort of explanation I was hoping to hear! Carty's such a sweet girl that the breeder wants her to be in an more interactive, loving, family setting.. no wonder she went right to you about her!

I know how much you must want to jump right into the car and go get her. I think you're being wise to wait until you have some time to really devote to her while she's making the adjustment to a new home. She is going to love living with you! What a lucky little girl. :-)

Shenandoah Valley, VA

I'm so happy for you, Chantell. How is Makwah doing, btw? Won't she be happy to have a new sister.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Yes Jill - that's exactly it....I've known Suzan since 1996 and trust her completely!! She's probably said no to as many homes as she's said yes for her babies. I will never forget our first phone conversation...here I was with MY list of questions....shheeshh....after she got done interviewing me...I had no questions. She's tough on where she'll allow her pups/dogs to go. I feel very blessed that I've had the opprotunity to have her dogs as part of my family.
Diane - Suzan describes Carty as energenic (heaven help me) so I think Makwa will be thrilled to death to have a sister help him burn off some of his energy...LOL I foresee the 2 of them with me walking trails on a regular basis - he loved it last fall when I took him!!!

Shenandoah Valley, VA

Where's my head, of course Makwa is a boy. I know they'll both love playing with each other and walking trails with you. Do rotties like to run zoomies as much as pit bulls do? I always got such a kick out of that.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Lol Zoomies what a great word for it!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Chantell, Can I post a few pic's of my daughters new dog? Her very old Pug Ziggy died a few months ago and they recently acquired a new family member, too.

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Have mercy Holly you don't have to ask me that!! I'd love to that new baby!! I'm so sorry she too had a recent loss

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes, Ziggy was a very special dog.
Their new dog is just great, and much loved by everyone already. He was abandoned in a basement with a couple of other dogs when their owners (renters) moved. Not really sure how long they were in that basement but they looked like bags of bones when they were found. He must have been in a shelter and then picked up by a rescue group. He's a large dog bigger than Jen realized he was going to be. He is great with her young children and the cats, very social loves other dogs, too. Good house manners. Couldn't ask for a nicer dog.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

So they really didn't know what type mix he was. First they said German Shepard / Golden Retiver. Then they said Lab mix. We thought GS as he has that black saddle markings that Shepards have. Jen's DH said some type of hound but we were still thinking mixed breed. He has really long legs and I have never seen a dog move faster and he is really agile. He didn't walk on a leash very well as soon as his head goes down he is doing that hound sniffing thing, but if Jen keeps his head up he goes pretty well and she is taking him running with her. So she was at the Vets with him the other day just picking up something and one of the Vet Tech's said to her that she had a Plott Hound. So she looked them up and yep that is exactly what he is.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Turns out that Plott Hounds are N.C. hunting dogs, they are the N.C. state dog. The brindle markings are common and some have the black saddle. Jen's family got a great dog and Louie has a great family to love him. Josh just finished fencing his yard in so Jen could bring Louie down on Mothers Day and he is going to keep him for a weekend when they go away for a few days. It will be interesting to see how much he likes the water. Might turn out to be a good river dog.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

ahhhhh what a handsome fella he is...and how blessed he must feel...poor thing!!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Good doggy news. ! Much as I did not vote to add a dog three years ago (well I didn't fuss, but knew I'd be the one spending the most effort and time on her) I see how much love she adds.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

What a pretty dog! I love brindle and his brindle markings are very pretty. Love the lap puppy photo. LOL

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chantell, do you just have one dog currently?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh my Chantell she is adorable!!!!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL - knew Diane would spot that brindle...nice eh?
Sally - ummm....no, "we" have 3...2 are Michelle's and the other Rottie is Tiffany's.
Thank you, Jen...I'm partial of course but I like the way she looks...and apparently she has a personality to match!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

LOL! sorry I hadn't kept track, shame on me!

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