Hanging in there. Part 3

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Sorry, I have not been on DG much. Sometimes I just don't have the energy to even think. The weather has been damp and cool, so I have been staying inside. Sitting in the recliner, with the TV on. This is so not like me, but for now that is all I can do.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Odenton, MD(Zone 7b)

Then that is all you have to do. Don't push yourself, your energy needs to go into getting better. I am sure everyone here is sending you positive energy too. You are doing great.

Shenandoah Valley, VA

If you're too tired to move, your body is telling you that you need to chill out and recharge your batteries. Would you like some books to read, Chris? If so, let me know what kinds of things you like to read.

I've been watching more tv lately. I've gotten totally hooked on House Hunters International on HGTV and it's on just about every night I think. Major house porn. Last night it was a couple looking for a $1 million place in Italy. sigh

Please just sit back and take care of yourself, Chris. Don't worry about what you don't get done. DG isn't going anywhere and we'll all be here when you do feel like chatting.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

LadyG, I love your new picture! What a great, life loving grin!

It's perfectly OK for you to not be here! I don't do that either, unless I'm sick, then it's sort of comforting to ''give in'' to the TV. If someone is there to bring you hot tea and a snack, well, that's a luxury! We get the boys Saturday afternoon and keep them till Monday afternoon. The oldest needs to get back for a make-up T-ball practice game. Well, they are learning to hold the bat. No real game yet :o)!

Hart, smiling over the house in Italy. Talk about luxury!

(((((BIG HUG))))) to get you thru the day. I see sun trying to come back out again! I need to walk the flower beds. I didn't get much out yesterday.

The neighbor's cat surveying all he owns :o)

Thumbnail by billyporter
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I'm right there with you and the TV or a book.

Crozet, VA

Dear LadyG - Sorry to hear that you are going through a bad time. You know you hold a very dear place in my heart. Gosh Lady, you were my sunshine during a very dim time in my life. I wish I were capable of being the same to you now.

Sorry, but I haven't kept up with Daves for many, many months so I am not sure all that you have going on. I do know that you have been a fierce warrior these past years. I do have to agree with Hart's wise words on stopping sometimes and allowing our bodies to recouperate.

Whenever new people come to another message board I am on and are new with their classification with being diagnosed with Behcets which it turns out is a chronic condition, I feel the very best advice that I can give them is to listen to what their bodies are telling them. If you feel sleepy, you need to sleep, just tired, you need to rest, the same goes for being hungry or in pain. Listen to what is going on and act accordingly.

I know your dynamic personality and wanting to be in the middle of it all, it is hard for you to sit back and not be as active as you were before. It is imperative that you conserve energy in order to do those things which are the most important to you. It is definitely not something that comes easy for many of us, but it will be so worth it to in terms of how you feel.

Sending lots of hugs and love your way. Hang in there Lady!!!


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hey Ladyg, TV is great you just turn it on and ignore it. LOL You don't have to think too much, A book demands more thought. I find computer solitaire is a pretty good mind numbing activity. Don't have to think too much about that either. I do both when I'm tired two activities not much thought to either. Take care. Holly

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Here's my recent alternative to computer solitare, a game involving a sneaky black cat: http://www.members.shaw.ca/gf3/circle-the-cat.html

I'm in "rest & recharge" mode today also, so I can sympathize!

Hart, Joyanna & I used to watch that show during her late night bottle & cuddle... lots of lovely vistas!

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I could not do anything to beat that cat puzzle!!!!! BUMMER! What is the secret??????

I don't have a lot of patience with "problem-solving" type of puzzles.....I have a short attention span....
NO GOOD at Sudoku--or anything else involving numbers... I DO love Crossword Puzzles.....

Who knows what category this throws me into?????


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Continued prayers Chris...God is simply "encouraging" you to rest....hugs

(Ronnie), PA(Zone 6b)

Chris sending as many healing vibes as I can up your way. Rest up now with this chilly weather we are having so you will be ready when it gets and stays warm! Take care of yourself~♥♥♥

I would bring you a bouquet if I could....

Thumbnail by luvsgrtdanes
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ya just gotta stay a couple steps ahead of that tricky feline... the game gives you a different starting setup each time, and I think some are more win-able than others.

Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

i got that cat after the 5th try, but i don't know how i did it. think i'll quit while i'm ahead.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Oh Critter, what have you done! I almost had him figured out. Well, I've got that game bookmarked and can't let DH catch me playing it, LOL!

Smiling over the losses and win!

I think our rain is past. I mow today and we get the grandkids tomorrow, for two days.

I need to get out and get a walk in before I get the rest of the house cleaned and dinner figured out.

Have a good day all!!

Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

{{{HUGS}}} today, Lady G and for the weekend. Recharge those batteries!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Look how we're all checking in to see you Chris. Group hugs!
You've been such a trouper/ trooper. It's just time to recharge for the rest of the ride.
I get into house porn at times. if only...Sometimes yeah you just want to possible distraction without the commitment to really watching. And its been weird weather here too.
Book suggestions
Light on SNow by Anita Shreve, not long, easy read, happy end.
Water for Elephants- An old man tells memories of youth / love story in the circus (Mom liked it a lot and she's picky)
Accidental Tourist by Ann Tyler.
You library should have them or be able to get them.
Peggle is a nice game you can play on a relaxed pace. See Popcap Games.
Personally I can spend hours with Zuma but that is hwy I took it off my bookmarks. Too much pressure and addicting to me.

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Chris, Vegging out can be very good for you. Give it a try for a bit. Don't feel guilty about it. We don't always have to be hunting and gathering. I know that accomplishing things can really give your spirits a boost, but sometimes the body says, enough with helping those spirits!! We want some time off!!

When I'm vegging out, I have to stay off of that Food Network channel. It makes me want to cook all sorts of things I shouldn't be eating. Yesterday I read that a famous endocrinologist said we should never eat canned tomatoes. Apparently the acid in the tomatoes breaks down the lining of the cans and lets harmful substances in the cans get ingested. He said of other than fresh or frozen tomatoes we should only eat tomato products that come in jars, bottles and boxes.

For TV vegging, other than movies, I enjoy all of the different CSI series, In Plain Sight, Medium, the Law & Orders and the Biography and History Channels. I do record my favorite series on HBO & Showtime so that I can watch them at will. When it's time to ride my bike indoors, I put one or two of the recordings on to help keep me at it.
Other times, I like to turn off the TV and veg out with some nice music. Sometimes, resting the eyes and brain is good. Music can be more restful than the TV or computer.

Other times, if it's not too cold out, I like to open the windows and just listen to the sounds of outdoors. The wind in the trees, my chimes, the birds, the road traffic, church bells. It's amazing how much sound there is outside. It can be very restful, just taking it all in.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

A friend of mine used to work for Alcoa (the aluminum people)... they are very big on lining cans, especially for anything acidic, so that there's no contamination or off-taste. Modern technology! :-)

I read recipe books, watch food network, etc. when I'm dieting... not sure why! But it doesn't lead to making chocolate truffles. I'm much more suggestable when it comes to other types of shows... some sitcom guy jumps up to get chips or popcorn, and suddenly I want some too. LOL

Hot & muggy this afternoon, but I think the weekend is supposed to be lovely. I hope we all take some "down time" to just enjoy it!

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Good Morning! I'm still in my jammies and will be till I'm done here. I could stay in them all day and the neighborhood wouldn't care. Actually, they might think I dressed up for a change LOL.

Speaking off clothes. I went to change yesterday. Sitting out, I have jeans for getting groceries, jeans for the weeding, jogging pants, shorts and jammie pants. Tank top, short sleeved shirt, sweatshirt I wore to town, sweatshirt for weeding, a sweater, my light jacket and my jammie shirt. All of this has been sitting out for a month!!! Rotated as the weather sees fit! I say enough! I do re-hang the ''going to town clothes,'' but hadn't yet :o)

I mowed yesterday and DH got the Galaxie out for a ride. It wasn't a real warm day. When I got done mowing, I put my coat back on. Sounds like today is a repeat. We get the boys later this afternoon. I was hoping for nicer weather without bugs yet, but, with vanilla on we might be able to play outside. At least we will all smell nice!

LadyG, I'lll walk you thru the yard with a couple of pictures. Hope you enjoy!

I'm standing on the middle edge of the South Peony Bed, looking north. That is the new grass path we put in last year. It made a big difference in the look of the bed. Much more friendly.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We're looking at the North Peony Bed, waaay over there.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Getting closer to sitting down!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

We're seated and looking at the North Peony Bed.

Thumbnail by billyporter
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Lets ride!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I think I'm going to plant some new perennials and pot my calaidums today. I have been terribable lax about getting them in pots probably because there are just so many of them. I must stop buying them. LOL
Sally I read Water for Elephants it was a dark book but very good.
Critter I love that cat I had that before sometimes it's pretty easy and others I don't even come close. LOL
House porn, Just point me to the HGTV show on houses with fabulous water features.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

HollyAnn, I need to set my caladiums out on the porch. I haven't planted them or the glads or the 4 O'clocks yet. Eeekkk!

I have to watch the Food Network!

Besides, you haven't been lax, you've been under the weather.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Billyporter, Love your gardens how beautiful it all is. That is just the look I want for out back when I can put more beds back there. As for reusing clothes, Blush, Blush... Yesterday I picked up a very dirty pair of jeans off the laundry room floor and decided that I might as well put them on as I was going to spend the day digging and on my knees in the dirt.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

HollyAnn, ROTFL&L! That is exactly the pile of clothes sitting out. All worn out working once or twice! I do recycle!

Thanks, the best pictures are right after I've mowed.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Hi, everyone, I really enjoyed reading all the chatter this morning. Still chilling out, but feeling better a little each day. I have some books that ore in my stash to read, I read a while and then stop. I have been watching the History Chanel, and discovery. Yesterday I was engrossed in the Swordfishing on the Grand Banks. Can't believe the price they get for some of those monsters. Hard work, don't know what is worse, crab fishing on sword?
Then in the evening I watched Chopped on the food network, and then Gordon Ramsey remake a restaurant and get the owners back on track, Some of those places really want you to eat out. They take short cuts to save money that could kill you, especially is you are in a weaken immune state.
I tried the cat, but gave up for now, I do have a few games I play on the computer, but I guess my attention span is at it's low point too LOL.
Last night I sat out on the deck for a while while the dogs were out before going to bed, I could hear the toads and tree frogs chirping, the neighbor next store has not mowed her lawn yet so it is getting like a jungle over there and nature is taking over.
Loved the tour of the garden, I really should get out a walk through mine, sometimes getting out a taking a slow tour makes me feel better. I am learning to ignore the weeds. LOL, I'll get to them later.

Crozet, VA

Thanks for the pictures billy. Beautiful.....everything!!! Stormy, I loved your descriptions of vegging out. They almost put me to sleep I was so relaxed. hahaha

Lady, so glad you checked in and really good to hear that you are doing a bit better. Have a good weekend all.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chatter we can provide all day long....Hope you're getting the sunny days we are.
Boy if you want to avoid food, watch Man Vs Food. The stuff he crams in--it's pretty awful, so unhealthy!The massive quantities. But before the quantities they do show some interesting local favorites, that part's fun.
Last night the preteen wanted to veg with Ghost Hunters. Talk about brainless. I don't beleive that 'technology" I think it's three goofball guys who make up this stuff and dramatize. But this episode they went to an island off Venice Italy that had been used as an asylum for centuries. So some history included and cool old buildings!!

I beleive the can liner issue is "BPA"- a plastic liner added to many cans. We all better get our canning jars going

I love nature sounds and fire sounds. Sitting by a camppfire is addictive to me. It almost kills me when DH gets the AC on and shuts the window at night, and I can't hear bugs and birds (and amphibs LOL?)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Ladyg, Have you tried books on tape? They are wonderful just make sure you don't get the edited version. I listened to all the Harry Potter books while I was weeding my gardens. Actually I think that is why I enjoy weeding so much. It use to be such a chore and then I started to listen to the books on tape while I weeded. Not I just listen to nature and still enjoy it as much.
Ok Billyporter, I have dark spots on my knees. The question is have I spent so much time on my knees these past to days that the blood is pooling there as it is the lowest part of my body or is the dirt just wearing through my jeans??? LOL

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

LadyG, you've been rounding out your education with all the deep sea fishing, LOL! I can't imagine wrestling the swordfish! The more restraunt shows I watch, the more I want to make it myself and not eat out! Some people don't wear gloves or hair nets, for starters :o(~

Thanks Ruby!

Sally, that is exactly what I call those shows! It's the same show every week, and they're "spooked" every time!! I watch about five minutes and turn the channel :o) I heard about the liners on the Dr. Oz show and yep, canning more was on my mind too. I love nature and a good thunderstorm, but sometimes you have to run the AC.

HollyAnn, I love the Harry Potter stories, and books on tape would be a neat way to get thru the tiresome chores. Hmmm, I'm no Doctor, but I recommend a kneeling pad :o) Sometimes I wish I had a body sling so I could take the weight off my knees and relax while plucking weeds, LOL! It would be good for a nap too.

I woke up to wet ground, but it's not raining now. It's chilly and not likely to warm up. We played outside with the boys all afternoon. They are still asleep, so hopefully they were worn out, HA! Not! They'll be up full force pretty soon!

I never thought I'd be glad to see May on it's way out, but I am so tired of wet cold days, and having to run the furnace to take the chill off. Remember I said this when July rolls around.

How perfect! Lady Friend just blomed!

Thumbnail by billyporter
Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Maybe you'd like books on tape from the library. I listen to them while cooking, sometimes. Sometimes, I sit outside and read or listen to a book on tape and knit. The neighbors think it is really exotic. One kid can't believe that I read books for fun. I don't have cable. When I moved here following an auto accident, I didn't bother to hook it up. I was in so much pain and had such terrible headaches and blurred vision, I couldn't watch anyway. I am improving, but still haven't bothered to hook it up. Friends tape a few shows and old movies for me, otherwise I catch up on reading.

I like to look up dessert recipes on the internet and read cookbooks. I am on a high protein diet, so I don't make many desserts. I did make a low carb cheesecake that was pretty good. Now I am trying to convert some of my faves to sugar free/low carb desserts. Chocolate Mousse is next. I didn't even have any more sugar for the hummingbirds, but I'll stock up on Thursday when I go shopping.

Glad to read that you are relaxing and healing. Spring flowers always lift my spirits, I hope they lift yours also.

I covered two old throw pillows with nylon and use them as garden pillows. One for me, one for the dog. But as soon as I get up, she takes my pillow. On weeding and planting days, we play swap the pillow. Better get back to planting. Yesterday, I waged war on weeds in the "tiger garden"

Norristown, PA(Zone 6b)

Sally, When I first read about the endocrinologist's warnings about not eating canned tomatoes, I didn't make the link to what I'd read previously about not microwaving with plastic. You inspired me to delve further and IMO it is imperative for anyone with a challenged immune system, a predisposition for breast cancer or diabetes, parents of young children and those undergoing chemotherapy to become aware of the BPA issue. There are some compelling test results that show that BPA can interfere with certain chemotherapy drugs and can promote the growth of certain types of tumors. Canned fruit is also a big concern relative to the BPA.

I'm not trying to be negative here, just care about all of us enough to want to pass this info along. If so many countries and US states are banning the use of containers containing BFA, and the FDA is now willing to reconsider their position, those of us in the most susceptible categories, shouldn't wait for each state to make manufacturers faze their changes in by 2015. The plastics industry is pouring millions of lobbying dollars into the US to retard this process. Despite those dollars, many state governments are legislating BPA out of food containers and not waiting for the FDA to go national with it.

Fruits and vegetables in glass jars and coated paper boxes seems to solve the problem. They have a shorter shelf life and are more expensive, but isn't that the case with organic food too?



Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Plastic has become integral to the modern food industry. I wonder about all the 'steam in bag' vegetables- ironic that that trend just got going, But more digression. Maybe another thread.

I like the garden pillow idea from GQ! ( Maybe you should change your screen name to GardenPillows) We have a big comfy floor pillow, that could be really comfy to sit on outside with a washable cover.

billy-" I love nature and a good thunderstorm, but sometimes you have to run the AC." Amen!

It was a lovely day here today. Good for a hike but the dog has a sore leg so we didn't want to take her out knowing how she'd want to run. Instead we stayed home between other things LOL and did some well needed (sorely needed) pruning of hedge and small trees in the front yard. Glad to get that done, with help from the he-man and he-boy.

Crozet, VA

It looks as though I am going to need to look for indoor projects today. We are having a very steady rain that began some time last evening. I believe they are calling for it to last most of the day. It looks as though April showers are coming a month late this year. A month ago things were really, really dry here but for about a week now, we have been getting some nice rains that are certainly good for the earth.

Chris, I hope that you will have a good week. Give a holler when you can.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Ladyg- hope you are 'better than hanging in there' today . We're all sending positive energy vibes
~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ bzzt ~~ bzzt ~~ ~~

Rain and cool here too. Good for the babies we'e all been planting and moving. Speaking of babies we found a robins nest with four eggs in that dogwood while trimming. We're sure glad we didn't inadvertently cut that branch. Tragedy! But she's ok. So now I realize every time I walk by I hear a robiny chirp as she flies out. I won't need to disturb her now that I've picked up the tools an the rest of the trimmings will lay for now.

The color is slightly off in this picture but its a gorgeous purple iris that critter gave me- I think by the tag she thought it would be peach or pale pink- or maybe she had plenty of purple.

Thumbnail by sallyg
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Wow, that's stunning... yep, definitely mislabeled, LOL. I think that's a rhizome I picked up at the FSK sale for you... so, no idea what it is. Dibs when it gets big enough to split!

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Sometimes I get the "boil in bag" or "microwave in bag" frozen veggies on sale, but I always cut the bag and cook them in a pot. I am a chemical engineer. I had worked for a food company in the midwest one summer as an intern. There is always a concern about "taste" from plastic packaging and cooking materials. When I learned about that, I stopped cooking in plastic. I want to eat food, not broken down organic compounds. I also stopped using teflon when my organic chemistry professor said during the teflon lecture that he didn't use teflon pans because the molecule is unstable under high heat (that is why they say on the pans to use only under low to medium heat, although no one pays attention) The teflon molecule is strongly bonded to itself, but weakly to the substrate -ie the pan. It was originally intended to coat parts of rockets and "re-purposed" for cooking.

I hope that the carton packs of tomatoes get more popular, and affordable. The bf found an interesting tidbit on tomato products. Imported tomatoes have to be heated to a higher temperature than American products due to bacterial contamination concerns. American canned/boxed tomatoes lose less flavor because they don't need to be heated as much. I believe the sterile box packs need less heat than the canned ones, at least with milk products, but I am not sure.

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

I haven't been in DG for a couple of weeks, so it is good to see all of you. Lady, your new picture drew me in immediately. You may not be feeling very chipper, but you sure look cute. I hope the weather cooperates and you feel well enough to get out in your garden very soon.

Billy, your garden pictures are great. I'm glad to hear you garden in your jammies. I do too, although I run to the house if I see my neighbor on his tractor. I don't know why because it's difficult to tell my jammies from most of my every day clothes...jammies or sweats and tees...same-same.

Ruby, You're right. It is so rainy today, steady and calm, no thunder or wind. I haven't seen a day like this in a long time. It means we won't have to lug buckets of water to our tender new trees for a couple of days.

DH and I saw a Bob-O-Link in our garden this evening. It's the first we've ever seen. I didn't get the window open quickly enough to hear his song, but I could see him singing out there.

Hugs to you Chris.


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