Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Cris, thank you asking and also for clarifying the name of the Peony you shared with us. Mine is growing well too and I'll take a pic tomorrow or as soon as I can when it's not raining. "Princess Margaret" is planted next to this White one a neighbor gave me last year. It really surprised me to see a bud so soon and she bloomed on May 5th. The scent was absolutely heavenly and so much sweeter than a rose.

Thanks for sharing those blooms with us, kobwebz. Your Bleeding Hearts especially look right at home.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Nice Gardens Annett My Roda Won't Grow it is loaded with Blooms Yearly But Just won't grow Maybe to much sun on it Not sure why But about the same Height as I Planted it 4 yrs ago.

Hope to hear from BABS This weekend

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Have a great weekend

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

I have tried peonies several times ... I guess they just don't like florida or my yard ... lol
I don't have anythi ng spectaular like those blooming ... Thank you for sharing all the pictures ... they are very beautiful! =D

Here is a picture of my newest found love in my garden ... its a suprise lily ... a friend had sent me several of these last year and she d-mailed me out of no where and showed me her dayliles and this was one of them... its called "caribbean Frank League" has a very faint fragrance.


Thumbnail by bsgardens
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

very very pretty OK BABS Have you found lots of goodies ???? very warm here waiting for the sun to go down so I Can water my plants think I will feed tonight .

so stay cool & chat soon

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Beautiful day lily Brandy, dug and divided all my peonies last year, have very few blooms this year so I'm envious looking at the pictures posted here, beautiful.Thanks so much for sharing. My Rhododenndrums are on the north side and at least 20 years old, each year I faithfully take 1/3 of the branches off., Crazy winter/spring, lost all of my rose campion, adjuga, liatris and who knows what else, thank goodness for seed starting as I have babies of all of these. Can'twait for the robin to fly the coup again. Annette.

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

Cris ... here's a current photo of the little cute and healthy Princess Margaret peony. Can't wait til it grows up.

Thumbnail by rockgardner
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

BRANDY : Forgot To TELL You I Have 2-3 Buds On the Daylily you sent me :) It is doing Just fine :) If I Can get it to open I will take a pic.

Annette: Your Not alone on loosing plants , About 50% of my irises got frosted out , also some of my Hosta got frosted. So I was out cutting them all back .

I need more Dianthus seeds of all types Pot of gold allysum , or walk on me ,

well i have to lay back been a very long day .

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

Susie... got plenty of the Alyssum from last year's harvest if you want some. Can send them right out or I can put them in the robin next time around. I got a big batch going and hope to plant them this fall as my existing patch is about 8 years old and looking raggedy. Does anyone know if they can be cut back?

columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

I've had the perennial alyssum for 7 or 8 years and just pulled out a huge patch, it was really taking over the area it was in, I've never tried to cut it back, but it would be worth a try.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Rock Love to have some is it easy to grow from seed ??? well Babs Should be getting the Robin back in the air today So maybe Next week I can have a new flight plan for it .

well got to go out & water before the sun comes up you all have a great day .

Billerica, MA(Zone 6a)

Susie... my experience with growing alyssum from seed has been a combination of both easy and hard. No problem with them germinating, but once they've started, the seedlings do not like to dry out. As long as they're kept moist until they're relatively mature (2-3 months), they're carefree after that.

I have two patches... this is my small patch. Planning to expand it by adding some fresh starts for next year's blooms, and also trimming the older plants, as they've gotten leggy after all these years.

Thumbnail by rockgardner
Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

Sorry for the error in the link. I went in & took a look again & have
it listed as "Public" for viewing so not sure what is wrong :(

I'll D-mail the list to any interested in seeing it.

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

I can send you some Iris bulbs in the fall & I do have
some different types of dianthus you may be interested in.

Sent you & Brandy a copy of my "have" list.

Delighted to see pics of the adopted peonies :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OH CRIS THAT WILL NE NICE i nEVER CAN REFUSE A FEW NEW PLANTS :))) Sorry for the caps been a long day & I just got home from bingo :))
& I'm ready for bed soon . cris i replied to your dmail .
still nothing on the robin yet .

you all have a great evening

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OK Robins are both back home safe & Sound West Robin Just landed this afternoon I Have not even had time to look at it yet . will do so tomorrow I have to many things going on tonight graduation parties 2 of them .

will be back tomorrow.

here is the list who would like to look though the robins again if your name is not on there Please let me know
BY MONDAY NO MORE ADD ONS > For it will be ready for take off On weds POSSIBLE .

So you have till MONDAY TO LET ME KNOW > If YOUR Not on the list .

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Sorry for not posting the list LAST NIGHT GUESS I WAS IN A HURRY hehe wow I was up half the night going through all the nice packs & I want to thank poisondartfrog the special seed she shared with me & The very nice card thank you . & Love to have you play again any time .

Well i have the new flight robin posted not sure of the route yet till everyone is signed up they have till
MONDAY . will let you know when i can get it back in flight .

Going To Combine the robins for there is not that many players this time . here is the NEW LINK :

there is only going to be just this one forum so start using that forum this one is going to be closed .
thank you susie

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