Iris swap 2010......What's your fancy????

Santa Ynez, CA

me personally, have enough pinks, space agers, and unusual iris......

Thumbnail by makj
Vail, AZ

I like contrasting colors and brilliant colors. I have too many purples but like blues.

Loysville, PA(Zone 6a)

I love the bold colors rather than pastels. Red, yellow, orange, & purples are my favorites. I would love to add more reds and also ruffles and/or flounces/spoons to my collection.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I like them all!!!

But I don't necessarily think they all look good together.
So I have a bed of pastel peaches and lavenders.
A bed or oranges yellow and bright purples.
And a bed for pinks, whites and cream ect.

And then I have another for blues and everything else...

I like separating them like that.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

I love unusual iris too...I once posted that I had 70 different kinds, to which several ladies boasted hundreds! ha ha!!!
So... I'll be happy just to add to my collection. Thanks for hosting makj!

Valdese, NC(Zone 7a)

makj, what is that lovely yellow iris in that picture? I love it!

Santa Ynez, CA

my "Joe's Gold" I finally got a pretty good shot of it..........

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

I love all Iris of course, but I REALLY love ruffles, big ruffily ones.........beautiful.
and anything with contrasting bold colors.

I have tons of blues and purples, solid and with white, so don't really need any more.

In fact, I looked out the window last week and realized I need to do a lot of moving around because one bed is entirely blue/ ........need contrast.

Wedding Dance

Thumbnail by av_ocd_girl
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Love them all, but would like Flatties (they look like Japanese iris blooms) ruffles, flounces, large blooms, broken color, no more blues unless bicolors or special. Love some pinks or yellows. I received this in a swap in 2008, would have never chosen it, but fell in love when it bloomed, was my absolute favorite last year. Queen's Circle. Wonderful surprise!

Thumbnail by mittsy
Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I am like some of you, have enough purple and blues.
Would love some more of the orange, pink, etc. Do not like the batiks though.


I have Batik and would love more like it in different colors. Have a lot of purples too, plain and bi color, lots of whites too. Too many. Love bi colors and bold, soft too, like this one

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Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Oh now that one I could live with, pagardener.

Lovely bi/tones which is some of what catches my eye.


I have alot like that one above and do love the romantic colors. I'll have to bend over and check that tag out and see who it is. I generally just snap the pic and do not note the name, some I know by heart now.

and it is Endearing Charm sent by Bleeks as a gift when my mom passed away/

this one is Ada Marie

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Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Your Ada Marie reminds me of Juicy Fruit

Tranquillity, CA(Zone 9a)

I am such a Space Age Type of gal , even Color Breakers.
I'm doing alot of replacing this yr.
So anything with a Fork-Horn-Spoon-Flonce-Pompom.
I will just love love love.

I entered 2 Iris Shows this yr. Did not take Queen of Show but came close.
I took Best Tall Bearded in both shows
Copper BubbleBath in one show
Rhapsody in Bloom in another, our local show,,,also won Bronze medal!

This message was edited May 11, 2010 9:15 AM

Ellerbe, NC(Zone 8a)

Oh, That Ada Marie is gorgeous.

Gainesville, TX

I like the space agers like earthspinner , unusual, luminesce, or bold colors, reds and ruffles., bright oranges and yellows.............................

Although I love them , I have enough (too many) historics, purples, pastels, and whites

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I just love them all!! Send me some and I can find a home for it on my 1/2 acre. Am slowly done away with lawn.

Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

I love them too! Just starting out. I have three different colors. White, dark Purple and light Purple.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi, April
Girl you are in trouble now lol. This can turn into a new addiction!

I need a few good pinks and I love ruffles :)

Teresa in KY

Thumbnail by bluegrassmom
Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

Tell me about it Teresa!
Love your photo!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I like the bi-tones, ruffled, large flower, reblooming, anything 'different'. Any would be wonderful!

some I am liking at the moment: Pheasant Feathers, Glowing Smile, Dandy Candy, Thrillseeker, and especially liking After the Dawn.

This message was edited May 14, 2010 3:44 PM

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Anne Newhart TB


Thumbnail by Maxine
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Is this for TB only? I have a few sibs that could be divided.

Thumbnail by bluegrassmom
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I believe it is for TB only, but if my swap partner wants to throw in a few non TB's I will not look a gift horse in the mouth. I've seen pictures of some SDB that I would love to add to my garden also.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Yes, if my partner wishes to throw in some SDB iris, I will be more than happy to receive them.


Gladwin, MI(Zone 5a)

I would love to get more Historic Iris but will love whatever i recieve!


Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

I want Bewilderbeast.

Gainesville, TX

if I could be picky I'd like 2 or 3 Louisa's Song

Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

Maybe that's NOT PICKY but KNOWING what you LIKE!

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I've been out weeding and checking the beds, found that I have a few winter losses, any chance we can do some side swaps or for postage to replace our losses? Had my first bloomer yesterday NO ID from last years swap. It is very short and I would be willing to give away as I do not have room for those I do not like.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I also have another Rosemary's Dream which is a shorty. Would make a two some with the one above.

This message was edited May 14, 2010 6:40 AM

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

mittsy, if you are giving those iris away, I would love to give them a home in my yard.
I think they are lovely and I have the prefect place for them.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Check m y tradelist and see if anything else interests you, might as well make it worth whilefor postage.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

mittsy, I checked you trade list and found alot of things I would like, but will behave myself.

I am interested in the Fernleaf yarrow, any hydrangea or lilac and the mock orange for my sister. Her birthday is June 21st and she's been wanting a mock orange so I'd really like that for her.

Let me know how much postage you will need. I get my check next wednesday and can mail you a money order.

I wish I had something you wanted but all I have is seeds.


Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

I'll take some cuttings from the mock orange and get them rooted for you. I have lots of yarrow, including some special seeds which I can include. Our church was throwing out 3 hydrangeas. I can't help my self I can't bear to see a plant die. I don't know what the name is but it was blue. I'll get out and dig a dbl lilac tomorrow. Why don't we figure on the largest one price 9notby weight) priority box for postage and I'll cram in as much as I can. It will be awhile as I don't want to dig the iris until they stop blooming. This is the dbl lilac. A French hybrid that my dh bought for me when we were dating. He bought it at Sears. Over 40 years ago.

Thumbnail by mittsy
Montgomery, TX(Zone 9a)

You can root mock orange?
Tell me how please.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thank you mittsy. I can wait for as long as I have to . As I said I will get my check next week so will send you a money order for the largest box.

Got to go now, I have to drive my sister up to Mt Vernon to meet up with her daughter. She will spend the week up in Richmond.

Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

Take cuttings about 6 to 8 inches in length. Remove seed heads (from last year).

Thumbnail by mittsy
Cocoa Beach, FL(Zone 10a)

2. Strip off all the lower leaves and cut the top leaves in half. Remove any developing buds.

Thumbnail by mittsy

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