choko pickles

Sydney, Australia

Hi, my vine had lots of choko's this year so made choko pickles. It's a mustard pickles recipe with a bit of heat.
6 choko's peeled well and deseeded. Steam them until they are just tender. In a pot - two cups of brown vinegar, 1 cup of sugar, 2 tablespoons of mustard powder. 1 tablespoon of hot english mustard dissolved in a little hot water first. 1 tablespoon of ground cloves. 1 tablespoon of sea salt..any salt if you haven't got sea salt. quarter of a cup of golden syrup. 1tablespoon of turmeric, 1cup of water and 1 third of a cup of plain flour. make the plain flour into a sauce with a bit of the water and when it all starts to boil slowly pour in the flour paste to thicken it. Chop the choko's after they are steamed into little pieces and pour them into the sauce and stir well. Pour it into hot stelised jars and put the lid on quickly so the vacuum works. I love choko pickles on sanchwiches with cornbeef or with kransky on a bun.
If you have a choko recipe for pickles I'd love to try it.

Thumbnail by Fruity_Sage

Hi there oh yes I love choko pickles and we always had it at My grandmothers home in the country.
I used to make it all the time but my grandchildren have grown up now and prefer sweet chilli sauce these days.

I still love my chokos and micro wave them until tender then cut into thick slices , coat them in olive oil and bake (use baking paper) them with a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper, until caramelized.
Loving recipes so here is a further recipe for choko.

Sydney, Australia

Thanks Chrissy. Balsamic vinegar sounds nice with them. Mum told me years ago that people used to put chokoes in pies with apples & pears so they could use less of the expensive fruit and chokoes would take on the flavour. I remember a couple of years ago I was in the supermarket and bought a couple of chokoes and the checkout girl didn't know what they were.

Brisbane, Australia

My parents grew all kinds of things, but excelled at grapes & chokoes! When I was a kid mum would put choko in everything - yes even fruit pies to bulk it up when there wasn't quite enough rhubarb, goosberries or apples etc. My brothers didn't like them much, but steamed choko with white sauce is real comfort food for me! Peeling them is crappy though. As a kid I remember earning my Brownie House Orderly badge partly by peeling chokos!

Northern Rivers NSW, Australia(Zone 7b)

I earn't my points by throwing them over the neighbours fence from our chook house roof . :)

BUT they threw them back !!! A true story .

The amount of people I have met that admit to "bulking up" something , usually apple pies with chokos and sugar ..

Brisbane, Australia

Chocko torpedos would be dangerous - they're pretyy hard when green!

We used to climb the grape vine to get on the chook house roof, sit there for a bit then jump off - why I don't know!

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