Found Apple Cedar Rust, help with fruit trees

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I found apple cedar rust galls on a cedar tree on the property. I would like to add fruit trees and know that I cannot plant apples trees close by but I am wondering if there are any other fruit trees that I should avoid.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

Just fyi, there are now varieties of apples supposed to be immune or resistant to scab and rust.

Germantown, TN(Zone 7b)

Hello MGCrystal. I had posted a question on this forum a few days back because I was not familiar with cedar-apple rust. This year year was my first experience with it. I found a document which says: "Apple varieties that normally show good to excellent resistance to cedar-apple rust include Red Delicious, McIntosh, Arkansas Black, Winesap, Mollies Delicious, Spartan, Priscilla, Liberty and Empire." I had planted a Rome apple tree last fall not knowing that it is one of the least tolerant varieties. And sure enough, it was just covered with the rust almost immediately after the new leaves sprouted this spring.

So, maybe you could try one of the above varieties and not have to worry about the rust problem.

Glen Ellyn, IL(Zone 5b)

I grow apples, despite being quite surrounded by spore-bearing juniper trees. Fungicide in the spring when the spores are active, picking the right varieties. Liberty, though, has been said to fail t he taste test.

Germantown, TN(Zone 7b)

The most pest (and everything else) resistant apple tree I ever had, as well as best tasting (to me anyway), was a San Diego Red. When I lived in CA, I bought that tree from Pacific Tree Farm in San Diego (they are now out of business). It was specially adapted for the mild winters (it never got below freezing). In the 20 years I lived there, I don't recall it ever getting below 36 degrees. It probably would not work where I am now in my 7b zone. But I sure miss that apple tree! And Oh, the Washington navel oranges too! Some years they were the size of grapefruits.

Fredericksburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I would love to be able to grow citrus trees. I grew up in Hawaii so I miss all the fruit trees that we had there. I would LOVE to have another Mango, Guava and Lychee tree in my backyard again!

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