North of Heber, AZ(Zone 6b)

This may turn out to be the 8th year in a row that I don't get any fruit from my 5 apple, 3 apricot, and 2 plum trees, all dwarves. That is, since I planted them! :^(

Just when spring was getting well underway, last night it SNOWED! And it may again tonight. Really, enough is enough.

La Grange, TX(Zone 8b)

I can sympathize with you. I've avoided apricot trees because they bloom too early, but my peach and plum trees, suggested for this area, have gotten hit by late freezes quite often. The only reliable fruit tree that gives me fruit every year is my Fuyu persimmon. So this year I planted several different persimmons

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

The trees are sensitive to frost when they are open and in the pollination phase, and the bees don't like to be out working cold weather either. However, they can handle a little frost before the blossoms open and after the fruit has set. I'm sorry you got "skunked" eight years straight.
Here in this area we are going to have apricots this year. Most trees around here only have apricots every 15-20 years, because they bloom too early. The peaches which bloom later and are pretty reliable here are not going to have peaches this year.
So, wait and see - you might end up with fruit on something that missed the freeze by a day or two earlier or later.

North of Heber, AZ(Zone 6b)

Pollen, the last Big Snow came after the domestic apricot had bloomed, and so far some of the teensy apricots seem to be still attached. The two smaller ones, Manchurians that got moved last fall, are just now starting to leaf out.

The plums were in full glorious bloom and got hit hard, don't think I will get any plums. The apples were just getting ready to bloom and it is too early to tell if any of them made it through the snowstorm or not.

I have 2 native-type bush cherry bushes that seem not to have set fruit. The bees are doing great right now, they were having a great time in a bed of wild mint (I think it is called horehound) that isn't even blooming yet.

I have a quince that I planted last fall and had great hopes for, as it had a dozen or so buds on it when the snow hit. They are still attached but not open and sort of brown-looking. Guess it is just wait & see. I am going to Alaska for a week and hope everything will look better when I return.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

my peach set fruit and was doing good and a cold spell with storms come through and now nothing everyone fell off or took cold. bad year for everyone it seems.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

We just got snow yesterday, and 4 in April. Usually March is the last snowfall. Is anyone else getting wacky weather?

Thumbnail by evelyn_inthegarden
North of Heber, AZ(Zone 6b)

Ev, I guess our wacky weather is just normal for here. Latest check was: No apricots, no plums, no apples, no berries, no quinces. Ho hum, just another fruitless year.

In the greenhouse I have planted dwarf orange, grapefruit, tangelo, fig, and (just today) a Day avocado, supposed to be self-pollinating. All look good so far except that the tangelo suddenly started dropping its leaves, and the ones still on the little tree show signs of iron deficiency. All three citrus & the fig have teensy fruits on them. We shall see. I will try to get some iron stuff at the HW store when I go to town next Friday.

Meanwhile, I am eating lettuces, spinach, onions, asparagus, radishes, broccoli, and tomatoes from the gardens. Not lots, but enough for me & the son & DIL & gkids.

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