leaf rooting need help

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I have rooted 4 leaves from a blue sky vine. There is no growth from the soil, and the leaves look like I just put them in there. But the roots are growing out the bottom. Do I pot up now? Will they grow stems?

If you have roots coming out of the bottom of your pot or what every you have rooted this plant in. You can transplant. You may wait until spring though after your last frost for the year. Reason being if they are safe from cold now, they may not be safe when you put them in a new location. On vines when growing them if you don't have them branching out you must clip them (trim) to get them to branch off more than one single stock. I would wait until spring to do this after your last frost. This will help produce new growth. You can also think about taken many single stocks and planting them together as if they are one plant. When I propagate vines I put more than one cutting in the same bucket. This allows it to look bushy sooner, but if you have not done this, you can get around this another way. What you will want to do is fill a larger pot up with soil / take the single stocks out of the pots you have them in / shake off the most the dirt leaving the roots in tack / combine the root systems into your larger pot / and surround it with the new soil / if your weather is still time before it gets really cold you can do this now. If your uncertain just take some of them and try it with 3 to 4 of your single stocks and leave the rest alone until spring. That way you don't loose the entire of your rootings, but there is a good chance you won't have any die. Make sure you keep the soil slightly moist in the winter months, but can soak them really good when first transplanting them. I would do it in the morning, so most of the water can drain off by night when it gets colder.
Hope this helps

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

hi sheryl! First, are stocks just leaves? Cause that's all I have, leaves with tons of roots, no stem. I got the leaves from a very generous person who'd had them root that way. I've had them in pot (they are tender here, will have to come in) for almost 2 months or so now. That's why I'm wondering if they will put up a stem. These leaves had no part of the actual stem. thunbergia grandiflora. I'm just wondering if I did it right:)

Wow I know who I am going to ask if I need help rooting something.

Florence, AL(Zone 7a)

tig, how did you root them? Just stick the leaves in the soil or what?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

yes, I am pretty sure I used rooting compound. But the roots are growing out the bottom, and there is no new growth from the top. I think I'm going to try and be patient and see what happens.

TIG, I am sorry I could not be of any help to you. Never have I done leaf cuttings and rooted them out. So I don't know how they they grow and produce the stems that you are waiting for. All I know is when to cut them, the rooting medium, and environment temp. - etc. Believe your right about just waiting to see what they do. Sure-ly they will produce right! You have good roots, looks to me if you transplanted them to a bigger pot they would survive. Your "thunbergia grandiflora" is evergreen so you would know if it dies out over the winter or anytime for that matter it's a gone. It's a vigorous grower to, but it looks like the roots are doing all the growing for you - like you have found out. :) You might already know this but the cultivation under glass and I guess can apply to indoors says, grow in soil-based potting mix in full light with shade from hot sun. Support the climbing stems in growth(which you don't have yet), water freely, apply a balanced liquid fertilzer monthly; water sparingly in winter. Outdoor cultivation: grow in moist but well drained, fertile soil in full sun. Which you know not to fertilize in winter - I am sure. Maybe the reason your not getting growth off of the leaf is because you are not giving it enough light? Just a thought...

Tig, you have a special vine, and it looks like you are being ever so loving and watchful of it. :)

Listen up everyone - doesn't this sound ever so pretty:
This is Tig's vine: T. grandifora, Blue trumpet vine, Sky vine) Vigorous, woody-stemmed (which tig will get them stems), evergreen, perennial, twining climber, Ovate-elliptic to heart-shaped, toothed or lobed, dark green leaves, 4-8 inches long, are softly hairy. Bears trumpet-shaped, lavender-blue to violet blue, occasionally white flowers, 3 inches long, with yellow throats, singly or in pendent racemes,to 4 inch long in summer. 15ft to 30 ft high. (It makes me smile with pleasant calm thoughts)I have a picture in front of me, now I want one. :)

Tig's let me know how it does, email me when your ready to rejoice rhandlin@msn.com

Your friend in the garden

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

well, I'm rejoicing already:) Just to have the leaves still green and see roots!! It is in the shade, maybe that's what's wrong. I will move her a bit today and take it slow. Actually I may move her on into the house. I hope they grow and grow so I can share, this is a stunner plant. Thanks for the info, it does help:)

Tyler, TX(Zone 8a)

tiG I got a plant from Cazique and is doing great still have it in a pot don't know if it will be strong enough to take the winter or not so will keep it in the green house for the winter then put it in ground next spring Had my first bloom on it today. If I take a leaf off it and pot it is it easy to root? I would like to get some more started

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

it was really easy to root, I did use rooting compound.

I have a leaf rooting of the same plant and mine is doing the same thing...all roots and no growth. I just stuck mine in the river sand and it rooted in no time..I don't believe I used rooting hormone but what's next. I do have other Sky Vines that are growing but I'm very interested in seeing what this one will do. I have mine in the greenhouse and it gets plenty of light....what are we doing wrong?

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I talked to Jim (GRC) today and asked about his brug leaf cutting, whether it had put up a stem and it did. I sure hope these will as well. I feel thrilled that I got roots, but flowers would be so much prettier:)

Does the Sky vine live in your area if you cut it down to the ground and cover with mulch for the winter? I have heard they will return here..gonna try one this winter and see.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

no, I have to bring them in:( you live in a great zone!!!!!!

Wewahitchka, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi all,
I am sorry to hear the leaves are not putting forth new growth...Mine aren't either. I don't know if they will. I cut the leaf off of some, just to see if they would grow a sprout...so far, not.
Of course they do kill back with the cold. They are not rooting at this time, either. Don't understand much about the plant, but hope to have plenty of the rooted cuttings next summer.
tiG, did you not get a cutting, also? I hope the leaves will sprout new growth in the spring. I Thought I sent cuttings to all.
It was nice to learn from rhandlin. Knows more than I, that's for sure.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

cazique, pleassssseeeeee dont' apologize!!!!!! I feel thrilled to get this far:) If for some reason they don't put out a leaf, then I'll beg some time next year:) I thought you were so generous to get me this far, and I hope you will know I really mean that!!!


I have started a few different genus's from leaf and from my experience it can take months for a shoot to come up. Main thing is for the roots to develop-if the roots are developing give it time the rest will follow as they say.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

see!! that's all I needed, someone who'd done it!!! thank you:) I may even be able to share in the spring, whoopeee!!!

Now we know..great....thanks Brugman!!!

Wewahitchka, FL(Zone 8b)

Just heard from ElTel and he said one of his Thunbergia leaves are sending up shoots like crazy, but only one...so there is still hopes.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

woohooo!!! I never would have believed I could root a leaf, this is the first year I've rooted anything. You must have given them a magic touch before you sent them:)

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

tiG ... i do not have the plant u have, but i have the black eye susan vine, also in the same family. they are lovely. here is a few sites that may help u understand more about the plant... good luck! http://www.floridata.com/ref/T/thun_gra.cfm
http://www.support.net/Medit-Plants/plants/Thunbergia.grandiflora.html http://www.botany.com/thunbergia.html

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

WOOHOOO!!!!! Looked behind one of the leaves today and I have a sprout about 3-4" long!!!!! yeah!!!!

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

This message was edited Monday, Oct 22nd 12:56 PM

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Don't worry, I started one from a leaf 4 yrs, ago..The 2nd year I put it in the ground and in one season it completely covered a large pinetree..came back for me the next year, but lost it after we actually had some cold weather last year..But I did have cuttings..It's now in a large pot and doesn't get nearly as large..If you have more than 1, try one in-ground and see how far it will go, lol..

This message was edited Monday, Oct 22nd 12:55 PM

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

Larkie, do I cut the leaf off, or leave it attached now that i have the new growth?

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

now I want a leaf to root!! waaaaaaahh, I'll trade you a brug leaf, lol.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I will put your name on one of these. I have another that has a stem putting out:)

Kentwood, LA(Zone 8b)

I want a leaf too please from one of you guys that have them climbing trees and trellis. Surely you would have an extra leaf.

Newnan, GA(Zone 8a)

I will in the spring:)

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