Annapolis MD area- been to Riva Gardens nursery?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

At the end of Riva Road at Central Ave. is this nursery. Has anyone been lately? Its been a few years since I went but at that time they had some great unusal selections. If you're shopping at Homestead anyway yu might enjoy looking here at Riva too. Homestead can just overpower me, I kind of like to support a smaller place when I can.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Used to be Main's but was sold several years ago now to primarily a "landscaper" who has tried to remain a garden center. Main's was great and the owners, especially Chuck , were incredibly knowlegable on plants. One of my favorite haunts that alas has gone from this area along with Bridgewood Gardens/Crownsville Nursery. Both of these places had plants and shrubs that I have yet to find available elsewhere. Just like the local food movement, I believe for me the best way toearn and grow plants is local where one can get to know the plants and their growers.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I have not visited Crownsville Nursery for sevral years either- the one on Generals Highway? Sorry to hear that's gone.
Then there's that little out of the way place in Davidsonville, on one of the less traveled roads, the name is escaping me and I don't even know for sure she's still in business.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Sally, Riva Gardens which I know as "Peach's" is still in business on Riva Road about a mile south of South River bridge...and she does have some very nice plants. Mickey who used to work at Mains now works at Riva Gardens. Chris who also worked at Mains is at Bay Ridge Gardens now and may have a hand in plant prosurement. Haven't been there yet this season. In Davidsonville, do you mean the lady who specialized in herbs and sat at the top of a hill? Bittersweet Hill? Ever been to Patuxent Nursery off of Route 3? A large operation... Other favorites? Yeah, Crownsville Nursery moved to Virginia...they have a web site and do mail order but I so miss seeing their great plants and shrubs live and first hand, their hostas were the best !

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh yeah Bittersweet Hill. I was only there once, in the 80s. Boy that is a long time ago.

Patuxent Gardens is probably no farther a drive for me than Homestead. I really should go ogle Patuxent one day. From the highway it looks fabulous! But homestead has free llama poo.
I try to economize including plants. I have a nursery near me, Richardson's , that I like a lot, and use for holiday flowers for the moms and a few items. This year they have gotten in a few more unusual things than I've noticed before. Their stock seems well cared for and has done well for me, so I don't shop around a lot.

There is a place at the corner of 424 and 450 in Crofton with a big, nice assortment of statues, birdbaths etc, as well as plants.

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