Is this peak bloom?

Bakersfield, CA

I can't tell, but it seems that just about all of my mid-season irises are in bloom now. When I go out there it looks like it's total flowers and I'm thrilled, but when I step back and take a photo it doesn't look that impressive. In previous years I've counted, and I never have more than 2/3 of my plants bloom in any year. Overall I'm very happy with my iris garden, although now I think I probably have too much blue. A couple of years ago I couldn't see any blue, so I've probably gone overboard on the blues now. I'd like more purple and orange, I think... I'd love to see pictures of your iris gardens too.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And another shot. I guess other people have their gardens just starting to bloom, but we're really early here in Bakersfield. I've had flowers since mid-March now.

Thumbnail by Betja
Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Wow they are beautiful. Very nice sloped bed also. Bet the neighbors are peaking out the windows right now enjoying the view. NOW LET'S SEE MORE!

Gainesville, TX

I am lovin' your gardens. Yes, you are a bit ahead of most of us but, we're coming on. I still have a lot of buds yet. Mine started in early April and some will bloom late season, that's the first couple weeks of May

Bakersfield, CA

I don't know if you were directing the "Now let's see more" to me or to everyone in general, but I'm gonna give you more 'cause I just love to take pictures! My front garden is actually three beds.

Top bed - April 24, 2010

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And here's the middle bed.

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

Oops, sorry -- that was the lower bed. Here is the middle bed

Thumbnail by Betja
Bakersfield, CA

And here is a view looking downward from the top. I think I have about 175-200 irises in this garden. I had to put that little fencing along the side and top because of dogs that break out of their yards and go for a run -- seems like on a daily basis sometimes. There's a black lab and springer spaniel that just LOVE my yard, wouldn't you know! But enough about me and my garden -- I want to see everyone else's, especially newyorkrita's! I seem to get exhausted just reading about all her accomplishments each and every day between the iris and daylily forums...

Thumbnail by Betja
Philadelphia, PA

Great pictures Betja. I have two that are open now....actually one and a half. The second one hasn't completely open.

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Betja I did mean you. They are just beautiful in a Mass like that. You have put a lot of hard work into the beds and it is paying off. I love dogs and cats but not in my flowers. The little stinkers must like them too Huh.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Just Jaw droppingly beautiful. I just love the color that the TB iris in bloom have. Such vivid colors.

I used to have old iris around here before all my garden redos. Don't have them any more. Never thought about iris. But when I started looking at the modern TB iris and the pictures on the forums, I was hooked.

I have since learned that what I had here that were growing around the house for over 60 years were what I now know are referred to as Historic Iris. I like the more fancy frilly kinds of the more modern iris. With bigger fuller flowers and vivid colors.

I planted just over 50 TB iris last summer. They are really thriving. So many new fans. Now I see bloom stalks coming on many of them so I am very happy. Can't wait to actually see the bloom. Would love to have as many iris as you have but just don't have the room. Still, I will be ordering more to plant this summer.

I am doing a new gardenbed section in my backyard for daylilies and iris. Busy working on it most days now as the spring daylilies have already been arriving.

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Wow! Looks incredible! Thanks for sharing all those photos!

Twinsburg, OH(Zone 5a)


Very nice display; so many varieties; beautiful combinations; just like an artists canvas. Wonder if you only have tall bearded? If so, you will run out of blooms. Any Siberian Iris, or Intermediate Bearded, or standard dwarf?

Also, do you have any Iris that are very fragrant? My sister lives in the Sandiego CA area and all her roses are in bloom. CA is much earlier than Ohio. I have only had some dwarfs bloom; but several of my TB's are getting buds. Our Iris show is May 29 so we hope there will still be some blooming then.

I will send a picture of my main bed tomorrow to give you and others an idea of where Ohio is in the growth spurt.. Raining right now.

Can you do a few closeup pics of your favorites? Thanks for sharing all the pics.


Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

Our bloom season hasn't even started yet this year. These blues were blooming on 6-4-09!

Might be 'Color Me Blue'

Thumbnail by HappyJackMom
Bakersfield, CA

I only have bearded iris. I think our climate is too hot and dry to try others. My SDBs and Intermediates started blooming in mid-March and have pretty much finished, although I do have two SDBs that are blooming today and quite a few BBs also. But my spring iris season will be finished probably by mid-May. I am working at planting iris that bloom in winter in these beds also, and usually starting around Thanksgiving I'll have a couple start blooming. My best multiple rebloomers are Again And Again and the intermediate Double Overtime. I just love seeing those bright colors on those dreary, foggy days! And then when January and February come along I have several more join in. I just have to try the plants to see what will bloom for me during the winter months, as so many rebloomers do not perform like that in winter for me. But I'm ever so slowly getting there!

Here's a closer shot of my favorite pink, Picture Book, and another of my very favorites, Bold Vision, bright yellow with a red/brown fall border. And off to the side are Paul Black and Queen's Circle.

Thumbnail by Betja
North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

They all look so good together.

Bakersfield, CA

Here's another closer-up shot. In the foreground are Rippling River and Guardian Angel, and the bright golden yellow is Hot Property. Then sort of in the middle, between the two yellows, is Michael Sutton's 2009 introduction Bold Move, which I think is absolutely beautiful. It just opened today. And it's a rebloomer!

Thumbnail by Betja
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Just absolutely lovely, Betja!

Tomah, WI

Your iris are absolutely gorgeous! I hope mine look even half as good this year.

Bakersfield, CA

Thank you so much. I've worked pretty hard to keep those beds in pretty good shape, and still I can't keep up. But right now it's all worth it! And don't worry -- yours will be really beautiful when your bloom season really takes off, which is probably anytime now.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 5b)

Hi Betja, great pics! ! ! Iris season doesn't even start here for another 3-4 weeks... LUCKY!
If you join the iris swap and I get your name, I will not send blue iris... hee hee!

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)


Beautiful garden/bloom pics!!!!! :D

Taylorsville, KY

Betja, you really should try some Japanese and Louisiana. Yes, they require more water, but not that much more, and the heat is something that won't bother them. This would extend your bloom season an extra month or more! I lived in Sacramento and the Japanese did quite well there.


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