Rescued Iris

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

The iris along the road side near my home are blooming. I had gotten a few of them last fall. Now I get to see the color. The ones I rescued are doing well in my yard. Only one has started to bud.
someone cleaned out their iris bed and dumped them along the back road.

Thumbnail by marti001
Gainesville, TX

The rescued plants are my favorites. Never know what you're gonna get

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

I can't imagine dumping those beautiful old irises. It looks like there might be two different ones? Good save.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

They've been dumped all along the road and I'm getting me some more while they're blooming and I can see what they are.

Owasso, OK(Zone 6b)



Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Yahoo for you. Sometimes free is the best and if they are historics all the better to save them.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Why oh why would anyone dump an iris??? Lucky you!

Phoenix, AZ(Zone 9b)

They are so pretty, I couldn't even imagine dumping them... but they were obviously not a fellow gardener this this travesty would never have happened :)

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Does the pic indicate the true color of blue standards and blue-green beard? If so, I would pay postage for a couple of them. I have several of the germanica variants but not one of that color.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I think the color of the picture is pretty true to life. I will gather a few for you and see about getting them out in the mail. Is it OK to due it now or should I wait. My sister has lived here for the last 10 years and says they come up every year in the same spot and have spread out some.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Better to wait until well after they finish blooming. Early July is a good time in our area. They can survive now but the rhizomes (increases) will have time to bulk up and store more food before going dormant. The germanica irises are the ones most common to naturalize along roadways or old abandoned homesteads. They are quite common in IL, KY and TN.

These are not to be confused with the German irises misnamed and sold thru the mail order vendors such as Spring Hill and Michigan Bulbs. Those are neither German nor I.germanica. The fake name is a way to add a couple of bucks to the price.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

This is another germanica variant I have. It is more a plum color rather than dark purple.

Thumbnail by Oldgardenrose
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I will mark it down to get you some in early July. How many rhizones do you want me to get for you? There is alot of them. They've been growing and spreading for more than 10 years.

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Anything from 2 to 4. I always like to plant 2 of any iris to ensure at least one survivor. Let me know the postage cost when it is time to ship them.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'll do that. I'm going to check out more of the patches of seen of Iris and see if they are all the same color or different.

Anybody else want some of these iris?

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Another iris I will be rescuing in July when it stops blooming. I love the color. No name but I don't care.

Thumbnail by marti001
Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Yes! I will take some!


Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Ok, there are more there. Don't know if they are all the same color. I just found this one blooming but I'm going to get as many as I can. I will also be getting some daylilis, hostas and other plants. The property owner does not want to fool with a garden anymore and says I can take all I want. Including 2 peonies. One is white the other I don't know, but will take pictures when they bloom. They are full of buds right now.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

If I lived closer, I would come and help you dig!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Marti, I would appreciate 3 of each color iris you find or whatever number you can send and satisfy all your friends here on DG.. I will pay postage. I hope I never get to point I cannot take care of my property. But this year I have realized I do not need to make any more beds. I have ENOUGH. But I do have bare spots in my beds and I love Irises. Thanks you you garden angel.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Sharon, I've added you to the list. Will let you know when I'm ready to ship. Will post pictures of anything that blooms and of the hostas in the next few days.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Thanks Marti.....

Salem, IL(Zone 5b)

Put me down for 2 of the last one you posted. The more different colors of that type iris, the better.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Got you down OGR. For now I'm calling them Peggy's iris as she is the lady who is letting me have them as well as other plants.

The other iris I'm tagging as roadside iris. This way I can keep them straight and when I ship them I will mark them that way so everyone can keep them straight until we can id them. If we can.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I my Nevada garden they will ID as Marti's Irises Kentucky bred..

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks Sharon. I will be very honored by that.

Gilbertsville, KY(Zone 7a)

I have plenty of various historic rhizomes that I am getting overrun with and need to thin this summer. Look on my journal for NOID's --specifically No's 3,10,82,160,261,392, & 454. I will have at least 4-5 rhizomes of each, and several I'll have in excess of 10.
Dmail me if you are interested.

Milwaukee, WI(Zone 5a)

Hi, I was reading thread I would like to know if there any still available would love some if I may I can't get enough iris !!!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'm at it again. Found some iris that were being removed. People said they didn't like plants in the yard - too much trouble - so they were pulling out the iris to make room for more lawn. I was able to grab a few of the iris. They were in bud and two of the ones I grabbed are close to opening. They look pink. By the time I got home they were wilting so I cut them off the plant and put them in water. Don't know it that was right, but I figured they wouldn't come back on the plant. I've got the rizhomes planted and the 2 flower stocks in water. I'll take a picture if they open and post it. They are going to remove more so I'm going back tomorrow to see if I can get more. I hope there is more than one color, but I'm going to make off with as much as I can and not worry about color. I just can't see them thrown out.

Lake Charles, LA

If you have any extras I would like some.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Do you want some of all the ones I'm rescuing? I found some growing wild along the road side were someone dumped them the are medium purple with a darker purple fall, Plus the ones I got today and more tomorrow. I can't stand to see good plants thrown out so am rescuing any and all that I can.

South Hamilton, MA

Good for you, Marti.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks! I don't know the names but I'll still love the iris. I also am getting some white peony plants in Sept. Friends have 2 large peonies and said I can take some whenever I want. I cut some flowers today and have them in my vase. They smell so good!!!!!

Alot of my plants are going to be rescued or hand me downs, but thats OK. I have room for them.

Enid, OK

Marti - long time no type to....

How are things? Out hunting abandoned iris are ya? If you have extras, keep me in mind! I love iries!!
I have some pink Naked Ladies if you want some.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

I'll put you on the list. I've got alot of people who want some of my rescued iris. I have been asking for help with postage but if you want to send me some Naked Ladies I will send you some of the iris. It will be June/July before I can get all the iris as they are blooming right now.

Lake Charles, LA

Only if you have extras. And can pay postage.

Lake Charles, LA

Btw, I got some of the chinese ground orchid bulbs.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Angela, Than we can trade. I'll be ready to send the iris by July. Thats when all the iris will have stopped blooming and will be ready to dig.
I have three different irises I'm rescuing. For this perpuse I have named them:
1. Roadside iris - the one in the picture
2. Peggy's iris
3. Allen's iris

Thumbnail by marti001
Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

This is iris #2 - Peggy's Iris

# 3 - I don't have pictures yet. Its just now starting to open.

Thumbnail by marti001
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Marti, this has nothing to do with trading, but I have my first seed pod. I am so excited especially because it was probably pollinated by bees. So when it is a show stopper, and Dee introduces it, it will be, Bee my Valentine. It will be named by Dee. This is just my guess. I was so happy I called Dee and she gave me Iris 101 on how to save the seed. If she was in the school district she would be fired because she has no patience. LOL...Love you all.

I am trying to get graveyard Irises from Pioche Graveyard. They have been there 50 to 60 years. Anyone want them. Probably White and Purple.

DH out od hospital and on thjr mend. Story later. Love you all.

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