I did it!!!! I did it!!!!......now what do i do

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

i propogated my rex begonia....yeehaw....i have 2 pieces in peat pellets(that i hear so many people dont like to use)they are in my pop bottle green houses...i looked today and one has a new baby plant on it...i was so excited....now the other one...lol..i guess i stuck the wrong end in the soil....the stem(which is not in the soil)has a small root on it....for the one that has a new baby plant on it......WHAT DO I DO NOW?....thanks in advance....cindy

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)

try this url http://members.aol.com/Btbegonia/ if not mistaken, this site cover everything u need to know about rex begonia. good luck :D.... ma vie rosé

Valley Village, CA

Keep it warm, love it, water it, fertilize with a well diluted fertilizer for house plants, make sure the drainage is good so it won't rot. Give it some indirect light.
I believe they can be started from a leaf or stem cutting.
Congratulations to the new mother. Norma

Agawam, MA

Congrats Brommom,
From my experience, I have found it best to leave the baby in the same conditions that it rooted until it has a good root system established - I have lost quite a few babies :( by trying to repot too soon. Like Norma said, watch out for rot - make sure it has good drainage and fresh air circulation.

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