My Pergola

Louisville, KY

I just wanted to share my Pergola. I built this and installed 9 plants, 7 kinds of clematis to bloom in phases and in a variety of colors throughout the season. This is its 3rd year I believe (maybe 4th) and I am just thrilled that the Montana Rubens even survived my zone let alone covers the whole top and mingles with the Pink Champagne to start the show. On the other side to bloom in the next phases is Roguchi, Tangutica, Bonanza and Vinosa Violacea. I also put moonflowers in and have had the loveliest sphinx moths come visit at night, once while friends and I were sitting in it!

Thumbnail by Soulja
Louisville, KY

Here is a view of the whole thing.

Thumbnail by Soulja
Louisville, KY

a flush of Pink Champagne

Thumbnail by Soulja
Louisville, KY


Thumbnail by Soulja
Louisville, KY

I don't know about you all, but my clematis are EARLY this year Here are a few others blooming now.


Thumbnail by Soulja
Louisville, KY


Thumbnail by Soulja
Louisville, KY


when it opens it's the loveliest creamy green.

Thumbnail by Soulja
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Soulja - You have done a lovely job with your pergola and your clems are just perfect. I have wanted to build a pergola in front of my potting shed for years, but just haven't gotten there yet. Kudos to you for a great job in creating a really beautiful spot to sit or visit. Really nice!

Louisville, KY

Why thank you so much Louise.
I just had to post it today....

it makes me so HAPPY !!!!

the years of creeping are finally over.
These things are real athletes now!

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

I'm so glad you did. I really enjoyed seeing all of your photos. This is a photo of my potting shed in New Hampshire where I want to do a pergola over the front deck. There is a wysteria to the left of it that I'd like to see growing up and over it, along with some clems.

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Louisville, KY

well if that isn't the cutest "shed". Looks like a proper cottage to me.
I can imagine it now with blooms climbing up and spilling over... nice.

I just designed it myself and cut the ends with a jigsaw, sawed little
grooves for each top board (also with grooves) to slide into and had a
strong guy friend dig holes for the posts. On the sides I stapled the
rectangle pattern chicken wire that stays obscured & they just love to
climb on.

here's the pergola when it was new with moonflowers. You can see
how tiny the Montana is in its first summer. This is Sept. 2007.

Thumbnail by Soulja
Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Very cool. Love those moonflowers! You are quite talented to do all of that yourself!

Willis, TX(Zone 8b)

How beautiful!!..You must be so proud for it turned out just fabulously!!..Love all your clematis and what a wonderful retreat you have created for yourself...Jeanne

Louisville, KY

Aw Jeanne thank you! I remember when i was investigating clematis here on DG when i returned from England in the spring of '07, OLDE parts of England where the gardens were Fabulous and you were coaching about Clems & those Montana... I may be on the very edge of where they can thrive. well I lost a few but am blessed with these Rubens on this pergola and 2 white ones growing happily on the south side of my blue stucco house. They're mingling with sweet Autumn up & over the gutter. It looks like they're here for good. I think I have about 70 clematis i put in that year and the next ( and the next) so things are really perked up this spring. Hats off to you for the inspiration and advice.

This was bare a couple weeks ago but shows the structures & how vertical I'm thinking in my space. I'll take an after shot when these blast off. Even the low lattice fence surrounding the iris bed has many vines all along it. It gets almost solid color and foliage. The tall fence in the back too is designed for vines. I have to run out now and take pictures. {;-D

Thumbnail by Soulja

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