Rhubarb Root Is Rubbery

Wauseon, OH(Zone 5a)

I would like to know if my Rhubarb Root that I got is any good. I received it from R.H. Shumway and planted it the same day 2 weeks ago and when I received it was rubbery. To this date 4-17-10 there is nothing showing or peaking through the ground let. I received it on the 3rd. of April.

My question it is it dead? This was a replacement from last year.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

Did it live?

Charlotte, VT

I never had any luck getting rhubarb to grow until my mom gave me a shovel sized hunk. I tried ordering rhubarb and buying it locally from a store. I just needed a big clump and I made sure it got water whenever it was dry.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

A friend of mine got a potted piece from her garden club and has left it in my care for the winter. The leaves died back almost immediately and I am worried it's not healthy. Last week, I put it in a pot I can bury. The roots are minimal but look healthy. There's only ONE "nub" for next year and it was a little rubbery. Think we have a chance? We are hoping to be able to split it between us in the Spring.

Charlotte, VT

Nilly, I think you should plant it in a place that doesn't get water logged during the winter. Rhubarb likes a lot of water while it's actively growing, but like most plants it hates wet feet. If your ground is really wet, make a mound to put it in. It sounds like your friend got a little shorted in the root department. Maybe there are others that can tell you if you have enough of a root to divide. From my experience I wouldn't divide the root until it was the size of a spread out hand, but others with better soil may have different experiences. You'd have to take it out of the pot to achieve this. I'm so happy you have rhubarb. I have enough now that I can make rhubarb jam. Oh that's sooo good. Don't worry about the rubberiness just plant it quick.

Pittsburgh, PA(Zone 5b)

I have already put it into a 18x18 pot with good drainage that I can bury for the winter.
It was in poor soil in a round pot about 9".
And yes, I think my friend got shorted. I think it was divided by someone trying to stretch it too thin.
But we'll see what comes up!

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