
Mulberry, FL

Has any one every had this or know anything about it. I have a few rooted cuttings I am thinking about making a trellise for flower looks awesome supposed to have a nice scent too.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Solandras like full sun and lots of food. The plant will get heavy so make sure your trellis is strong. It's suppose to be hardy to zone 8 but in the 4 years I've grown them, I've never had one in the ground come back.


Mulberry, FL

Thanks for the info I'm going to give it a shotI met a man the other day thats bringing me some cuttings of what he calls Golden Globe it looks like it too i looked here for that name and this flower 6-8 long He also has a plumeria that bloosoms yellow and later in the season blooms red i have heard of this a few years back .

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I had several different ones until the winter cold wiped them out - still haven't shown any signs of coming back from the roots.

Mulberry, FL

Kay are you talking about plumeria? I lost big trees that I should have cut back and dug up and stored live and learn.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

I lost some Plumerias, but she was talking about Solandras.

Mulberry, FL

Ok yes there not cold hardy at all I am going to try my hand at this interesting looking supposed to have a nice scent too. They just scare me were it says they can ramble over everything in there path

Thumbnail by Danasplants
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

What are you going to try?

Mulberry, FL

the vine were talking about i have a few rooted pcs. lovely flower

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

ummm, now I'm wondering about putting mine in the ground..we had quite a few freezes this year. I was going to let it grow up one of the big oaks on the front of the property.

Mulberry, FL

It grows in the ground in haines City thats alot north of you plant it on south side of tree I have p edius going up a oak and it weathered well during 20 degree temps

Edinburg, TX

You can grow them in 5 gallon pots and keep them pruned into small trees. I hate to toss out the cuttings when I do so sometimes I'll root them or offer them up for trade.

Solandra maxima/grandiflora grows too well out here and gets huge - I removed the ones I had in the ground and now keep them in the large pots. We do get a rare freeze and they do take a beating but they always come back. Then again, our freeze only lasts for a few hours...not days :o)

But again, if you put them in large pots you could always move them into your garage or greenhouse during the winter.

Some folks around here do have them in the ground and pruned as trees, others let them grow willy nilly and they truly do take over the fence. Again, when left as a vine they get heavy and will bend metal trellises and break wooden ones!

~ Cat

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Cat I like that idea of a small tree !!! thanx !

Edinburg, TX

I have a duranta and firebush pruned to resemble small trees. I have them in my front flower bed and if I hadn't done that they would have covered the bed completely - being that they can spread out to about 6 or 7 feet in diameter and 8 to 10 tall :o)

Will try to remember to take photos of them and post. Can't post the chalice vine as I cut those back after the freeze.

Am also the kind of person that doesn't know where to plant stuff in my yard and keeps stuff in large pots :o)

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

How big is a "big pot" ??

Edinburg, TX

mjs...I use five gallon pots for mine.

Also have other stuff like several fennel plants in those big rubber tubs sold at Lowe's - they are like half a barrel in size.

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

Ok, I think the one I put it in is a 3 gall. May have to do for now cause the only 5's I have are those black ones, and they are too hot to plant in on a long term down here.
I buy 5 gallon buckets from Wally World in the Paint dept. for I think it's 2.75? Drill holes in the bottom for my Passion Flowers, I may just get one of those.

Edinburg, TX

I got mine at the dollar store or Wally World - can't remember which - they were green and others terra cotta in color. I've had those paint buckets but after a couple of years in our hot Texas sun they get brittle and break apart. :o)

I get all kinds of tubs, buckets, rubber maid trashcans etc and drill holes in them too!!!

DeLand/Deleon Spring, FL(Zone 8b)

We were at the $ store today, and I'm always looking for something to use as pots...we even turned our old fertilizer spreader ( the kind you put on your tractor that holds 250 lb of fertilizer, seed etc into a planter. Also an old 8 cu. foot wheelbarrow...
I'll have to just keep an eye out but for now what's it's in will do.

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