AHS Spring Plant SaleAnyone Going?

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

The very LAST day of the spring plant sale of the American Horticultural Society (AHS) will be held tomorrow from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at George Washington's River Farm in Alexandria, VA.

Is anyone going? My friend cancelled plans and I was wondering if anyone else was going that I could carpool with. I haven't been to this sale in 6 years and really wanted to make it this time. I know I should have planned to go on Members' Night on Thursday evening.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I'm sorry, Foxy! Wish I could've headed down there with you yesterday.

I'm thinking about getting down to DeBaggio's soon... that will make up for missing a bunch of other events! :-)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi, Critter!
I knew I was hiting too high by posting last minute and knowing there are so many other plant sales going on....I checked in Saturday a.m. and by 10:30, there still were no nibbles, so I went on ahead and did some gardening work out back. It was PERFECT weather and probably better than fighting people to get the last of the plants! Next year I will plan to go on their Members' Night.!

Yes, I have been thinking of DeBaggio's since they opened a week or so ago and I received their catalog. They have more annuals out in May, I think. Last time I went early, they only had a few perrennials. It might be good to plan a visit end of April or first week of May.

This message was edited Apr 18, 2010 11:14 PM

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

We often go around Mother's Day. :-)

Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

FF, sorry you missed the sale but we did get to see Shirley (wyldeflower) and Angie (ldy_gardenermd) there! There were some unhappy vendors (us included!) because they had the booths spread out so far that a lot of people thought it was too far to walk from the field to the parking lot where we were located. Their intention was to create a "marketplace atmosphere" but I think their idea was a big mistake - most people don't want to walk that far when they have to lug all their purchases with them! Hopefully the powers that be have "heard" us and next year all the plant vendors will be back together in the field again :)

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi, Rcn--oh, I didn't know you were a vendor!! I don't know the other people you saw (don't see them on DG). Well, I will have to make it next year. Last time I went I saw a bunch of lovely columbines, azaleas and other shade plants, not to mention strawberries and ornamental grasses. Seeing the River Farm spring displays is a bonus.

I can see your point of view about the booth setups andagree that a "marketplace" concept is not spread out thin. Flea markets and craft show booths run side by side. I hope you voiced your concerns to the organizers so they'll consider that next year when planning the layout.

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