Blue Stone Perennials

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

I went to Bluestone, and this time I took my camera. I asked permission to take pictures and post the in Go Gardening here on DG. I bought more then I expected, as usual. The staff were so very helpful.
They have folks that attend the plants, going up the rows, cleaning out the spent blooms , prepping the plants. Others are filling mail orders. others in packing. And all are never to busy to help. I heard more laughing and pleasant chit-chat while they continued to work, while others were just going about tending the plants.
All the employees seemed so happy and content to be there.

I'll be back later when I take pictures of the plants I bought. Now I off to the basement.....The plant room.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh I wish I lived closer!!!

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