ants on my fruit trees

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i dont see any aphids on them they just got done flowering my apples are still in bloom. last year the little devils ate holes in my peaches. how can i safely remove the ants once the peaches start to form?

Mesa, AZ

I usa a product called Tanglefoot. You are supposed to put some kind of tape on the tree and then paint it on the tape. However there is nothing in it that would harm the tree so I just paint it on the trunk about 10" or so from the base. It stays sticky for about three months and stops anything trying to crawl up the tree in its tracks.

Bluffton, SC(Zone 9a)

??? hmmm never heard of that but it sounds like a good plan. I was over run by ants last year, they didn't cause any damage to my fruit but doing what you said would make a long term trap for the ants.

Morgantown, WV

I don't recommend the "Ready to Apply" package that comes with foam tape... I thought I'd save some time last year, but there is STILL foam on the trunks from last year, and I worry if it will restrict growth.

Of course, this probably goes without saying, but any sort of tape or tight band around a tree trunk should be checked and adjusted frequently so it doesn't restrict growth.

AZPHATMAN, thanks for saying that you put it directly on the tree... I did that on some trees last year and so far they seem fine, but I have heard many people warn that it can hurt the bark.

Another forum recommended Saran Wrap and tape for Tanglefoot. I may try that this year.

imzadi, at first I thought I had just ants no aphids, but later on I couldn't miss them -- keep on checking! Good luck to you.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i have been spraying for aphids but the ants seem to persist . cant find tanglefoot here but someone told me vasiline sorta does the same thing. at this point ready to try anything. do know ants dont like seaweed extract. been spraying it on trees as a safe type of pesticide.

Morgantown, WV

Imzadi, there was another forum (on another web site) in which one person had observed that (1) Ants crawl through vaseline and (2) Vaseline melts in summer heat and drips down the bark. If it works for you, please let us know!

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