Happy Spring!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Hello to all my favorite MAG peeps!!!!

Hope everyones winter was wonderful and that your spring is glorious!!!

I haven't had a chance to check the threads yet but I'll be looking for a get together/swap! I am sooooooo happy the growing season is here! :)

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Happy Spring, Jody! The "events" thread has been hopping (look for the yellow & red 'Mickey Mouse' tulip thumbnail)... and yes, there's a swap at Becky's (northern VA) as well as one up in PA this spring.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Hi jody~~~We've hardly 'met'. I still have petasites and a dwarf Iris from you whne we briefly crossed paths at a swap a couple yrs ago. Boy that petasites, had a setback when I got it home , but recovered, and this year has started to leap LOL. I think it will be pretty eyecatching this summer! This pic was an interesting bud clusterthing it made a few weeks ago, but the flowers were not showy, the leaves are the- variegated. Thanks again!

Thumbnail by sallyg
Temperanceville, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey Jody, Good to "see" ya. How's life been treating you. Pam

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Thanks Critter.

Hi Sally, glad to hear it recovered and it doing well. Remember to keep it in check ;)

Hi Pam! Things are good here, busy busy though. How bout u? Stop by the house when you can.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Hi Jody, We keep missing each other. Can't seem to end up at the same swap always something else going on. Maybe this year will be the charm. It's getting busy around here so much to do in the Spring.

Crozet, VA

So glad you started a thread Jody. John wanted me to write and let you know that the Jewel Baby Iris you gave us are currently in beautiful bloom. He has talked about them all week. Also want to report that the mini Hostas you shared are doing well too and the Sedums as well.

We will be trying to get to Becky's and hope to see you there. Special hellos to everyone else here too.


Lexington, VA(Zone 6a)

Waving to Jody and Ruby - so nice to see two of my favorite "MAG peeps" after a long absence! It's always busy this time of the year and I don't have much time to post but just had to stop by and say hello :)

Jody, I'm heading to Maine again the end of June and one thing that's on my list is to stop and see Rick Sawyer at Fernwood. I tried last year but just not enough time, hopefully I'll make it this year!

MD &, VA(Zone 7b)

Waving ~~~~ Hey Holly! Ruby! rcn! Sorry, I just don't seem to have time to get on here any more. LOL. BUT! The new house is officially done, got our final certificate of occupancy on Wednesday. :) I'm so excited!

rcn, let me know when ur going to ME... I'm going up around june 26ish, not sure the exact dates or for how long yet. Funny... maybe we can meet at Ricks, ironic we live so close and may have to meet in ME lol.

Hugs everyone!!!

If any of you are on facebook you can find me there. email is hosta at comcast.net

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Jody, How great! So when will the gardens be done? LOL
I know what you mean about being busy in your garden, we were working like crazy to get ours looking good for a party we held for our daughter's 40th. Ric's Dad is in the Hosp so we went down to Fl. not sure when we will get back home. Sure wish I was out in my garden this morning. Holly

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