Strawberry runner question.

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Hi I just received some strawberry runners that I had ordered and I am wondering whether or not I can wait a little until planting, I heard somewhere that I can place them in the fridge until I am ready to plant, is this true? I am hoping by next month I can have my DH build me a small raise bed to place them. Or should I plant them in pots and then transplant them?

Pueblo, CO(Zone 5b)

Yes, you can place them in the refrigerator for a while - I've never done it longer than 1-2 weeks. Make sure they don't dry out - use damp paper or peat. Check them regularly to make sure they aren't getting too dry or slimy or moldy.

mobile, AL(Zone 8a)

Thank you Pollengarden, I placed them in the refrigerator yesterday with a moist paper towel, hopefully they'll keep until the begining of next month, when I can have my DH biuld me a small raise bed for me.

I already have another container with quinault strawberries, and have a few spots where I can place some of these Sequia, I was told the sequoia are a lot sweeter than the quinault so I really wanted to try them.

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