'Indian Summer' raspberries are fried looking!

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

I came out to do my morning inspection of my newly planted yard to find my raspberries looking crispy and brown! Its been a very wet winter that suddenly turned hot and sunny and I thinking that the raspberries are shocked. A couple things in the yard didn't seem to pleased with the sudden change of weather but Im wondering if the raspberries are in the wrong spot altogether ( in front of a south facing fence in full sun) and need to be moved to a more sheltered spot. They grow raspberries commercially around here and they are all covered in tall hoops covered with plastic. Does anyone know why they do this? Is it to raise humidity and give them a little shade. We are in a coastal climate that does experience a significant marine influence it can be foggy a lot of the summer but maybe that still isn't enough? I confused. Maybe they are stressed from poor drainage and it didn't show until it got hot and the unhealthy root system couldn't compensate for the extra water uptake needed? i remember last year they were in a raised bed and i had a lot of leaves dying off over the season but it seemed to deal with it ok. Any advice?
I have some Canby Reds that aren't leafed out really yet and those seem to be doing fine.

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

I had some Weeping Cherry that were water logged and looked okay until it got warm and they died in a few days. I pulled it out and all the roots had rotted off and couldnt supply it with enough water to survive anymore. Same thing happened with a Goji berry.

Santa Cruz, CA(Zone 9b)

Ughk. I hope thats not whats happening : (

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