Getting ME ready for iris season, part 3

South Hamilton, MA

Bending gets to you, doesn't it.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

OMG, that's a gorgeous pathway!!

I've got 3 and a half tons of gravel about to be delivered... handyman is coming tomorrow to do the heavy lifting/shoveling of it, but I have been doing plenty of hauling of pots and more pots, getting the side patio clear for the gravel, clearing the deck for the work to be done on it, and moving a bunch of potted tree-lings and shrub-lets away from the side of the deck... the gravel is slated to go under the deck, where it will hopefully cut down on our major mosquito problem.

So, I'm sure my back and arms will be feeling it, too! Your pathway is a prettier project when completed, LOL... but we'll be glad to have that gravel down, and then the next thing will be to get the deck powerwashed and stained, so it will look pretty also.

I'm trying to get as much done as I can the next couple of days, before I have to deal with some medical stuff. It's so gorgeous outside, it almost doesn't feel like work, even when I'm haulin' and sweatin'!

Santa Ynez, CA

bigred, awesome job on the path....looks great

Bakersfield, CA

What a wonderful pathway! I love before & after shots, and you even put a couple of curves in there -- not the easiest thing to do with bricks. Yeah, the combination of bending, twisting and lifting bricks can really do it to you. But what a sense of accomplishment you must feel! Great job!!!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Big Red, You go Girl. Don't you just love the day after. You are tired and sore but so PROUD. It is absolutely beautiful. Get your chair moved over, sit down and enjoy your work.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

It wasn't the bending that got was the sitting and scotting on my butt,cutting/breaking bricks to fit the short spaces.First time I've ever put down a brick pathway so there's imprefections but I'm proud of the job.

Because there's an arch in the one end(before pix)curves and opposite end is straight,I had to start turning and adjusting the spacing about half way. I've already swept 4/40 lb bags of sand into the cracks and they're still not full so now I'm going to swipe sand from in front of hub's shop.

South Hamilton, MA

plant thyme or something like it in the cracks?

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

I would love irish or scotch moss but I've never had much luch with it. I have mother of thyme in the greenhouse

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

How about baby tears. They love shade. I have a large supply of baby tears I could send your way for you to try. It does get nipped with a light freeze and two years ago it was actually under snow and survived.

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Sharon, do you think baby tears would grow here in Kentucky? Even if I could protect it during the winter months.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I love thyme around stepping stones, and I've got it around the edges of my patio... but I would really not recommend it for this application, because it tends to spread out several inches from where it's rooted, and your pretty bricks would get all covered up. DH says i need to trim it back from the patio, because it has grown nearly a foot past the edge (overlapping the pavers).

Raleigh, NC

bigred, you ROCK LADY!!! That's one gorgeous walkway!

I'm still at it, working myself silly getting ready for guests during iris season. Cantina, Lavalier, and a NOID have their bloomstalks up. Have 4 - count them, FOUR SDBs in bloom. This is best year yet for them.

Have the front slope almost done. Needs leafspot spray and a bit of alfalfa tea and it's done. Got 1/4 the fence iris bed, the back deck, and a piece of the back patio done.

But this is without A/C - ours runs off the furnace fan, which burned out Easter morning. Replacing the furnace (30 years old and due for it). It was in the 90s yesterday and today. I'm near nigh on to dead. But in order to move it into the house, I had to clear off the driveway. Which was on my "get ready" list so now it's done. It had become a potting house overflowing with irises. Which are now in the backyard where they can be watered more easily.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Well,now I've moved on to helping my neighbors across the street to getting in part of their new foundation planting.Last week,outlined the beds so they could get the grass out and prep the bed for planting. Today we'll cut the edge,lay down the weedblock, install the shrubs and then it'll be ready for them to mulch.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Marti, it would be worth a try. What have you got to lose. I owe you some bulbs. I think I am finally on the mend. I have a follow-up appointment with the lung specialist Monday. I can actually work in the garden for a few hours and not be totally exhausted. I have always been able to go 100mph so this has been quite an adjustment. I have a Noid iris that is putting on quite a show. I will take a photo and post later today or tomorrow.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Sharon, I'm so happy to hear that you're doing a bit better! Hopefully the specialist will be able to help you mend all the way -- quickly!

Somerset, KY(Zone 6b)

Sharon, you just take it easy and don't overdue. We all want you healthy and with us daily.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Well I was out in one bed for about 1/2 hour and was completely out of breath. So I came in, had a piece of toast and a hot chocolate and rested. Now I am going out and start again. The majority of what I have left I can do sitting on the ground. DH is watching the Masters. That man can watch anything to do with sports.

Raleigh, NC

Today another weeding party in Epperson's garden. We are all working so hard at home and then again in his garden, it's taking a serious toll on us all. But today was wonderful.

Hot as blazes at first, so I worked for the first hour where I left off last week. Another member decided it was too hot for him to weed, so he mowed some, and then sprayed some grass killer. When I got too hot, found a spot with a bit of shade and worked another hour. (turns out he came and sprayed where I had worked, as I'd cleared a fair bit) Then a breeze came up, and I went back to the first spot and finished where I'd started. But Bob Pries was working across from me and started breaking out. Seems the grass killer spray went too far. All this area is completely overgrown and covered with long bermuda grass. It's very very slow going getting the grass out. We decided to go to lunch. We don't have access to the house, and it's hot enough we have to stay hydrated, so sometimes we go to lunch just to have the bathroom break early.

We came back and the breeze was now wind. So started on one of the far back beds where there are one or to sibs. It's completely covered in long brown grass. Under it, in one 3 ft section, I found two hostas and a wee bearded iris, no tag.

But the real news is that I wore a pair of regular misses size 16 jeans today. I haven't worn anything that small in ages. women's 16 yes. But I accidentally put on a pair of DD's jeans, and they fit well enough to wear. My knuckles are callused and purple red, make my hands look diseased! but DARN it - I'm chuckling to myself.

Came home and got yet another work out moving 3 gal pots - about 50 of them.

South Hamilton, MA

I went down from 3X to 2X a couple years ago, but yours is a wonderful accomplishment. Glad that you found the extra plants. Weed killer can always be dangerous to use--take care.

Raleigh, NC

Sharon, I see I completely forgot to write in that you need to take care of those lungs a bit more, it sounds like. But it's so wonderful to hear that you are improving. Hoping for great reports from the doc.

Finally! Last night, rain. Washing the pollen away. It was getting so where when outside I needed a mask. And the temps are down into the 50's. Unless I need a break from the heavy part of the work, I'm going to be in the yard all day. My fav instructor in class today, but I can't waste the time when those weeds will be coming up so easily after this rain!

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

When I went to bed last night I was one tired puppy. My DH said I moaned occasionally during the night. But today I feel great. Just needed to get the joints moving. Tomorrow is suppose to be beautiful so I will again to do my thing in the front landscape. Had Dr appointments for DH today.

South Hamilton, MA

Light rain all day. It will be nice if it does away with pollen. The medication I use for my asthma helps breathing. It does NOT help that eyes water so much that I can't see what I am doing. First color is showing on one of the iris pumilas & prohibition against bending over should be over next week.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

neighbors new foundation planting going in

Thumbnail by bigred
Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Had a beautiful day today. I actually got some gardening done but still missing my old stamina. I have an appointment with lung specialist Monday. Wind moves in tonight. Temperature tomorrow a high of 82, Monday a high of 62. Grrrrrrrr. The majority of my roses and irises will pop into bloom in about a week. Just want the wind to go away. Cool weather is actually a good thing. Take care of yourselves and have a wonderful Sunday.

Raleigh, NC

Today, my b'day, have awakened to acid reflux, vomit in throat. yuck. But I know better, theatre popcorn always does it to me.

Yesterday at dawn we got up and I drove DD over to another iris society member's home in Greensboro NC. For my b'day, DD is helping weed Ruth's garden. Hers is on tour, and she's been so swamped picking up Dr. Epperson's tasks, she has been fretting something fierce about the weeding going undone. In exchange, I'm going to pay DD, and Ruth is going to reimburse me with irises come July! She heard me say I wanted pollen from about 20 of her newest ones. Now, isn't that a nice way for DD to give me irises that she has no $$ to buy!

Since we were empty nested for a night, DH took me to see "Date Night." If y'all can, you've got to go see this movie! I laughed so much, I needed Depends!

But I ought to know better. Movie theatre popcorn always gives me the reflux.

Sharon, Hang in there. Lung problems and age = slow recovery. It will come. But if you push it, you will relapse. Been there, done that, have about 20 T-shirts that say "you just had to push it, didn't you? Congrats, you get to be sick all over again."

You can't relapse! DH really wants an excuse to visit Vegas! He loves it and we haven't been since we stopped going to WCES ten years ago now!

Raleigh, NC

Today, my b'day, have awakened to acid reflux, vomit in throat. yuck. But I know better, theatre popcorn always does it to me.

Yesterday at dawn we got up and I drove DD over to another iris society member's home in Greensboro NC. For my b'day, DD is helping weed Ruth's garden. Hers is on tour, and she's been so swamped picking up Dr. Epperson's tasks, she has been fretting something fierce about the weeding going undone. In exchange, I'm going to pay DD, and Ruth is going to reimburse me with irises come July! She heard me say I wanted pollen from about 20 of her newest ones. Now, isn't that a nice way for DD to give me irises that she has no $$ to buy!

Since we were empty nested for a night, DH took me to see "Date Night." If y'all can, you've got to go see this movie! I laughed so much, I needed Depends! There were only 4 souls there under age 35. The whole audience was howling so much they were still howling out in the parking lot!

But I ought to know better. Movie theatre popcorn always gives me the reflux.

Sharon, Hang in there. Lung problems and age = slow recovery. It will come. But if you push it, you will relapse. Been there, done that, have about 20 T-shirts that say "you just had to push it, didn't you? Congrats, you get to be sick all over again."

You can't relapse! DH really wants an excuse to visit Vegas! He loves it and we haven't been since we stopped going to WCES ten years ago now!

Santa Ynez, CA

bonjon, Happy Birthday!!!!

Cut Bank, MT(Zone 3a)

Sharon I have not been posting a lot but you have been in my thoughts. I hope/pray all is ok with our lungs and this gets better for you and goes away completely. It is hard on your whole body not being able to breath easily. Do wear a mask when outside and keep the lungs clear.
Thinking of you with bunches of hugs,

Bakersfield, CA

It's noon on Sunday, and we're suddenly having a major dust storm! Winds are whipping stalks all around, so I'm going to try to stake what I can. Really a bummer, as some of my mid-season bloomers are starting to open now -- quite a show. But maybe it won't last long... gotta go grab my stakes and trot out there.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Movie theater pop corn. Are you out of your mind. Happy Birthday Bonjon. A birthday does not give you the right to completely lose your mind. LOL. Steph, thanks for your thoughts. Wind is blowing today so I am stuck inside. Have a great day.

Santa Ynez, CA

just say no to movie popcorn, I told my husband to slap me if I try to order popcorn LOL

Happy Jack, AZ(Zone 5a)

A very Happy Birthday Bonjon! Hope you are feeling better this evening. I too have lung problems, and it's no fun is it? I'd send you flowers, but this computer doesn't have my photos on it, and I can't get my laptop on-line since we came home.

Raleigh, NC

Thanks for the birthday greetings y'all. You are so sweet.

Yes, I was crazy to eat that popcorn. Makes me sick every single time. And every single time DH buys the biggest container, because every time I tell him, "I'm just going to eat three bites because it makes me sick." and, as he said, "you say that every time, and if I don't buy the big one, I don't get any at all." He's right. I don't like popcorn that much. But at the movies....

Today I've pigged out all day. Ending with a coctail and lobster for dinner tonight. I get lobster once a year. It's low in calories....until ya dunk it in the melted butter! Ah well.

Tomorrow, back to being a hardworking good eater.

DD and Ruth got a fair amount of weeding done. Ruth's SDBs are almost at peak bloom now. Then DD's soccer game went very well. I'm beginning to tell that, with me insisting DD walk with me and the dog in the afternoons, and with me cooking more low calorie meals and veggies, she's running faster on the field. (she's VERY overweight as well.) She had more stamina, too. It was the very end of the game before you could tell her legs went. Before I started this dieting and more veggie cooking, she had to be used mostly as a sub because she had no stamina.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

OK GIRL. YOU GO THERE. You make me look like an amateur on all the rules you broke, but it is OK BECAUSE IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY. I am sorry about the caps but I am to tired to go back and change. Have a great day after the big day. Sharon, Las Vegas....

Raleigh, NC

Well, everyone is quiet on here.

Been working in the iris beds non-stop for days. Made it to only two classes last week, and none this week. 8 days until the iris society gets here. haven't cleaned anything inside, still have two weeks of work to go outside. 1.8 iris beds left to weed. And Autumn Bugler and the IBs are already in bloom.

But......I made time to go to the Raleigh Men's Garden Club Azalea sale this morning at 7:30 a.m. Brought home 1 3-gal and 5 1-gal Encores, 2 evergreen azaleas, 1 daphne odora and 1 3-gal Miss Kim lilac. The 3 gal Encores were only $20. Can't beat that around here. The ones I planted last year rebloomed in mid September.

Did everyone get their taxes done? Dh told me yesterday morning our accountant had his partner quit two weeks ago. He's had to file an extension for us. After I busted my butt months ago getting everything together by the day of our meeting! ARGH

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

Results of mammogram came back. Report says they want to do "flocal compression" and ultrasound on some areas but that I should not worry as this was not uncommon. So I've got an appt at bigger hospital in next town over for May 5th.


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

Peggy, I had the same thing on my mammogram in early March. Right after first one they called and they had made an appointment for the followup more imaged, blah, blah, blah...When I arrived they had no idea why I was there or which breast was the problem. Giving them credit, I was at another office but had to go to another location because they had no openings. But the procedure was for them to send over the first x-rays. What should have taken 1 hr took over 4 hrs. It is a very good thing I am a very mellow person. But my Barracuda personality was looking for an oozy. After all of that I did not hear for two weeks then I got a letter from the radiologist that all was clear. The reason for this long story is I do not know how to write a short story. Do not worry. 95% of the time no problem.

Ashdown, AR(Zone 8a)

well,I figured they're just being extra sure since the report said no masses found but the wanted a closer look at some areas....better safe than sorry.

Raleigh, NC

y'all, I'm still alive. no time to read. Miss your chatting. Running as fast as I can to get ready for iris society coming here Sunday, presentation Saturday, and Epperson's garden on tour week after that. AND it's iris season - I'm up at the crack of dawn seeing what's open I could cross.

Miss you. Keep moving what yo mama gave ya!

Raleigh, NC

just had time to read - a free five minutes - wow.

Peggy, got my fingers crossed for you.

Y'all do NOT laugh. remember my jammed fingers, and then my hand was going numb? went to docs, and docs, and docs. NOT the jammed fingers, that just caused the painful fingers and swollen knuckles. The right hand started going numb, too. They've diagnosed tennis elbow. A repetitive motion muscle injury (a big tear in the left arm) that's pressing on a nerve. I don't play tennis.

What repetitive motion? WEEDING.

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