baby pics

Durhamville, NY(Zone 5b)

For those that want a goosling picture, here is a Wild goose taken out back two years ago. THis is the first one to hatch. Once all 4 hatched she moved down the road with the rest of the geese. -Doug

Thumbnail by Doug9345
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

the picture wont load for me??

Denver, CO

When my chickens were 3 and a half weeks old, and our cat kept stalking them, Alice finally had enough of it, she turned around and stared her down. It was the bravest thing I had ever seen, this little yellow ball of fluff, standing up to a cat that was 10 times her size. New Cat could have easily killed her then. New Cat backed off, and now
the chickens own her, including taking away her hard got mice.

Oh and about your goose, the last time I was in labor, I bit my husband. It wasn't personal, just trying to deal with the situation.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Elleisn I bit my daughters father as well when I was in labor, he smelled like oreo cookies I was starving... To this day I dislike oreo cookies and him...

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

LOL thanks guys i need to laugh.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

GREY I tried to call you...

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

no missed call Miss J...

Ferndale, WA

Hi Greykyttyn: I also have two very large black male cats, they are just turned three, and they go in and out of the coop all the time. They never bother the girls but will lay in the coop with them and just wait for the rodents and saunter out with a mouth full. They know if push comes to shove and they attack one of my birds they guilty critter is dead. But they do love to tease them. It's pretty funny watching them, I love my cats but tolerate no nonsense. How are the new babies now? up dates and names would be great. Hay

Sorry Ms J but I'm with Cajun on this one, I hate geese, and I double hate Ganders...LOL No really I do. They are just target practice material for me...OUCH!! Who hit me...

This message was edited Mar 22, 2010 9:33 PM

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

That was Billy hitting you Mr. Haystack with some of last years watermelon...... Billy loves his geese, and honestly so do I. No one can get up the driveway without then sounding off. I truly believe that if a bird is raised with love, they will love back. They are gentle with him, but I keep him from going in their pen since she started sitting. He still gives her grass which she does not eat, but he does not know that. They might be load, but it is a good loud...

OH Haystack on an unrelated note, someone gave me some banty eggs, not sure what kind, and if they are even furtile, but I was filling up the bator and he dropped them off saying if they hatch do with them what you want.. So tonight they are in and we will see... I am thinking if they do hatch, we will get a Haystack JR and a Missus Haystack...LOLOL

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

My BC goes with me to do all the chores. The chickens run to get out of my way and run right into him. They bounce off him and he pays them zero attention. They drink from his water bowl. The other dog will kill anything he can catch. Makes him a good guard dog.

Thumbnail by CajuninKy
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Saturday afternoon amid the snowstorm the kids & I headed off to town, we were in a hurry or there would be a picture of this. The cat cube had the two cats in it & a bit of black feathers sticking out... so i leaned down to look & raven looks back at me, sitting on top of Little boy's back.. then i notice that Nutmeg has also crawled in there with them. 2 bantys & 2 cats in a tiny cat cube. It was hilarious. Cats were sleeping away not seeming to mind a bit.

Denver, CO

Last September

This 10 year old boy that I babysit for came over and noticed that I had ripe grapes again. While he was munching on them off the vine, he told we that when I died he was going to take over my farm ( bye the way I just have a small garden in the middle of the city) and he was going to harvest my grapes, and make wine and sell it at the farmers market. I said "Are you now". He said "Yes". Then I asked him if he was going to have chickens too. And he said oh yes. Then he said "And I think I'll get a cow." I told him that I was pretty sure cows were illegal in Denver. Then he said well "If it's a good cow".

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Surely the government machine will have sense enough to make an exception for a "good" cow. LOL

Ferndale, WA

Cute story Grey, isn't it interesting some of the animals that seem to defy the natural instincts. It's always somewhat amusing. Hay

Denver, CO

Sometimes I think that New Cat still misses her kittens, that we gave away 8 years ago. So she sometimes lays on the eggs in the nest box. The girls really get upset about it. You've never heard such a racket as when New Cat is on their next box. So since we got her spayed, she has decided to hatch some baby chicks. Alice and Claire gang up and get very tough, when they have a a fight to pick.. Poor New Cat. I don't think she's ever forgiven me, because I didn't let her kill them when they were little fluffy things, before they got bigger than her. Now, mostly they have a reluctant truce.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

That's cute Ellesin. My chickens took over the cat's box as the nest box. The cats sometimes lay on the eggs by accident trying to get in the box.

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I had a cat that never had kittens but she still had to mother any animal that came in the door. She even let one kitten nurse on her. I think some animals just have a strong mothering drive.

Ferndale, WA

Cajun, I love the Border Collies. I had one about five years ago, and I called her bandit cause she had a patch over one eye. I loved her but we'd play frisbee and she would wear me out. The problem was when I did not play with her she would dig n dig so I finally had to get rid of her. I always love watching them on the Westminster agility tests. They are so quick and beautiful. Hay.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

I took 4 baby pics tonight. Didn't have help so I couldn't get all of the first hatch as some look alike & i get confused.

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

next one....

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

next one...

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

last one.

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

ok since i don't want to find the thread... here's the NEW feed store babies.... 7 pics to follow. names are not permanent.. just for telling apart now.

#1 "snow"

This message was edited Mar 24, 2010 7:07 PM

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

#2 "dot" (for lack of name rite now)

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

#3 highlight :) sheheit has brown highlights in her top fluff.

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

#4 cream

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

#5 el largo....

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

#6 blackie

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

#7 Smidge (this one is gonna stick!)

Thumbnail by greykyttyn
Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

I love the markings on el largo. smidge is adorable! Thanks for sharing your chick pics!

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

El largo was my.. "I JUST CAN"T LEAVE HIM!" purchase.. he (i'm pretty sure its a boy) was 10 days old Saturday, left over from the last sale & in a box of day olds. Looked totally out of place. I just had to bring him home! Same for Smidge.. a day old.. but the last dutch bantam in the box of a bunch of standards. hesheit was soo small. I couldn't leave the poor little thing in there to get stepped on. So we packed em home, all 7 in a tiny box with a hand warmer package in there wrapped in a fleece blanket in the middle of a snowstorm last Saturday. :)

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

LOL and I only picked up three today... I am thinking in a month if things go as planned, I will have 27 or more chickens, so NO more going by the chicks in the feed store... Oh my I am getting the vapors counting the poultry that will be here between the babies, the bator and the sitting geese and ducks... OH need flan.. Did I mention the turkeys??

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

NO counting! LOL I don't let anyone count.. LOL :) I am happy for you MsJestr... sounds like you are really enjoying this.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Except the back breaking work of making pens... I am trying to figure out how to turn an old stall into another chicken coop as well... Looking over the area alos by the chickens to figure out how I can to that there... HUMMMM

(Zone 5b)

El largo has neat markings. You have great restraint for leaving the store with only 7 of the little darlings. How many chickens would be considered too many? Just wondering, with all the chick sales going on..

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

AnnieBBB - You take cash.. you only take enough cash for chickies & fuel home.. then pick a feed store 2 hrs away. :) It was snowing, i wasn't walking home.. the chickies might freeze. Thus.. only 7 could come. Could have brought an 8th one.. but i couldn't find one I liked.

(Zone 5b)

You have much more self control than I do! My debit card would be singing. It's just too impossible to go in and see all the chicks and then think ( puffed up total Newbie here ) that I could take better care of them and give them more FUN things to do. Picked up a larger sized waterer yesterday and saw a tub full of baby turkeys ( temp out of chicks) and almost, ALMOST, took one home, poor thing was so scrawny, and I don't even like turkey's, not even on Thanksgiving. Bought 3 bags of chick feed, enought to last until they stopped selling chicks at the feed store. Too tempting. I bow to your self control and savvy shopping LOL

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

i do not have a debit card.. no credit card.. so cash it is! I also try to remember that there are others out there that want them as bad as I do & that I want to provide a high quality of life for my critters I do have. If I end up with too many.. then i can't spoil them as much. BUT its a good thing I live an hour from the hatchery.... otherwise.. I'd take all the cast offs that don't get sold! :)

(Zone 5b)

I seriously can't think about the cast off chicks so I wish you did live closer to the hatchery! The chicks are out in the garage in a pen now, I miss having them in a box in the middle of the livingroom watching every move they make! Finally moved a floor cushion out there so I can sit with the dogs and watch them almost full time ha! There really is a 'pecking order" in chickens, it's amazing to watch. I "think" there is one Silkie girl, she's so teenie tiny.

The other chicks were a week old Monday (Buff Orps's & EE's). Most of the EE's have tail feathers, two don't, are thoes two likely roos?? That would make my most favorite, Bernadette, a roo. The Buff Orp's all have tail Feathers.

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

wrong person to ask! hopefully someone gets on here soon & answers tho. I know its hard to wait & see. i've got 21 babies in a stock tank in the sun room. They were in plastic tubs & fish tanks in my bedroom. I could watch them all night long. One would come over to teh side of teh tub closest to the bed & sleep. :) as close to me as she could get. It was soo cute. I'd wake up & there would be a ball of fluff about a foot from my nose. She's the one who comes to me when i put my hand in there, or looks up when i talk.. she's a doll. EE cross too. Hopefully i pretty one.

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