raspberry question

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

DH bought me 4 raspberry bushes, 2 red and 2 gold. Can I plant them near one another and not worry about cross polination? What kind of conditions are best for raspberries? I have never grown them before.

Morgantown, WV

Yellow raspberries are mutant versions of red raspberries, so you can treat them exactly the same. I grow Anne yellow and Caroline red raspberries side-by-side. They are both wonderful and so different in taste!

Cross-pollination, if it occurs, should not affect the fruit, only the seeds -- were you planning to propagate new plants by seed? They won't come true from seed even if you have only 1 variety planted, so you may prefer to increase your plants by relocating any suckers instead.

Raspberries like good drainage. Plant them 24" apart somewhere that suckering won't pose a problem (for example, your property line is not ideal, since your neighbors may get irritated with suckers).
Before pruning, try to find out if yours are primocane type (fall-bearing, and you'll get fruit this year on this year's growth -- you can cut them to the ground in winter) or summer-bearing (they may get fruit 2nd year, on the previous year's growth).

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Thankyou for your reply. it will really help me.

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